Venue: Committee Room 2, Town Hall, Stockport. View directions
Contact: Georgia Latham (0161 474 3229)
No. | Item |
To approve as a correct record and sign the Minutes of the meeting held on 29 November 2023. Additional documents: Minutes: The Minutes (copies of which had been circulated) of the meeting held on 29 November 2023 were approved as a correct record and signed by the Chair. |
Declarations of Interest Councillors and officers to declare any interests which they have in any of the items on the agenda for the meeting. Additional documents: Minutes: Councillors and officers were invited to declare any interests they had in any of the items on the agenda for the meeting.
No declarations of interest were made. |
Chair's Announcements To achieve any announcements from the Chair on matters related to the activity of the Board. Additional documents: Minutes: It was reported that, as discussed at the last meeting in relation to the Director of Public Health Annual Report for 2021-22, the Chair had written to the previous Director of Public Health to express thanks on behalf of the Board for her work throughout the pandemic which had been appreciated. |
Healthy Life Expectancy in Stockport PDF 544 KB To consider a report of the Director of Public Health.
The report provides an overview of the work to assess Healthy Life Expectancy in Stockport and an analysis of the significant inequalities in healthy life expectancy.
The Board is recommended to:-
(1) Note the key summary points as outlined within the report.
(2) Endorse the proposed work to continue to investigate other, more regular, methods of assessing Healthy Life Expectancy locally.
Officer contact: Eleanor Banister on 0161 474 2447 or email: Additional documents: Minutes: The Director of Public Health submitted a report (copies of which had been circulated) providing an overview of the work to assess Healthy Life Expectancy in Stockport and an analysis of the significant inequalities in healthy life expectancy.
The following comments were made/issues raised:-
· The Board thanked officers for the report and welcomed the level of analysis that would underpin the work to improve inequalities in healthy life expectancy over the next five to ten years.
· It was queried how, as a locality, the data would be utilised to drive changes for those where there were significant issues relating to life expectancy.
· In response, it was stated that the analysis and data would be used within decision making and the programme of work such as neighbourhoods and prevention. It was commented that the data would enable to service to allocate health and care and wider system resources to reduce inequalities using a proportionate universalism approach.
· It was noted that figure 8 within the report related to the council’s Area Committees and suggested that a short, focussed version of the report be submitted to the relevant Area Committees for consideration to support councillors to understand the implications for their population.
· In response, it was confirmed that a report outlining the Neighbourhoods and Prevention Programme was due to be submitted to the January cycle of Area Committees.
· It was queried whether mental health was included as part of the healthy life expectancy analysis.
· In response, it was commented that the census questions ask about your general health and so there was some differentiation in how this was interpreted in different ways by people, however the census also asked about quality of life and general health status as a whole. It was noted that when people thought about their health, they do not make that separation between mental and physical health in the way that sometimes care and health services do.
· Noting that there had been little change in the levels of healthy life expectancy in Stockport over the last 10 years, it was queried how the approach going forwards was going to be different to reduce those inequalities in the future.
· In response, it was commented that based on the understanding of the determinants of health, whilst health and care services were a key focus, they only contributed to around a fifth of health outcomes for the local population. It was noted that health inequalities were largely driven by socioeconomic factors and the most important lever would be to look at the socioeconomic differences and focus the anti-poverty work accordingly to ensure it was embedded across the whole system utilising the fair and inclusive work.
RESOLVED – (1) That the key summary points as outlined within the report be noted.
(2) That the proposed work to continue to investigate other, more regular, methods of assessing Healthy Life Expectancy locally be endorsed. |
One Stockport: One Future Update PDF 389 KB To consider a report of the Director of Strategy.
The report provides an update on the One Stockport: One Future work and seeks to engage in a discussion on the main elements.
The Board is asked to provide feedback and comments on the approach.
Officer contact: Kathryn Rees on 07989 208640 or email: Additional documents: Minutes: A representative of the Director of Strategy submitted a report (copies of which had been circulated) providing an update on the One Stockport: One Future work and seeking to engage in a discussion on the main elements
The following comments were made/issues raised:-
· The Board welcomed the report and noted that the feedback from the recent peer review highlighted the importance of creating a vision for the future.
· It was commented that the One Stockport: One Future work presented an opportunity to align its ambitions to the healthy life expectancy programmes of work.
· It was queried how the outcomes and impact of the work would be measured.
· In response, it was commented that the outcomes framework for the borough plan would form the basis of the key measures relating to the work and that the intention was to create two or three key measures for each area based on data that was currently collected to form the baseline. It was stated that there would also be an element of qualitative data and within the next six months there would be a refresh of the engagement strategy which would include capturing resident and community voices to create a picture of the progress that had been made.
· It was noted that the work and ambitions contained would increase investment in innovation and attract partners to the borough.
· It was commented that different measures would be required for each of the neighbourhoods.
