Agenda and minutes

Stockport Local Access Forum (outside body) - Tuesday, 17th July, 2018 6.00 pm

Venue: Committee Room 3, Town Hall. View directions

No. Item


Minutes pdf icon PDF 68 KB

To approve as a correct record the Minutes of the meeting held on 28 March 2018.


The Minutes of the meeting held on 28 March 2018 were approved as a correct record.


Apologies for Absence

To receive apologies for absence.


Apologies for absence were received on behalf of Liz Morgan.


Declarations of Interest pdf icon PDF 34 KB

Councillors and officers to declare any interests which they have in any of the items on the agenda for the meeting.


Members of the Forum were invited to declare any interests which they had in any of the items on the agenda for the meeting.


No declarations were made.


Membership of the Forum

To note that Mrs Jan Kitching and Councillor David Sedgwick have been appointed as members of the Stockport Local Access Forum.


RESOLVED – (1) That it be noted that Mrs Jan Kitching and Councillor David Sedgwick had been appointed as members of the Stockport Local Access Forum.


(2) That the Secretary be requested to circulate a copy of the current membership of the Forum to all members.


Matters Arising


Rights of Way Update (See Minute 6 of 28 March 2018)


It was reported that the Council would be meeting with representatives of the Peak and Northern Footpath Society to inspect their electronic Footpaths Inspections Database.  The database was an online, map-based record of footpath inspections showing all rights of way in each locality and covered most of the Stockport area.  It was stated that the system allowed footpath inspectors to record their own inspection and identify any ‘faults’, records the date of the inspection and the general condition of the path.


It was stated that discussions on this issue would include how the information collected through the database could be shared with the Council to allow the Council to address identified issues.


Stockport Interchange pdf icon PDF 2 MB

To consider a presentation from TfGM.


Sue Stevenson (Head of Highways and Transportation, Stockport Council) attended the meeting and made a presentation providing an overview of the proposed Stockport Interchange project and the cycling and walking connections that would be provided as part of the scheme.


It was reported that since the scheme was initially proposed in 2016, further consideration had been given to the additional potential of the existing site and the scope of the scheme had been revised to include residential accommodation, high quality public space, and enhanced connectivity to the railway station and River Mersey frontage.


The following comments were made/ issues raised:-


·         Concern was expressed that buses would no longer serve Mersey Square which would mean that bus users would need to walk further from the main shopping areas.

·         A new pedestrian and cycling route would be provided along the riverside through to Mersey Square.

·         The interchange would be well-lit and feel more secure than the existing bus station and will include cycle storage facilities.

·         There would be a consequential impact on the parking available for Stockport Plaza, although discussions were continuing to try and retain as much capacity as possible.

·         The interchange would include passive provision for any future Metrolink service.

·         The new park would provide a new shared footway and cycleway connection to Stockport Exchange and the adjacent railway station.

·         It was suggested that provision should be made for those who have difficulty walking long distances such as travelators.


RESOLVED – That Sue Stevenson be thanked for her attendance and presentation.


Transportation Capital Programme 2018/19 pdf icon PDF 138 KB

To consider a report of the Corporate Director for Place Management & Regeneration.


The report provides an overview of the transportation capital programme for 2018/19 to 2020/21 and a more detailed proposed programme for 2018/19.


The Forum is recommended to comment on and note the report.


Officer contact: Sue Stevenson on 0161 474 4351 or email:


A representative of the Corporate Director for Place Management & Regeneration submitted a report (copies of which had been circulated) providing a general overview of the transportation capital programme for 2018/19 to 2020/21 and a more detailed proposed programme for 2018/19.  Specifically, the report detailed the budgetary provision for rights of way and greenspace for this period and the schemes towards which this funding would be allocated.


The following comments were made/ issues raised:-


·         In response to a comment about the absence of a reference to the Greater Manchester Cycling and Walking Infrastructure fund that aimed to kick-start delivery of walking and cycling schemes, it was stated that at the time the report was drafted the fund had not yet been launched, however the Council was making bids for funding and announcements were due at the end of the month in relation to whether those bids had been successful.

·         It was commented that a consultation had opened on a new plan to create a ‘Beelines’ network of walking and cycling routes through Greater Manchester and members of the Forum were encouraged to submit their comments directly on the consultation website.  It was stated that Stockport would be undertaking its own consultations in September on its Local Cycling and Walking Infrastructure Plan and the Walking and Cycling Strategy which would inform the Council’s approach to the Beeline programme.

·         Concern was expressed in relation to the absence of reference to equestrian uses within the forthcoming strategy documents. 

·         It was stated that additional funding had been secured by the Council to address pot holes, part of which would be used to make improvements to walking and cycling routes.

·         Lighting was due to be replaced in the Brinnington Tunnel later this year.

·         The works to improve the existing footpath between the Mirrlees development and Woodsmoor Railway Station was being funded by way of a developer contribution. 

·         It was commented that the rights of way revenue and capital budgets were supplemented by significant funding derived from Section 106 agreements secured from development applications.

·         A discussion took place in relation to footpath through the Ladybrook Valley, Bramhall with regard to the prohibition of horse riding.  In response, it was stated that parts of the surfacing wasn’t sufficiently wide enough to allow shared use of the footpath.

·         It was commented that there needed to be clearer diversionary signage provided for cyclists in the town centre during the ongoing Town Centre Access Plan works.

·         Sections of Footpath 41 (Hazel Grove and Bramhall) had proved impassable during periods of wet winter weather, and works to improve the surfacing here would mitigate against this in the future.

·         Concern was expressed the that they budgetary allocation for the maintenance of rights of way was insufficient to meet the challenges of the network.


RESOLVED – That the report be noted.


Priorities of the Public Rights of Way Team for 2018/19

The Head of Highways and Transportation will provide an update at the meeting.


The Head of Highways and Transportation reported that the Public Rights of Way Team had not yet finalised their business plan for 2018/19 and as such was not available for the Forum’s consideration.


It was commented that it was important for the Forum to have an overview of the priorities of the Public Rights of Way Team and that the document should be submitted to a future meeting of the Forum.


The following additional comments were made:-


·         The Forum had previously requested that work be undertaken to cost the backlog of maintenance works required to rights of way in the Borough to allow the team to prioritise and plan future works within the constrained budget provided.

·         Work was taking place to combine the various budget allocations for maintenance works throughout the Council as the move towards a ‘one estate’ approach progressed.  It was stated that this would enable the Council to better react to maintenance issues and make best use of the available funding by having a single standard and approach to inspections and repairs.

·         Concern was expressed that the proposed approach would lead to a less focussed service for rights of way and a diminution of service and standards.


RESOLVED – That the Head of Highways and Transportation be requested to arrange for the submission the business plan for the Public Rights of Way Team to the next ordinary meeting of the Forum.


Rights of Way Update

The Senior Public Rights Of Way Officer to report at the meeting.


The Head of Highways and Transportation reported that the Senior Public Rights of Way Officer had been unable to attend the meeting.


RESOLVED – That consideration of this matter be deferred to the next ordinary meeting of the Forum.


Definitive Map Modification Orders Handling/ Progress pdf icon PDF 41 KB

To consider a report of the Deputy Chief Executive.


The report provides an update on the activities of Legal Services towards implementing Definitive Map Modification Orders.


The Forum is recommended to comment on and note the report.


Officer contact: Jackie Connelly on 0161 474 3134 or email:

Additional documents:


The Head of Highways and Transportation submitted a report of the Deputy Chief Executive (copies of which had been circulated) providing an update on the activities of Legal Services towards implementing Definitive Map Modification Orders.


The Chair stated that the report provided a useful overview on the progress of Definitive Map Modification orders, and that the report acknowledged the longstanding concerns of the Forum in relation to the length of time that most of these matters had been outstanding for.  It was noted that the report proposed that a further update be received by the Forum at its next ordinary meeting which would provide specific timescales for the implementation of the orders.


RESOLVED – (1) That the report be noted.


(2) That the Deputy Chief Executive be requested to submit a report to the next meeting of the Forum providing a summary of outstanding Definitive Map Modification Orders and specific timescales for the implementation of each.


PROW Surfacing

This item has been placed on the agenda at the request of the Chair.




The Chair reported that this item had been placed on the agenda at his request.


The Chair stated that there was a growing concern that the resurfacing of routes subject of a right of way was taking place without appropriate discussion taking place between the highways and public rights of way teams and that had resulted in inappropriate surfacing being applied.


The following comments were made:-


·         The Head of Highways and Transportation stated that the Council had processes in place to ensure that there was consultation between various service areas of the Council that may be affected by proposals to apply new route surfacing.  It was further stated that if there was a concern about a particular scheme, then she would be happy to investigate this matter further.

·         Concern was expressed that rights of way users and the Rights of Way Officer had not been consulted on one scheme which had resulted in what some members considered to be an unacceptable surfacing being applied to the right of way which ran through Mellor Golf Course off Gibb Lane.


RESOLVED – That members of the Forum be requested to feedback the details of specific concerns with regard to both the surface material and consultation over the implementation of such schemes to the Head of Highways and Transportation for further investigation.


Open Access Land pdf icon PDF 61 KB

To consider a report of the Corporate Director for Place Management & Regeneration.


The report identifies areas of Open Access Land in the Borough of Stockport, the means of access to the land, the activities which are permissible in addition to improvements that the Council are seeking to implement.


The Forum is recommended to comment on and note the report.


Officer contact: Ernest Nama on 0161 474 4595 or email:

Additional documents:


The Head of Highways and Transportation submitted a report of the Corporate Director for Place Management & Regeneration (copies of which had been circulated) identifying areas of Open Access Land in the Borough of Stockport, the means of access to the land, the activities which are permissible in addition to improvements that the Council were seeking to implement.


It was commented that the map attached to the report omitted an area of what was thought to be Open Access Land in Strines.  In response it was stated that there was an area of land in that area which was owned by the Woodland Trust over which permissive paths had been registered.  It was requested that further investigation take place to ensure that Open Access Land in this area had been appropriately recorded.


RESOLVED – That the report be noted.


Update on Landscape Character Assessments

The Head of Highways and Transportation will provide an update at the meeting.


The Head of Highways and Transportation reported that the Stockport Landscape Character Assessment and Landscape Sensitivity Study would be published early in the autumn period and be made available on the Council’s website.


RESOLVED – That the update be noted.


Forward Plan pdf icon PDF 50 KB

To consider a report of the Secretary.


This report proposes that members give consideration to items that may be include don agendas for future meetings of the Forum to allow the Forum to plan ahead for the inclusion of any additional items well in advance of the meetings taking place.


The Forum is recommended to give consideration to the criteria included in the report and determine if there are any items they would wish to consider over the forthcoming 12 month period.


Officer contact: Damian Eaton on 0161 474 3207 or email:


The Secretary submitted a report (copies of which had been circulated) inviting the Forum to give consideration to any items that may be included on agendas for future meetings of the Forum to allow the Forum to plan ahead for the inclusion of additional items well in advance of those meetings taking place.


The Head of Highways and Transportation requested that the Forum give consideration to the holding of an extraordinary meeting to allow the Forum to give consideration to and make representations on the forthcoming consultations with regard to the Local Cycling and Walking Infrastructure Plan and the Stockport Cycling and Walking Strategy.


RESOLVED – That the Secretary be requested to make arrangements for an extraordinary meeting of the Forum to take place on Wednesday, 26 September 2018.