Venue: Webcast - Remote Meeting. View directions
Contact: Charles Yankiah (0161 474 3206)
Note: In the light of government guidance on social-distancing and the ongoing impact of the Covid-19 pandemic, this meeting will be held remotely. The press and public are able to follow the proceedings by watching our live webcast of the meeting. You can do so following the directions above, or by clicking on View the Webcast below.
No. | Item |
Dr Cath Briggs (Vice Chair) in the Chair
To approve as a correct record and sign the Minutes of the meeting held on 23 September 2020. Additional documents: Minutes: The Minutes (copies of which had been circulated) of the meeting held on 23 September 2020 were approved as a correct record and signed by the Chair. |
Declarations of Interest Councillors and officers to declare any interests which they have in any of the items on the agenda for the meeting. Additional documents: Minutes: Councillors and officers were invited to declare any interests they had in any of the items on the agenda for the meeting.
No declarations of interest were made. |
Chair's Announcements To receive any announcements from the Chair on matters related to the activities of the Board. Additional documents: Minutes: The Vice Chair welcomed everyone to the meeting and informed the Board of the following: -
· The Vice Chair, informed the Board that Louise Robson, Chief Executive of the Stockport NHS Foundation Trust had accepted a new role and on behalf of the Board expressed its appreciation for her service to the Board. · The Vice Chair, also informed the Board that Karen James from Tameside would be seconded to the Stockport NHS Foundation Trust for 12 months. · Councillor McGee on behalf of Stockport Council thanked Louise Robson for all her contributions to the Trust and Board and was looking forward to working with Karen James.
To consider the report of the Director of Adult Services.
This report provides an update on the Winter Plan.
The Board is recommended to consider and note the update.
Additional documents:
Minutes: Mark Fitton (Director of Adult Social Care) submitted a report (copies of which had been circulated) providing an update on the Winter Plan.
Mark Fitton informed the Board that there were a number of winter plans that would be produced for this year, however, this specific winter plan is an Adult Social Care winter plan which has been driven by the national adult social care winter plan. He also stated that there was a covering letter attached which provided assurance to Government relating to the areas of infection control and a template of themed areas that provides the details and RAG rating of the actions taken in Stockport.
The following comments were made/issues raised: -
· The Board were informed that the Stockport CCG and Foundation Trust met recently to discuss the challenges ahead and the resilience for the planning approach for the next six months and have agreed to keep the dialogue going between both organisations. · It was commented that the winter period would be a challenging time and would present a number of constraints on the hospital including bed capacity at the hospital and actioning more rapid discharges. · Members welcomed the RAG rating and the fact that there were no ‘red rating’ and fewer ‘amber ratings’ and were encouraged by the work being done. · It was noted that the ‘draft system plan’ was currently being worked on and was a ‘live’ document evolving and changing regularly. A lot of the work had started several months earlier to prepare for this winter and an update could be submitted to the next meeting with the approval of the Board. · Members were encouraged by how well it was going but sought clarification regarding the safe discharge from NHS settings and the use of Digiknow and technology relating to the medically optimised patients. In response, it was noted that additional monies for IPC were non-negotiable and due to the advancement of the programme which was mainly because of the continuation of what was already in place, this resulted in less ‘amber ratings’ and no ‘red ratings’. · The Board were informed that regarding the virtual Covid ward it was across all providers including Viaduct, Mastercall and the Foundation Trust and capacity was still an issue.
RESOLVED – (1) That the report be noted.
(2) That a progress report on Health responses and the Winter Plan be submitted to a future meeting. |
Impacts of Covid-19 on Health and Wellbeing in Stockport PDF 117 KB To consider the report of the Service Director Strategy and Commissioning
This report provides an overview of some of the work done to date and next steps and also introduces the Borough Plan which is one of the outcomes of the One Stockport movement.
