Agenda and minutes

Health & Wellbeing Board - Wednesday, 5th June, 2019 1.00 pm

Venue: Committee Room 2, Town Hall, Stockport. View directions

Contact: Democratic Services - 0161 474 3216 


No. Item


Minutes pdf icon PDF 70 KB

To approve as a correct record and sign the Minutes of the meetings held on (i) 30 January and (ii) 12 February 2019.

Additional documents:


The Minutes (copies of which had been circulated) of the meetings held on 30 January and 12 February 2019 were approved as correct records and signed by the Chair.


Declarations of Interest

Members of the Board and officers to declare any interests which they have in any of the items on the agenda for the meeting.

Additional documents:


Councillors and officers were invited to declare any interests they had in any of the items on the agenda for the meeting.


No declarations of interest were made.


Chair's Announcements

To achieve any announcements from the Chair on matters related to the activity of the Board.

Additional documents:


No announcements were made.


New Multi Agency Safeguarding Arrangements for Children. pdf icon PDF 8 MB

To consider a report of the Director for Children’s Services.


This document sets out how agencies in Stockport will work together in the safeguarding of children and young people in the Borough. The Stockport Safeguarding Partnership described here, is still relatively new, and builds on the work of its predecessor Stockport Safeguarding Children Board.


The Board is invited to consider the report.


Officer contact: Nuala O'Rourke, 07525657140,


Additional documents:


The Director for Children’s Services submitted a report (copies of which had been circulated) setting out how agencies in Stockport would work together in the safeguarding of children and young people in the Borough. The Stockport Safeguarding Partnership was relatively new but built on the work of its predecessor Stockport Safeguarding Children Board.


Sue Carrol welcomed the new arrangements on behalf of Healthwatch and expressed the hope that this would provide more focussed and effective oversight.


RESOLVED – That the report be noted and the new multi-agency safeguarding arrangements for children and young people in Stockport be endorsed.



Child Death Overview Panels pdf icon PDF 86 KB

To consider a joint report of the Director of Public Health and Director of Children’s Services


The report informs the Health and Well Being Board of the new statutory requirements and accountability for oversight of all child deaths in Stockport. It outlines the current arrangements and the new processes to ensure that we are compliant with national legislation. The Health and Well Being Board will scrutinise the Child Death overview panel (CDOP) process, receive information such as the annual report and consider emerging trends in child deaths with the aim to prevent further deaths.


The Health and Wellbeing Board is asked to


·         confirm and accept the responsibility for governance of CDOP to be transferred from Stockport Children’s Safeguarding Board to the Health and Wellbeing Board.

·         to ensure that mortality reviews of all children who have died within their services are carried out using a multi-agency model of review. 

·         note that they will receive the 18/19 CDOP report upon completion.


Officer contacts: Dr Donna Sager / Chris McLoughlin, 0161-474-3928 / 4624,  /

Additional documents:


A joint report of the Director of Public Health and the Director of Children’s Services was submitted (copies of which had been circulated) informing the Board of the new statutory requirements and accountability for oversight of all child deaths in Stockport, including a new process to ensure compliance with national legislation. Under this process the Board would scrutinise the Child Death overview panel (CDOP) process, receive information such as the annual report and consider emerging trends in child deaths with the aim to prevent further deaths.


RESOLVED – That in relation to Child Death Overview Panels (CDOP),


·           the responsibility for governance of CDOP being transferred from Stockport Children’s Safeguarding Board to the Health and Wellbeing Board be confirmed and accepted;

·           mortality reviews of all children who have died within local services be carried out using a multi-agency model of review;

·           the submission of the 2018/19 CDOP Report being submitted to the Board upon completion be noted;

·           notification be sent to the Board in relation to any serious case review.





SEND Update

To consider an update on the recent SEND Review and partnership response.

Additional documents:


The Director of Children’s Services reported that the SEND Statement of Action endorsed by the Board at its extraordinary meeting held on 12 February 2019 had been accepted by Ofsted and partners had now entered the implementation phase.


As part of the implementation of the Action Plan the Terms of Reference of the SEND Improvement Board were being reviewed, and additional support and staffing capacity provided to enhance the focus given to the Plan.


RESOLVED – (1) That the SEND update be noted.


(2) That the Director of Children’s Services and the Chief Accountable Officer, Stockport CCG be requested to provide a report on progress with the implementation of the SEND Statement of Action to the next meeting.


Year End Coroners pdf icon PDF 66 KB

To receive an update on Year End Coroners.

Additional documents:


A representative of the Deputy Chief Executive submitted a report (copies of which had been circulated) providing the Board with an overview of activity for the Coroner’s Service for Manchester South District as at the year-end of 2018/19 and inviting the Board to consider how it would wish to engage with the Coroner’s Service in the future.


The following comments were made/ issues raised:-


·         The increasing openness of the Coroner and her service was welcomed.

·         Members welcomed the opportunity and suggestion that the Board receive regular reports from the Coroner’s Service to allow the Board to be made aware of trends and emerging areas of concern but emphasised the need for context to aid understanding and to ensure an appropriate response to the information. It was suggested that the Board should receive a high level analysis of the trends evident from Regulation 28 Notices.

·         Comment was made about the value of ‘real time’ data, particular in relation to suicides, to aid efforts at prevention. It was confirmed that this data was now available.


RESOLVED – (1) That the report be noted.


(2) That the Board would welcome continued engagement with Coroner’s Service and a report back on high level trends from Regulation 28 Notices.


(3) That the Deputy Chief Executive be requested to arrange a meeting between the Chair, Vice-Chair and Director for Adult Social Care to discuss further the opportunities for engagement and reporting.


(4) That the Board welcome the availability of live data on suicides and the potential benefit this could have for efforts to prevent suicides.


CQC Update pdf icon PDF 86 KB

To receive an update on the CQC Local System Review.

Additional documents:


The Cabinet Member for Adult Social Care & Health submitted a report (copies of which had been circulated) updating the Board on progress with the response to the recommendations in the CQC Local System Review.


The Chair reported that the Chief Officers of the partners had recently met to discuss the Action Plan and would be doing so again in the near future. He stressed the importance of ensuring a robust partnership response in preparation for a possible further visit from CQC.


Members asked that future update reports include details of the recommendations, agreed response and progress with a RAG rating for each.


RESOLVED – That the report and proposed next steps as outlined in the report be noted.


Children's Plan

To receive an update on the Children’s Plan.

Additional documents:


The Director of Children’s Services reported on the recent publication of the Greater Manchester Children and Young People’s Plan for 2019-2022. Assurance was given that the priorities contained within it accorded with local priorities.


RESOLVED – That the report be noted and the Deputy Chief Executive be requested to circulate a copy of the plan to members of the Board.


Primary Care Networks

To consider a report on Primary Care Networks.

Additional documents:


The Chair reported that a number of Primary Care Networks had recently been established but that these were not coterminous with the existing eight multi-disciplinary neighbourhood team areas, nor with the Council’s area committee structures, and he expressed concerns about the potential challenges this may create in further integration efforts.


Dr Cath Briggs (Chair of the Clinical Commissioning Group) explained that general practices were free to establish their own networks to suit their own particular needs and circumstances, and the CCG’s role was to formally sign-off these plans. She echoed the chair’s concerns and gave an assurance that the CCG was looking into the issue.


It was also commented that there were a number of other public sector reform initiatives that were likely to tie into these local structures and so it was important that any discrepancies were resolved.


RESOLVED – That the report be noted and a further brief report be provided to the next Board on progress with reconciling neighbourhood and locality structures.


Greater Manchester Health & Social Care Transformation

At the request of the Board, this is a standing item on the agenda.


Members and officers present are invited to update the Board on developments with the transformation of health and social care services in Stockport and Greater Manchester.

Additional documents:


The Chair invited partners present to update the Board on developments with the transformation of the health and social care services in Greater Manchester.


The following issues were raised:-


·         Recent discussions at the Greater Manchester Joint Commissioning Board in relation to homelessness and a request for additional health investment to support activity already going on. Stockport already had a good offer in this respect, and it was suggested that there needed to be a strong emphasis on prevention.

·         The Greater Manchester White Paper on Unified Public Services had been published, with a significant potential to change local service provision. Partners needed to be alert to the potential changes.

·         A range of activities and initiatives were being undertaken in respect of children’s services, some of which were captured in the Plan discussed earlier.

·         Cath Briggs and Louise Robson were leading on a Greater Manchester work stream in relation to elective care.

·         Work had begun on Theme 3, Improving Specialised Services with significant decisions needing to be made. The importance of developing a coherent system view was stressed.

·         The CURE programme was being rolled out to target smoking cessation interventions at individuals who were being admitted to hospital, the impact of which could be significant for those involved.


RESOLVED – (1) That the report be noted.


(2) That the Deputy Chief Executive be requested to coordinate the submission of a precise of key Greater Manchester activity to the next Board meeting.


Stockport Together

At the request of Board, this is a standing item on the agenda.


Members and officers present are invited to update the Board on developments with the Stockport Together Programme.

Additional documents:


The Chair invited partners present to update the Board on Stockport Together.


The Chair clarified the Council’s position in respect of Stockport Together and restated the Council’s commitment to the programme as a key tool to address future challenges around service demand. He emphasised its centrality to efforts of partners to coordinate and work more closely and to maximise the impact of local public sector resources. He acknowledged that challenges would arise from bringing together a number of differing organisations in an ambitious programme of change but emphasised the need to manage any disagreements.


Dr Cath Briggs reported on the work of the Health Partnership and emphasised that it may be possible to integrate this activity into that of Stockport Together.


Adrian Belton, Chair of Stockport NHS Foundation Trust, echoed the commitment to Stockport Together expressed by partners and welcomed it.


RESOLVED – That the report be noted.


Better Care Fund Sub Committee pdf icon PDF 39 KB

To consider a report of the Deputy Chief Executive.


The Board is invited to approve the Terms of Reference for the Better Care Fund Sub-Committee.


Officer contact: Jonathan Vali, 0161 474 3201,

Additional documents:


A representative of the Deputy Chief Executive submitted a report (copies of which had been circulated) inviting the Board to agree to continue the arrangements for monitoring and authorising Better Care Fund submission through a Board Sub Committee.


RESOLVED – That the terms of reference for the Better Care Fund Sub-Committee be approved.