Issue details

One Stockport: One Future Update

One Stockport, One Future is a call to action for the council and our partners to do even more around the ‘five big things’ we consider will act as long-term catalysts for change in our borough over the next 15 years:

1. Good jobs and homes
2. The best place to grow up
3. Best health and care
4. Thriving neighbourhoods
5. Clean, green transport

The Cabinet will be asked to approve and adopt the report.

Decision type: Key

Reason Key: Affects 2 or more wards;

Decision status: Recommendations Approved

Wards affected: (All Wards);

Notice of proposed decision first published: 12/02/2024

Decision due: 12 Mar 2024 by Cabinet

Lead member: Cabinet Member for Finance & Resources

Lead director: Director of Strategy

Department: Corporate and Support Services

Contact: Kathryn Rees, Corporate and Support Services Email:

Consultation process


Forward Plan Reference: F&R32

Equality and/or Environmental Impact Assessment: N/A

Relevant Scrutiny Committee for the purpose of call-in: Adults Social Care & Health


Agenda items


  • One Stockport: One Future Update