The Board is recommended to: -
· comment on the work so far and suggested next steps within the One Stockport movement · comment on the draft vision and values that are set out on the One Stockport prospectus · discuss the development of the Borough plan and make recommendations on emerging priorities
Officer contact: Kathryn Rees, 07989208640, Additional documents:
Minutes: Jennifer Connolly (Director of Public Health) and Holly Rae (CSS Head of Service) submitted a report (copies of which had been circulated) providing an update on the Borough Plan and One Stockport and highlighted the following: -
· One Stockport was part of the economic recovery forum part of the initial Covid response. · A wider steering group was established to provide a set of values and a mission going forward. · Over the last couple of phases of the work around mid-August there was a focus on a prospectus, a website and a campaign video. · What happens next is being looked at to galvanise the positive energy and positive attitude and encouraging the stories and key messages to further inform the Borough Plan. · The work on the Borough Plan has also started and is maintaining momentum and moving at pace as it is being developed. · As part of the process, there have been a series of sessions and focussed workshops to capture the shared priorities, the collective vision for the future and how ‘One Stockport’ can capture all of this and how it works together for the benefit of Stockport residents. · The Borough Plan will be informed by a number of activities including workshops and engagement meetings. · There has been a real interest in connecting communities and sharing experiences with an emphasis on inclusivity, diversity and the voices of Stockport residents. · A data hub would be made available for people to look at and share and interrogate which would be themed to structure the content.
The following comments were made/issues raised: -
· It was commented that there was a sense of positivity and hope that could be conveyed to the residents, especially during this time of the pandemic. · Members noted that when it was started there was no way of knowing how long it would last and now that there is a second wave some thought should go into planning for the next 12 months. · It was noted that the plans were not just the Council, but Stockport as an entire community needed to contribute to its success including the communities, voluntary sector, faith groups and the economic alliance. · Members were encouraged and expressed their appreciation for the positive and energetic pieces of work being done including the work of the Council through the digital offer and providing access for patients.
The Board welcomed the report and the work being done to engage with every part of the Stockport community to build the positive stories for the professionals who also live in Stockport.
RESOLVED – (1) That the report be noted.
(2) That Board Members provide any further feedback or contributions to the team.
Greater Manchester Learning Disability PDF 92 KB To consider the report of the Director of Adult Services.
This report provides an Action Plan identifying key actions and improvement areas for the ten domains.
The Board is recommended to consider and note the report.
Officer contact: Barbara Mitchell, Senior Service Manager, Additional documents: Minutes: Mark Fitton (Director of Adult Social Care) submitted a report (copies of which had been circulated) providing an Action Plan identifying key actions and improvement areas for the ten areas of development.
Barbara Mitchell (Senior Service Manager) highlighted the following: -
· The Greater Manchester (GM) Learning Disability Action Plan. · The focus from the ten areas of development would be on improving health and reducing health inequalities and reducing social isolation and belonging. · Annual Health Checks and using it to reduce health inequalities. · Health achievements for 2019/20. · Reducing social isolation. · Action Plan outcomes and developments for 2020/21.
The following comments were made/issues raised: -
· The Board were informed that regarding the Learning Disability health checks the CCG as part of its governance processes have developed a dashboard in the event that GP practices needs support from the CCG. · It was commented that the Learning Disability Steering Group also acknowledged a recent excellent case review at its last meeting and highlighted some exemplary ‘end of life care’ and wanted to develop sharing the learning and showcasing the good practices by bringing all providers together. · Members of the Board commented that there was a need to have a ‘masterclass’ aimed at key personnel to improve the understanding of the themes and GP practices. In response, it was stated that the Learning Disability team were proactive with working with GP practices to provide direct support and a lot of good work was ongoing and that there was a clear line of sight with every GP practice regarding working with them proactively to make improvements.
The Board thanked Barbara Mitchell for the update and welcomed the work being done in this area.
RESOLVED – That the report be noted. |
Healthwatch Stockport Learning Disability and Sensory Loss PDF 859 KB To consider the report of the Healthwatch Stockport Chief Officer.
The report outlines recurring issues being faced by Stockport residents and groups, who feel they have not been addressed elsewhere.
The Board is recommended to consider and note the report.
