Committee details

Health & Wellbeing Board

Purpose of committee

The Health and Social Care Act 2012 placed a duty on the Council to establish a Health & Wellbeing Board that brings together representatives of the Council, the local Clinical Commissioning Group, local Health Watch and key statutory officers to provide strategic leadership over commissioning health and social care services in the borough.


The Stockport Health & Wellbeing Board’s role is to:-


·         seek to improve the health and wellbeing of Stockport residents by both direct and indirect influence and by the engagement of relevant stakeholders and partners, including the Stockport Partnership Board;

·         act on the duty to promote integrated health and care services, encouraging health and care commissioners to work together to advance the health and wellbeing of people in Stockport;

·         work in collaboration with partners, in particular through the Stockport Partnership Board, to reduce inequalities between residents in Stockport, with a particular focus on health and wellbeing;

·         improve transparency and accountability for local people and seeking to secure improvements in the availability, delivery and value for money of health and care services for Stockport residents;

·         lead on the duty to complete a Joint Strategic Needs Assessment (JSNA) and recognising its role in directing and supporting organisational and shared commissioning; and being willing to test and challenge the degree to which the Stockport JSNA has influenced commissioning within the local economy;

·         lead on the duty to draft and agree a high-level Joint Health and Wellbeing Strategy for Stockport. The Strategy should articulate how different services will work together to meet patient and service user needs identified in the JSNA, endorsed by the Council Executive and the Clinical Commissioning Group Board;

·         lead on the duty to consider the partnership arrangements under the NHS Act as part of the Joint Health and Wellbeing Strategy;

·         focus on building relationships, transfer of knowledge and fostering an understanding of how partner organisations function, and leading cultural and behavioural change to support a joint approach to meeting local need; and

·         respond to consultation from partner organisations, particularly on their commissioning plans, or on any other matters as directed by the Department of Health or other relevant bodies.


Contact information

Support officer: Caleb Harris. (0161 474 3229)

Postal address:
c/o Democratic Services
Town Hall

Phone: 0161 474 3216