· It was noted that the work done by the council over the last couple of years including questionnaires and surveys had strengthened the knowledge around the issues that different areas and demographics face to inform decision making.
· The Board welcomed the aspirations of the One Stockport: One Future work and commented on the importance of deploying appropriate resources and being open and honest about the degree of challenge in reaching the ambitions contained.
· In relation to education and attainment, it was queried what work was being done to support children to understand the career opportunities that were available.
· The Board noted the importance of prevention and healthy lifestyles to reduce NHS spends.
· It was queried how it would be ensured that reducing inequalities was a priority for all the council’s stakeholders and partners.
· In response, it was noted One Stockport: One Future work was an aspirational document rather than a detailed plan and, once the work had been launched in March, the service would start five big conversations across the borough as, in order to achieve those detailed plans beyond three to five years, it would require strong partnership working.
RESOLVED – That the report be noted.
The One Stockport Health and Care Plan 2024-2029 PDF 649 KB To consider a report of the Deputy Place Lead.
The report presents the One Health and Care Plan (OHACP) as the single plan for health and care from 2024-2029, developed through extensive engagement with our local people. It builds on existing organisational strategies with the aim of improving support to local people through increased collaboration.
The Board is recommended to agree the final draft of the One Stockport Health and Care Plan 2024 – 2029.
Officer contact: Patrick McGee by email: Additional documents: Minutes: The Deputy Place Lead submitted a report (copies of which had been circulated) presenting the One Health and Care Plan (OHACP) as the single plan for health and care from 2024-2029, developed through extensive engagement with our local people. The plan built on existing organisational strategies with the aim of improving support to local people through increased collaboration.
The following comments were made/issues raised:-
· In relation to engagement, the Board queried the level of attendance at the pop up events across the borough and how the events had been advertised.
· In response, it was commented that the events had been advertised and were well attended, and that further detail regarding attendance would be circulated to Members outside the meeting.
· The Board welcomed the plan and commented that the document described how partners across the health and care system would work together to best use the resources in the locality linking in with both the healthy life expectancy and One Stockport: One Future work.
· It was noted that Stockport was the first of the ten localities within Greater Manchester to create a joint integrated plan for health, social care and public health.
· The Board welcomed the recognition and commented on the importance of bringing together more closely health and care staff to support people safely in their own homes for as long as possible and following hospital admissions in order to achieve outcomes at a neighbourhood level.
· It was noted that at the last meeting of the Integrated Care Partnership Board there was a discussion around the availability of £5m across Greater Manchester for investment in primary community health facilities.
· The Board recognised the challenges being experienced by colleagues across health and social care and welcomed the high level, ambitious strategy detailing what could be achieved through collaboration with locality partners.
· In relation to risk management, it was queried how the risks around delivery were being managed.
· In response, it was commented that risk was being managed through the Performance, Improvement and Assurance Group which reported into the Locality Board and managed the risk register and delivery of the plan through the one, three and five year cycles. It was noted that whilst the plan was clear about the ambitions within the locality, there was a degree of flexibility to respond to changes to policy or the financial landscape.
· The Board welcomed the inclusion of mental health, learning disability and autism within the plan.
· It was commented that workforce was a significant challenge and queried how this plan would support the system in improving the collaboration around the workforce including deploying the right skills in the right places.
· In response, it was commented that there was a piece of work around community services across Greater Manchester including the workforce in the community and how some of those skills could be transferred into neighbourhoods through reshaping and reorganising to use the current resources in different ways.
· It was queried how the plan would be utilised to ensure that Voluntary, Community, Faith and Social Enterprise sector colleagues had a level of parity in terms of decision making in relation to resources, skills and expertise to drive forward the ambitions.
· In response, it was noted that conversations were ongoing at a Greater Manchester level to bring together colleagues across all sectors including the Voluntary, Community, Faith and Social Enterprise sector.
· It was stated that the plan had been developed with frontline services and there had been a conversation around the ambition versus the reality of the current landscape including resource demands and the performance of health and care services in Greater Manchester. It was commented that the next step would include agreeing the delivery plans and the January meeting of the ONE Stockport Health & Care Locality Board would be dedicated to a session with partners to complete some of the delivery plan to ensure that it was grounded in the current financial position.
· The ... view the full minutes text for item 6. |
Forward Plan for Health & Wellbeing Boards PDF 186 KB To consider a report of the Assistant Director - Legal and Democratic Governance.
The report provides the Forward Plan of agenda items for future meetings of the Health & Wellbeing Board.
The Board is asked to consider the information in the report and put forward any agenda items for future meetings of the Health & Wellbeing Board.
Officer contact: Georgia Latham on 0161 474 3229 or email: Additional documents: Minutes: A representative of the Assistant Director - Legal & Democratic Governance (Monitoring Officer) submitted a report (copies of which had been circulated) providing the Forward Plan of agenda items for future meetings of the Health & Wellbeing Board.
RESOLVED – That the report be noted. |