Officer contact: Maria Kildunne, 0161 974 0753,
Additional documents: Minutes: Maria Kildunne (Healthwatch Stockport Chief Officer) submitted a report (copies of which had been circulated) outlining recurring issues being faced by Stockport residents and groups, who feel they have not been addressed elsewhere.
The following comments were made/issues raised: -
· It was commented that the flu vaccinations was not identified as an ‘at risk’ group, but it has been highlighted in the report which was helpful in bringing the message forward. · It was noted that the report provided a very honest perspective from the service user which was helpful to take action and identify a way forward. · The Board were informed that it was a clear report that identified some tasks for the Board to consider and recommended that the statutory agencies be asked to develop an action from the report and provide some assurances back to the Board at a future meeting. · Clarification was sought regarding whether or not Healthwatch would be willing to work with the SEND Team which is up to the age of 25 years old and do some joined up thinking for all ages to improve services for the Stockport residents as the report highlights the older age group as well. · It was also highlighted that with the current Covid-19 pandemic pressures on GP practices there could be a risk of doing full checks at the required pace and also how could equitable access for people with learning disabilities be ensured. In response, it was stated that in Primary Care face masks have been provided with ‘plastic mouth pieces’ for the sign language patients and also an online sign language interpretation service being provided, but there have been challenges with the technology and face to face consultations.
The Board welcomed the report and thanked Sue Carroll and Maria Kildunne for their attendance.
RESOLVED – (1) That the report be noted.
(2) That an action plan be developed for the Board led by Andrea Green (Stockport CCG) involving all the statutory agencies to provide some assurance back to the Board at a future meeting regarding the areas of concern highlighted in the report. |
Stockport Safeguarding Adults Annual Report 2019/20 PDF 3 MB To consider the report of the Director of Adult Services.
The report outlines the activities and achievements of the Board and its partners over the last year and how well the Board have delivered on its priorities and actions in the Business Plan.
The Board is recommended to consider and note the report.
Officer contact: Lee Woolfe, Safeguarding Adults Board Business Manager, 0161 474 3590, Additional documents: Minutes: Gill Frame (Independent Chair of the Stockport Safeguarding Board) submitted a report (copies of which had been circulated) outlining the activities and achievements of the Board and its partners over the last year and how well the Board have delivered on its priorities and actions in the Business Plan.
The following comments were made/issues raised: -
· Clarification was sought regarding reference to the training programme, modern slavery and human trafficking in the report. In response, it was noted that modern slavery and human trafficking were hidden abuses, but it was a priority to increase the awareness through both the Adult and Children Safeguarding programmes and it would be best to also refer people to the safeguarding adults website which contained a wealth of information. · Members of the Board enquired about the performance data and the appointments of the two Best Interest Assessors and an Assistant Manager to deal with the backlog of high priority referrals and the impact these appointments have had. In response, it was stated that the situation has been challenging due to Covid which has led to delays in the system, however, a good process was in place and there was confidence that the team were prioritising with Deprivation of Liberties Safeguard (DoLS) appropriately. · It was commented that a lot of investment has gone into the DoLS very early on following the Supreme Court ruling, however, it needed to be noted that it has little impact on some individuals quality of life and with Covid there have been some challenges.
The Board thanked Gill Frame, Lee Woolfe and Nuala O’Rourke for the report and their attendance.
RESOLVED – That the report be noted. |
Forward Plan for Health & Wellbeing Board PDF 129 KB To consider the report of the Strategic Head of Service & Monitoring Officer (Legal & Democratic Governance).
The report provides the Forward Plan of agenda items for future meetings of the Health and Wellbeing Board.
The Board is asked to consider and note the report.
Officer contact: Charles Yankiah, 0161 474 3206,
Additional documents: Minutes: A representative of the Strategic Head of Service & Monitoring Officer (Legal & Democratic Governance) submitted a report (copies of which had been circulated) setting out planned agenda items for the Health and Wellbeing Board’s next meeting.
RESOLVED – (1) That the report be noted.
(2) Agreed that the following reports be included on the Forward Plan for a future meeting: -
· January 2021 - Commissioning in Manchester – Andrea Green (Stockport CCG). |