
Use the below search options at the bottom of the page to find information regarding recent executive decisions that have been taken by the council’s executive decision making bodies, such as the Cabinet Meeting, individual Cabinet Members, Area Committees or the Council Meeting itself.

Title Date Effective from Call-ins
Nominations for the Mayor and Deputy Mayor 2025/26 ref: 717410/12/202418/12/20240
Proposed Compulsory Purchase Order The Metropolitan Borough Council of Stockport (Land at Higher Hillgate/Higher Barlow Row) (Non-Key) ref: 717210/12/202418/12/20240
Review of Polling Districts, Polling Places and Polling Stations (Non-Key) ref: 717110/12/202410/12/2024Not for call-in
Collection of water charges on behalf of United Utilities (Non-Key) ref: 717310/12/202418/12/20240
Business Rates and Council Tax Discounts Annual Review (F&R40) ref: 716910/12/202418/12/20240
2024/25 Mid-Year (Quarter 2) Corporate Performance and Resources Report (Non-Key) ref: 717010/12/202418/12/20240
Greek Street Bridge (PH&T11) ref: 716610/12/202418/12/20240
(RSAS) Ludworth Primary School Objection Report ref: 714727/11/202418/12/20240
Treasury Management Strategy and Annual Investment Strategy Mid-Year Review Report 2024/25 (F&R39) ref: 716710/12/202410/12/2024Not for call-in
Stockport Billing Area - 2025/26 Council Tax Taxbase and Non-Domestic Rates Forecast (F&R38) ref: 716810/12/202418/12/20240
Land Transaction at Booth Street ref: 717510/12/202418/12/20240
Offerton Ward Discretionary Budget Proposal - Offerton Youth Project ref: 716509/12/202417/12/20240
Parks Event Application - Stockport Trail Half Marathon 2025 ref: 715804/12/202413/12/20240
Woodbank Memorial and Vernon Park Race for Life ref: 716405/12/202413/12/20240
Proposed Traffic Regulation Order - 'No Waiting At Any Time' on Armadale Close, Davenport ref: 716205/12/202413/12/20240
Proposed Traffic Regulation Orders - Road Safety around Schools, Westmorland Primary School scheme ref: 716305/12/202413/12/20240
Area Committee Ward Highway Spokesperson (Bramhall South & Woodford Ward) ref: 716105/12/202413/12/20240
Highway Maintenance Delegated Budget Report - Gillbent Road, Cheadle Hulme ref: 716005/12/202413/12/20240
Ward Flexibility Funding - Stockport and District Society of Model Engineers Limited ref: 715905/12/202413/12/20240
Ward flexibility funding application - St James Parish Church, Gatley ref: 715303/12/202411/12/2024Call-in expired
Ward Flexibility Funding - Romiley Little Theatre ref: 715002/12/202411/12/2024Call-in expired
Ward Flexibility Funding - Hurricane Cheerleaders ref: 714902/12/202411/12/2024Call-in expired
Dedication of footpath on land owned by the council linking Queens Road and Equestrian Bridge near 30(b) Cheadle and Gatley ref: 715403/12/202411/12/2024Call-in expired
Dedication of a New Highway on Land Owned by the Council Linking Compstall Road and Footpath 18BR ref: 715102/12/202411/12/2024Call-in expired
Harrogate Road and Finsbury Road, Reddish ref: 714802/12/202411/12/2024Call-in expired
Akesmoor Drive & Brooklyn Road, Offerton ref: 715203/12/202411/12/2024Call-in expired
Proposed Traffic Regulation Order: Lavington Avenue and St Davids Road, Cheadle ref: 715503/12/202411/12/2024Call-in expired
Delivery Agreements relating to further Bus Stop Enhancements and Signing/Lining Improvements ref: 715727/11/202411/12/2024Call-in expired
Urgent Action Under the Constitution - Appointment to the Exclusion Review Panel ref: 714619/10/202319/10/2023Not for call-in
Ward Flexibility Funding – The Parochial Church Council of the Ecclesiastical Parish of St. George’s, Stockport ref: 714529/11/202429/11/2024Not for call-in
AVC Wise - Shared Cost Pension Provision ref: 706708/10/202408/10/2024Not for call-in