Decision details

Medium Term Financial Plan 2015/16 - 2016/17 - Investing In Stockport - Executive Proposals

Decision Maker: Executive

Decision status: Recommendations approved

Is Key decision?: Yes

Is subject to call in?: Yes


To report progress and next steps for the Investing in Stockport single change programme.


The Executive considered its proposed response to the updated financial forecasts for 2015/16 to 2018/19, including a report on the consultation activity undertaken on the draft Investing In Stockport Business Cases, as well as an Equality Impact Assessment and copies of the updated draft business cases, and then agreed that:


·                the indicative cash limit budget allocations outlined in appendix one and the proposed two year indicative budget for 2015-17 set out in appendix two be approved;

·                those proposals that were in Final Business Case format be approved and officers be requested to proceed to implementation for 2015/16;

·                where appropriate, the Draft Business Cases for implementation in 2015/16 return to Executive in February 2015 via the January cycle of Scrutiny Committees;

·                officers be requested continue to work on the detail of draft business cases for consideration at future Executive meetings with detailed plans for consultation and implementation in 2016/17;

·                the steps necessary to agree and reach a final balanced budget proposal for 2015/16 for presentation to the Council Budget meeting in February 2015 continue to be taken.

Alternative options considered:


Reason Key: Policy Framework & Budget;

Wards Affected: (All Wards);

Equality and/or Environmental Impact Assessment: EIA to be undertaken

Decision Reference: ED1652

Declarations or conflicts of Interest: Councillor John Pantall declared a personal interest as Chair of the Greater Manchester Council for Voluntary Organisation's Project Board for the Big Lottery Fund 'Ambitions for Ageing' project. Two of the organisations involved in this project were referenced in the Business Cases appended to the report.

Forward Plan Reference: LDR34

Other reasons / organisations consulted

Relevant stakeholders as appropriate

Contact: Steve Skelton, Office of the Chief Executive Email: Tel: 0161-474-3174.

Report author: Steve Skelton

Publication date: 17/12/2014

Date of decision: 16/12/2014

Decided at meeting: 16/12/2014 - Executive

Effective from: 24/12/2014

Accompanying Documents: