Decision details

Ash Hotel Development, Heaton Chapel

Decision Maker: Cabinet Member for Climate Change & Environment

Is Key decision?: No

Is subject to call in?: Yes


The Cabinet Member for Sustainable Stockport has approved the following in relation to the Ash Hotel Development in Heaton Chapel,


No Waiting at Any Time:


Selby Street


North West side from a point 10 metres South West of the South Westerly kerb line of Park Bridge Close to a point 10 metres North East of the North Easterly kerb line of Park Bridge Close.


Park Bridge Close


South Westerly side from the North Westerly kerb line of Selby Street in a North Westerly direction for a distance of 7 metres.


North Easterly side from the North Westerly kerb line of Selby Street in a North Westerly direction for a distance of 11 metres.


Northerly side from a point 8.5 metres West of the projected boundary line between Numbers 6 & 8 in a Westerly, Southerly and Easterly direction, following the kerb line and covering the full extent of the Turning Heads, to a point 8 metres West of the projected boundary line between Numbers 9 & 11 (a distance of approx. 60 metres).


Manchester Road


North Easterly side from the North Westerly kerb line of Selby Street in a North Westerly direction to the South Easterly kerb line of Whitehill Street West (a distance of approx. 67 metres (and to tie in with same on Selby Street).


Whitehill Street West


South Easterly side from the North Easterly kerb line of Manchester Road in a North Easterly direction for a distance of 35 metres (and to tie in with the aforementioned).






Alternative options considered:


Interests and Nature of Interests Declared:


Wards Affected: Reddish South;

Decision Reference: CMDSS48

Declarations or conflicts of Interest: None

Contact: Max Townsend, Services to Place Email: Tel: 0161 474 4861.

Publication date: 18/01/2021

Date of decision: 18/01/2021

Effective from: 23/01/2021