Issue - decisions

Stockport Rail Station Regeneration Update

15/03/2023 - Stockport Rail Station Regeneration Update (E&R91)

The Cabinet has considered an update on the Stockport Station Project, including progress on the project to date and next steps and has:-


(1)  Noted the contents of the report and progress on the project;


(2) Endorsed the approach to the development and submission of the business case; and


(3) Delegated authority to the Director of Development and Regeneration, the Director of Place Management, and the Deputy Chief Executive (Corporate and Support Services), in consultation with the Cabinet Member for Economy and Regeneration for the following:


·         The council, in its role as accountable body to sign off and submit the business case documents for the Stockport Railway Station project.

·         The council, in its role as accountable body to enter into all required funding agreements, and associated terms with Avanti West Coast and Network Rail.

·         Authority to enter all contract, partner, land and procurement arrangements, and to seek permissions, including planning permissions, as required to build and operate or manage, as appropriate, reporting back as necessary and appropriate to the Cabinet.

·         Authority to approve the final schemes and their construction programme following approval of the final business cases.

·         Authority to enter into agreement with the landowners for temporary access rights and purchase the land necessary to construct the schemes.

·         Agree to authorise officers to enter into final negotiations with affected landowners to agree heads of terms for land purchase by agreement.


(4) Delegated authority to the Assistant Director for Legal and Democratic Governance to do all things necessary or incidental to the implementation of the abovementioned resolutions.