Venue: Committee Room 2, Town Hall, Stockport. View directions
Contact: Democratic Services - 0161 474 3216
No. | Item |
To approve as a correct record and sign the Minutes of the meeting held on 5 June 2019. Additional documents: Minutes: The Minutes (copies of which had been circulated) of the meeting held on 5 June 2019 were approved as a correct record and signed by the Chair. |
Declarations of Interest Councillors and officers to declare any interests which they have in any of the items on the agenda for the meeting. Additional documents: Minutes: Board members and officers were invited to declare any interests they had in any of the items on the agenda for the meeting.
No declarations of interest were made. |
Chair's Announcements To achieve any announcements from the Chair on matters related to the activity of the Board. Additional documents: Minutes: No announcements were made. |
Strategy Alignment and the Locality Plan Refresh PDF 254 KB To consider a report of the interim Director of Population Health
There are 2 objectives for this report:
The Health & Wellbeing Board is invited to endorse the framework for strategic alignment proposed in the report, and to note the context afforded by the required refresh of the Stockport Locality Plan for Health and Care Reform.
Officer contact: Will Blandamer, 07799390375, Additional documents: Minutes: The interim Director of Population Health submitted a report (copies of which had been circulated) highlighting for the Board a number of strategies that would be submitted to this and future meetings; explaining their relationship to each other, and the opportunities for strategic alignment with the refreshed Locality Plan for Health and Care Reform.
Board Members welcomed the report and the opportunities for partners to link their strategic objectives.
RESOLVED – That the framework for the strategic alignment of partnership and organisational plans and strategies as set out in the report be endorsed and the context afforded by the required refresh of the Stockport Locality Plan for Health and Care Reform be noted. |
Refresh of the Stockport Locality Plan PDF 193 KB To consider a joint report of the interim Director of Population Health, Stockport Council and the Chief Financial Officer of Stockport CCG.
The report sets out an update on the NHS Long Term Plan (LTP) Implementation Framework and proposes an approach to jointly developing the economy submissions.
The Health and Wellbeing Board is asked to:
· endorse the approach to the development of the locality plan refresh · ensure that all partners at the Health and Well Being Board contribute fully and in partnership to the development of the locality plan refresh · delegate authority to the Chair and Vice Chair to approve the final locality plan refresh submission in November subject to the authority of the individual organisations being received.
Officer contact: Will Blandamer, 07799390375, or Mark Chidgey, Additional documents: Minutes: A joint report of the interim Director of Population Health and the Chief Financial Officer of Stockport CCG was submitted (copies of which had been circulated) updating the Board on the NHS Long Term Plan (LTP) Implementation Framework and the proposed approach to jointly developing an economy submission for Stockport. The framework required economies to develop 5 year strategic plans, setting out how they will deliver on the LTP, underpinned by finance, activity and workforce templates. Economies in Greater Manchester would also be working in collaboration with the Greater Manchester Health & Social Care Partnership.
Board members welcomed the approach outlined in the report.
RESOLVED – That in relation to the refresh of the Stockport Locality Plan:-
· the approach to the development of the locality plan refresh set out in the report be endorsed; · all partners at the Health and Well Being Board be requested to contribute fully and in partnership to the development of the locality plan refresh; · authority to approve the final locality plan refresh submission in November be delegated to the Chair and Vice Chair, subject to the authority of the individual organisations being received. |
Stockport Health and Well Being Strategy Refresh PDF 313 KB To consider a report of the interim Director of Public Health.
The purpose of the report is twofold; The Health and Wellbeing Board is invited to: · endorse the refresh of the current strategy · support the proposed approach to the development of the new strategy from 2020 · agree to receive a further update on the strategy at the next meeting in January 2020. Officer contact: Will Blandamer, 07799390375, Additional documents:
Minutes: The interim Director of Public Health submitted a report (copies of which had been circulated) inviting the Board to consider the proposals for the refresh of the current Health and Wellbeing Strategy and to comment on an approach to the development of a new Health and Wellbeing Strategy from 2020.
The following comments were made/ issues raised:-
· Reference was needed within the strategy to efforts to help people to die well. · There was a need for some consistency in the language and terminology in all partners’ plans, including a recognition of the need to ‘Lead Well’. · Greater emphasis was needed on mental health and wellbeing for children and young people, and linking this Strategy to the Greater Manchester Children & Young People’s Plan. · The Strategy needed to make clear that health and social care partners working together was to improve outcomes for residents.
RESOLVED – That in relation to the Health and Wellbeing Strategy, and subject to consideration of the comments made by the Board:-
· the refresh of the current strategy be endorsed; · the proposed approach to the development of the new strategy from 2020 be supported; · a further update on the strategy be submitted to the meeting in January 2020. |
Better Care Fund Planning Template 2019/20 PDF 107 KB To consider a joint report of the Chief Finance Officer (CCG) and Borough Treasurer (Council)
The report sets out the Better Care Fund (BCF) Planning Template 2019/20.
The Board is recommended to approve the BCF Planning Template 2019/20. Additional documents:
Minutes: A joint report of the Chief Finance Officer of Stockport CCG and Borough Treasurer of Stockport Council was submitted (copies of which had been circulated) inviting the Board to consider the Better Care Fund (BCF) Planning Template for 2019/20 before it was submitted to the Department of Health & Social Care.
RESOLVED – That the Better Care Funding Planning Template 2019/20 be approved for submission. |
CCG Draft Strategy To consider a report of the Chief Accountable Officer, Stockport Clinical Commissioning Group.
The Board will be asked to consider the draft Clinical Commisisoning Group Strategy.
Officer contact: Angela Dawber, Additional documents: Minutes: A representative of the Chief Accountable Officer, Stockport Clinical Commissioning Group submitted a report (copies of which had been circulated) inviting the Board to consider the draft Clinical Commissioning Group (CCG) Strategy for 2019-2024 that set out how the CCG would implement the NHS Long Term Plan and the local ambition for the health of people in the Stockport.
The following comments were made/ issues raised:-
· The clarity and simplicity of the plan was commended. · Members reiterated the need for partners’ strategies to have a degree of common and shared measures and frameworks. · The population segmentation included within the Strategy was welcomed as this would aid in developing preventative approaches to health. · The need for measurable outcomes and transparency on achievements was stressed.
RESOLVED – That the Stockport Clinical Commissioning Group draft Strategy be endorsed. |
Update on Breast Services PDF 197 KB To consider a report from the Chief Accountable Officer, Stockport Clinical Commissioning Group.
The purpose of this paper is to provide Stockport Health & Wellbeing Board:
· An update on the current situation in relation to the breast service at Stockport NHS Foundation Trust; and · A progress report on the transfer of commissioning of Breast Services to neighbouring NHS Trusts. · The primary aim is to ensure that local residents continue to have timely access to high quality Breast Services.
The Board is invited to comment on and note the proposal.
Officer contact: James Brown, Stockport CCG, 0161 426 9900 Additional documents: Minutes: A representative of the Chief Accountable Officer, Stockport Clinical Commissioning Group (CCG) submitted a report (copies of which had been circulated) providing the Board with an update on the current situation in relation to the breast service at Stockport NHS Foundation Trust including progress with the transfer of commissioning of Breast Services to neighbouring NHS Trusts to ensure residents had timely access to high quality Breast Services.
It was stressed that the proposals would not affect breast screening but related only to breast surgery. It was also confirmed that the service was closed to new referrals in May.
The Chair reported that the Greater Manchester Joint Commissioning Board had begun a process for reviewing Breast Services across the city-region with a view to commissioning services differently to improve quality and addressing shortages of specialist staff. It was highly likely that Stepping Hill Hospital would have lost these services in the future.
The following additional comments were made/ issues raised:-
· While the proposals were regrettable, but necessary to ensure access to safe and quality services. · Difficulties in delivering the service had arisen due to staffing shortages in in breast radiology that was reflective of a national trend and experienced by other trusts that did not provide screening services. · The support to the Foundation Trust from the CCG and Council, including from the Adult Social Care & Health Scrutiny Committee was welcomed. · Staff had been transferred and had worked hard to manage patient transfers. All those involved had worked closely together in the best interest of patients. · It was important that patients were empowered to make decisions about which hospital service was best for them. · The experience in General Practice had been of very little disruption and the process for the new pathway had been managing well. · While some patients may have to travel further, in comparison to access elsewhere in the UK it compared favourably.
RESOLVED – That the report be noted. |
Consultation of IVF Services PDF 122 KB To consider a report of Stockport Clinical Commissioning Group
This briefing provides the proposed consultation document prepared by the CCG as part of their review of IVF provision within Stockport.
The Board is invited to comment on the report.
Officer contact: Gillian Miller, Stockport CCG, 0161 426 9900
Additional documents: Minutes: A representative of the Chief Accountable Officer, Stockport Clinical Commissioning Group (CCG) submitted a report (copies of which had been circulated) updating the Board on a consultation document prepared by the CCG as part of their review of IVF provision within Stockport.
Members of the Board acknowledged the emotive nature of the consultation.
RESOLVED – That the report be noted. |
The transfer of Bluebell ward into a multi-disciplinary Transfer to Assess Community Unit PDF 146 KB To consider a report of the Chief Accountable Officer, Stockport CCG
The briefing sets out a proposal to transfer the Bluebell Ward, at The Meadows in Offerton to into a multi-disciplinary Transfer to Assess Community Unit.
The Board is invited to comment on the proposal.
Officer contact: James Brown, Stockport CCG, 0161 426 9900 Additional documents: Minutes: A representative of the Chief Accountable Officer, Stockport Clinical Commissioning Group (CCG) submitted a report (copies of which had been circulated) briefing the Board on a proposal to transfer the Bluebell Ward, at The Meadows in Offerton into a multi-disciplinary Transfer to Assess Community Unit.
Board members welcomed the proposal and the opportunities it provided to improve system performance and outcomes, particularly in preventing deconditioning.
RESOLVED – That the proposal be welcomed. |
SEND Update To consider a report of the Director of Children’s Services
The Board will be provided with an update on the delivery of partners’ agreed response to the SEND Inspection.
Officer contact: Jennie Neill, 0161 474 4159, Additional documents:
Minutes: A joint report of the Director of Children’s Services and the Chief Accountable Officer, Stockport Clinical Commissioning Group (CCG) was submitted (copies of which had been circulated) providing the Board with an update on the delivery of partners’ agreed response to the SEND Inspection.
The following comments were made/ issues raised:
· The involvement of young people, as well as parents, who were telling commissioner what they wanted, was welcomed. · The comprehensive report was welcomed · The experience of members who were also school governors was that there had already been improvements in the experience of schools in accessing SEND services. · Assurance was sought that the efforts and activity described in the report were sustainable. In response it was confirmed that the SEND Improvement Board asked the same question when overseeing the improvement activity. It was further commented that the job specifications for the posts created to deliver this work had been co-produced with service users and were permanent positions. · The significant effort of all partners was commended and the importance given to sustainability was emphasised.
RESOLVED – That the report be noted. |
Adult Social Care Local Account 2018/19 PDF 120 KB To consider a report of the Director of Adult Social Care.
This item comprises two draft documents; the Adult Social Care Local Account for 2018/19 and the Adult Social Care Market Position Statement for 2019-24
(i) The Local Account forms a key part of the approach to sector led improvement in adult social care. It is designed to tell citizens how the Council has performed in delivering adult social care against its local priorities over, and the relative areas of spend on services within ASC. It also informs citizens of the challenges and the work planned over the coming year, and this year highlights some of the key elements of the new ASC operating model with a focus on early intervention, prevention and community support. (ii) The Market Position Statement summarises supply and demand in Stockport and highlights business opportunities within the care market allowing commissioners and providers to work together to explain and explore the current and future care and support needs of the borough. The Council’s existing Market Position Statement was written in 2015 and as part of actively managing the market for adult social care in Stockport, the MPS is being refreshed.
The Board is invited to comment on the draft Local Account and Market Position Statement.
Officer contact: Peter Owston, Strategy and Performance Manager, 0161 474 3274, or Jon Wilkie, Contracts and Commissioning Manager (Adult Social Care), 0161 474 4357, Additional documents:
Minutes: The Director of Adult Social Care submitted a report (copies of which had been circulated) comprising the draft Adult Social Care Local Account for 2018/19 and the Adult Social Care Market Position Statement for 2019-24. The Local Account set out how the Council had performed in delivering adult social care against its local priorities, and identified the challenges and work planned over the coming year. The Market Position Statement summarised supply and demand in Stockport and highlights business opportunities within the care market.
The following comments were made/ issues raised:-
· The reports were a welcomed celebration of success in improving standards and quality and demonstrated the what could achieved when working together. · The report highlighted the significant improvements in CQC ratings for care providers in Stockport. The Star Awards for care providers demonstrated how the market was changing for the better. · Improvement in provider quality had been achieved through a genuine partnership approach. · Anecdotal evidence was that improvement had been noticeable and was now leading to a shortage of places. · The work of the Equip Team was commended. · Learning Disability placements had received a Good overall rating but the ambition was to move toward an Outstanding rating.
RESOLVED – That the Adult Social Care Local Account for 2018/19 and the Adult Social Care Market Position Statement for 2019-24 be endorsed. |