Decision details

School Organisation Proposals for Marple Hall School

Decision Maker: Corporate Director for People

Decision status: Recommendations approved

Is Key decision?: No

Is subject to call in?: No


Marple Hall School has published proposals for Sixth Form provision from September 2014. The Executive will be asked to delegate the final decision to determine the proposals.


At its meeting on 12 August 2014, the Council’s Executive considered statutory proposals published by Marple Hall School in relation to the extension of the school’s age range in order to provide sixth form education from September 2015. The Executive agreed to delegate authority for the final decisions to the Corporate Director for People, in consultation with the Leader of the Council.


The Corporate Director, in consultation with the Leader of the Council, has decided to reject the proposal to Add a Sixth Form at Marple Hall School.


Reasons for Decision:


The proposal states that the Marple Hall School sixth form will increase the ability of the local authority to meet parental demand and extend choice, however, the local authority has no sustained evidence through its 14-19 commissioning arrangements of demand for additional provision within the borough, either through additional settings or for additional courses. Although a number of existing parents have indicated support for the proposal, it is not considered to be sufficient evidence of demand in line with 14-19 commissioning.


Whilst the proposal refers to extending choice, the increase in offer appears to relate solely to the choice of an additional provider rather than an extended choice of learning opportunities and does not deliver against the identified priorities for 14-19 commissioning of provision in the borough.


The Local Authority moved away from a model of commissioning sixth form provision through schools to ensure the sustainability of provision. The agreed model was for delivery by the college institutions. It is considered that the impact of financing arrangements for schools with sixth forms will cause a significant negative impact upon the sector.


The future reduction in student numbers, which is yet to fully impact on the post-16 sector, is likely to place financial pressure upon existing settings based on current capacity. Additional provision would duplicate the current offer and displace learners from existing institutions, undermining their financial viability and potentially de-stabilising the existing arrangements for both 11-16 and post-16 provision in Stockport.


Guidance states that the existence of surplus capacity in neighbouring or less popular schools should not in itself prevent the addition of new places, however, there is a strong emphasis on the need to ensure viability and sustainability of sixth form provision given the impact of funding arrangements. Additional provision within the sixth form sector of Stockport will undermine the viability of existing high quality providers, particularly in the immediate locality of the School.


A number of areas of information outlined in guidance are missing from the proposal for example admission arrangements and equalities impact, however, there is sufficient information to conclude that the proposal would potentially disperse students across a smaller number of providers and would not provide value for money within the context of the borough, paying due regard to recent changes in post-16 provision.

Alternative options considered:


Interests and Nature of Interests Declared:

At the meeting of the Executive on 12 August 2014 the following interests were declared:-


Councillors Shan Alexander and Martin Candler declared personal and prejudicial interests in this item as Governors at Marple Hall School. Both left the meeting during consideration of the item and took no part in the discussion or vote.


Councillor Keith Holloway declared a personal interest as a member of the Corporation of Cheadle & Marple Sixth Form College. Councillor Holloway did not take part in the discussion or vote on this item.

Wards Affected: (All Wards);

Equality and/or Environmental Impact Assessment: Equality Issues will be assessed as part of the final decision making process .

Decision Reference: ODPP7

Other reasons / organisations consulted

The school has undertaken consultation on the proposals with parents.

Contact: Phil Beswick, Director of Education Services Email: Tel: 0161 474 3832.

Publication date: 12/09/2014

Date of decision: 10/09/2014

Accompanying Documents: