Decision details

One Stockport: One Future Update (F&R32)

Decision Maker: Cabinet

Decision status: Recommendations Approved

Is Key decision?: Yes

Is subject to call in?: Yes


One Stockport, One Future is a call to action for the council and our partners to do even more around the ‘five big things’ we consider will act as long-term catalysts for change in our borough over the next 15 years:

1. Good jobs and homes
2. The best place to grow up
3. Best health and care
4. Thriving neighbourhoods
5. Clean, green transport

The Cabinet will be asked to approve and adopt the report.


The Cabinet has considered an update on the development of One Stockport One Future following engagement with local organisations, businesses, young people, and elected members, and has:-


(1) Approved the report, accompanying presentation and engagement report to be developed into a One Future document and supporting promotional material to support with the communication of our ambition.


(2) Delegated to the Director of Strategy, in consultation with the Cabinet Member for Finance and Resources, oversight of the finalisation of the One Future document.

Alternative options considered:


Interests and Nature of Interests Declared:


Reason Key: Affects 2 or more wards;

Wards Affected: (All Wards);

Equality and/or Environmental Impact Assessment: N/A

Decision Reference: CAB454

Declarations or conflicts of Interest: None.

Forward Plan Reference: F&R32

Other reasons / organisations consulted


Contact: Kathryn Rees, Corporate and Support Services Email:

Report author: Karishma Chandaria

Publication date: 13/03/2024

Date of decision: 12/03/2024

Decided at meeting: 12/03/2024 - Cabinet

Effective from: 20/03/2024

Accompanying Documents: