Venue: Ballroom - Town Hall. View directions
Contact: Damian Eaton (0161 474 3207)
No. | Item |
Formalities and Announcements Additional documents: |
To approve as a correct record and sign the Minutes of the meetings of the Council held on 13 January and 24 February 2022. Additional documents: Minutes: The Minutes (copies of which had been circulated) of the meeting of the Council held 13 January and 24 February 2022 were approved as a correct record and signed by the Mayor. |
Urgent Decisions To report any urgent action taken under the Constitution since the last meeting of the Council. Additional documents: Minutes: No urgent decisions were reported. |
Declarations of Interest Councillors and officers to declare any interests which they may have in any of the items on the Summons for the meeting. Additional documents: Minutes: Councillors and officers were invited to declare any interests which they had in any of the items on the summons for the meeting.
No declarations were made. |
Community Engagement Additional documents: |
Petitions and Presentations To receive petitions, and by prior arrangement, receive delegations and presentations from members of the public, community groups or partnership organisations.
Stockport Ukrainian Club
To receive a presentation from representatives of Stockport Ukrainian Club on their work to provide support to those affected by the tragic events taking place in Ukraine. Additional documents: Minutes: Presentation - Stockport Ukrainian Club
Luba Brown attended the meeting and made a presentation and responded to questions in relation to the work of Stockport Ukrainian Club to provide support to those affected by the tragic events taking place in Ukraine.
At the conclusion of the item, the Mayor expressed thanks to Ms Brown for her attendance and presentation. |
Motions - Notice of which have been given under Council Meeting Procedure Rule 12 Additional documents: |
Stockport Council Stand with Ukraine Additional documents: Minutes: RESOLVED UNANIMOUSLY - This Council Meeting is united across parties in standing together with the people of Ukraine.
This Council Meeting recognises the large Ukrainian Community in Greater Manchester and keeps in our thoughts all those affected, or with friends and family affected, by the conflict. Stockport Council is united in the hope that a lasting and peaceful solution for the Ukrainian people can be found soon.
This Council Meeting undertakes to request officers take all necessary actions to support Ukrainian refugees displaced by this terrible conflict arriving in Stockport and to promote the Homes for Ukraine scheme on its website and social media channels, in line with government guidance. |
Formalities and Announcements (continued) Additional documents: |
Mayor's Announcements To receive announcements from the Mayor. Additional documents: Minutes: The Mayor extended his thanks to all those who participated in and organised the abseil of Fred Perry House to raise funds for his charity. It was reported tat over 40 people took part this year.
The Mayor further reported that he had held the annual Mayoral Awards at the Town Hall to those individuals nominated by elected members that had made a significant contribution to their community.
The Mayor then referred to the ongoing success of Stockport County and wished them well on their efforts to gain promotion to the Football League.
It was reported that the Annual Mayor’s Ball was due to take place on Friday, 1 April 2022 and the Mayor thanked all of those who had bought tickets for the event.
The Mayor then announced that this would be the last meeting of the Council to be attended by Councillors Becky Crawford, Chris Gordon, Philip Harding, Iain Roberts, Jude Wells and himself following their forthcoming retirement from the Council after the local elections on 5 May 2022.
The Group Leaders then paid tribute to the retiring councillors. |
Community Engagement (continued) Additional documents: |
Public Question Time To receive any questions from and provide answers to the public in relation to matters relevant to the Council’s activities. Additional documents: Minutes: Members of the public were invited to put questions to the Mayor and councillors on matters within the powers and duties of the Council.
Five public questions were submitted as follows:-
· Relating to the proposed A6 to M60 bypass and whether it would be better for the Council to end the threat to the Goyt Valley by cancelling the scheme.
The Cabinet Member for Sustainable Stockport (Councillor Sheila Bailey) responded that she did not consider that the proposed to build a road through the Goyt Valley should ever had any support and that in her view it would be environmental vandalism. Councillor Bailey stated that the evidence suggested that building roads did not solve the problem of congestion, pollution and degradation of residential areas. Councillor Bailey stated that the Council needed to move forward with new ideas for cleaner transport with the protection of the environment at the forefront.
· Relating to progress on proposals to provide a permanent encampment for Gypsy, Roma and Traveller communities.
The Leader of the Council and Cabinet Member for Devolution (Councillor Elise Wilson) responded that it was still the case that any permanent encampments were to be considered as part of the process of the Local Plan and restated the commitment for that to take place. Councillor Wilson further stated that it was hoped an update could be provided later this year on the progress of the Local Plan.
· Relating to the closure of library services at Central Library and whether the Liberal Democrat Group agreed that some library services should be retained in their historic home.
Councillor Lou Ankers responded that the Liberal Democrat Group remained of the view that the results of the consultation should be listened to and that some services should be kept in their historic home.
The Leader of the Liberal Democrat Group (Councillor Mark Hunter) further responded that with regard to the motion on the summons for consideration later in the evening, it appeared that the Conservative Group had given up the fight to save Central Library, but that this was not the position of the Liberal Democrat Group which did not accept that this was inevitable. It was further stated that should the Liberal Democrat Group be in a position to form an administration following the local elections in May, this decision would be immediately reviewed.
· Relating to whether Councillor Johnstone supported his fellow Conservative councillors in voting unanimously to spend £6.9 million on the Bramhall Park to A6 cycle route and this was consistent with bringing his perceived lack of modal shift to the attention of Council while the route remains impassable due to ongoing construction. Councillor Oliver Johnstone responded that had never supported the Bramhall Park to A6 cycle scheme and had been involved in opposition to this prior to his election as a councillor with specific regard to its impact on Dean Lane. It had become apparent that there were further issues with elements of the scheme across Hazel Grove, Bramhall and Stepping Hill which was the subject of a motion later on the summons.
Councillor Johnstone further stated that he was pragmatic when it came to considering individual schemes, and judged each scheme on its merits with particular regard to whether it improved the lives of residents in his ward.
· Relating to a lack of response to Freedom of Information requests relating to the campaign to keep Central Library open.
The Mayor confirmed that a written responses would be provided to the questioner. |
Joint Authorities (a) Greater Manchester Police, Fire and Crime Panel
Councillor Amanda Peers to answer questions, if any, on the business of the Greater Manchester Police, Fire and Crime Panel.
(b) Greater Manchester Combined Authority
The following councillors to answer questions (if any) on the business of the Greater Manchester Combined Authority:-
Greater Manchester Combined Authority - Councillor Elise Wilson Greater Manchester Transport Committee - Councillor David Meller Greater Manchester Waste Committee - Councillor Roy Driver Additional documents: Minutes: (a) Greater Manchester Police, Fire and Crime Panel
Councillor Amanda Peers responded to questions in relation to the business of the Greater Manchester Police, Fire and Crime Panel.
(b) Greater Manchester Combined Authority
Councillor Elise Wilson responded to questions in relation to the business of the Greater Manchester Combined Authority.
There were no questions in relation to the business of the Transport for Greater Manchester Committee or the Greater Manchester Waste & Recycling Committee. |
Policy Framework and Budget Additional documents: |
Gambling Policy - Statement of Licensing Principles 2022-2025 PDF 134 KB To consider a report of the Cabinet Member for Sustainable Stockport. Additional documents:
Minutes: The Cabinet Member for Sustainable Stockport (Councillor Sheila Bailey) submitted a report (copies of which had been circulated) detailing an updated draft Gambling Act (2005) and Statement of Principles of Licensing 2022-2025.
RESOLVED – That the ‘Gambling Policy – Statement of Licensing Principles for 2022-2025’ be approved and adopted. |
Safer Stockport Partnership Plan 2022/25 PDF 154 KB To consider a report of the Cabinet Member for Inclusive Neighbourhoods. Additional documents:
Minutes: The Cabinet Member for Inclusive Neighbourhoods (Councillor Amanda Peers) submitted a report (copies of which had been circulated) detailing a draft of the latest three -year iteration of Safer Stockport Partnership’s Plan, covering 2022 to 2025.
RESOLVED - That the Safer Stockport Partnership Plan 2022-25 be approved and adopted. |
Annual Pay Policy 2022/23 PDF 678 KB To consider a report of the Cabinet Member for Resources, Commissioning & Governance. Additional documents:
Minutes: The Deputy Leader of the Council and Cabinet Member for Resources, Commissioning & Governance (Councillor Tom McGee) submitted a report (copies of which had been circulated) setting out the Council’s approach to pay policy in accordance with the requirements of Section 38 of the Localism Act 2011.
RESOLVED – That the Annual Pay Policy Statement 2021/22 and the Council’s Gender Pay Gap information be confirmed and published in accordance with the Localism Act 2011. |
General Business Additional documents: |
Renewal of Public Space Protection Order PDF 146 KB To consider a report of the Cabinet Member for Sustainable Stockport. Additional documents:
Minutes: The Cabinet Member for Sustainable Stockport (Councillor Sheila Bailey) submitted a report (copies of which had been circulated) detailing the outcome of a public consultation with regard to the renewal of the existing public space protection order (PSPO) to promote responsible dog ownership.
RESOLVED – That the Public Space Protection Orders as detailed in Appendix 1 to the report to approved and adopted. |
Annual Council Meeting To give approval to the alteration of the date of the Annual Council Meeting to 17 May and 19 May 2022 (reconvened). Additional documents: Minutes: RESOLVED – That approval be given to the alteration of the date of the Annual Council Meeting such that it met on 17 May 2022 and 19 May 2022 (reconvened element). |
Nominations for the Mayor and Deputy Mayor 2022/23 To move that:-
(1) Councillor David Wilson be invited to allow his name to be submitted to the Annual Council Meeting for election to the Office of Mayor for the Metropolitan Borough of Stockport for the year 2022/2023.
(2) Councillor Linda Holt be invited to allow her name to be submitted to the Annual Council Meeting for the appointment to the Office of Deputy Mayor for the Metropolitan Borough of Stockport for the year 2022/23. Additional documents: Minutes: RESOLVED – (1) That Councillor David Wilson be invited to allow his name to be submitted to the Annual Council Meeting for election to the Office of Mayor for the Metropolitan Borough of Stockport for the year 2022/2023
(2) That Councillor Linda Holt be invited to allow her name to be submitted to the Annual Council Meeting for the appointment to the Office of Deputy Mayor for the Metropolitan Borough of Stockport for the year 2022/23. |
Leader's Report and Cabinet Question Time Additional documents: |
Cabinet Business To receive a report from the Leader of the Council and other members of the Cabinet on the conduct of Cabinet business since the last Council Meeting. Additional documents: Minutes: The Leader of the Council & Cabinet Member for Devolution; the Deputy Leader of the Council and Cabinet Member for Resources, Commissioning & Governance; and the Cabinet Members for Children, Family Services & Education; Economy & Regeneration; and Sustainable Stockport made a report on the conduct of Cabinet business since the last Council Meeting. |
Questions To answer questions and receive comments from Councillors addressed to the Leader of the Council or other members of the Cabinet, in accordance with Council Meeting Procedure Rule 11. Additional documents: Minutes: The Leader of the Council & Cabinet Member for Devolution; The Deputy Leader of the Council and Cabinet Member for Resources, Commissioning & Governance; and the Cabinet Members for Children, Family Services & Education; Economy & Regeneration; Sustainable Stockport answered questions and responded to comments relating to the business of the Cabinet in accordance with Council Meeting Procedure Rule 11. |
To receive the Minutes of the Cabinet held on 1 February and 15 March 2022 and the record of executive decisions taken since the last Council Meeting, (schedule enclosed, decisions previously circulated) and consider any recommendations they contain. Additional documents:
Minutes: The Mayor declared the Minutes of the Cabinet held on 1 February and 15 March 2022 (copies of which had been circulated) and the record of executive decisions taken (copies of which were circulated) since the last meeting of the Council to be duly received. |
Scrutiny To receive a report from the Chairs of the Scrutiny Committees on the conduct of Scrutiny business. Additional documents: |
Scrutiny Business To receive a report from the Chairs of the Scrutiny Committees on the conduct of Scrutiny business. Additional documents: Minutes: There were no reports from the Chairs of the Scrutiny Committees on the conduct of their business since the last Council Meeting. |
Questions To answer questions from Councillors addressed to the Scrutiny Chairs, in accordance with Council Meeting Procedure Rule 11. Additional documents: Minutes: There were no questions relating to the business of the Scrutiny Committees in accordance with Council Meeting Procedure Rule 11. |
To receive the Minutes of the following Scrutiny Committees:-
Adult Social Care & Health – 20 January and 3 March 2022 Children & Families – 19 January and 1 March 2022 Communities & Housing – 17 January and 28 February 2022 Corporate, Resource Management & Governance – 4 January, 18 January and 1 March 2022 Economy & Regeneration – 20 January and 3 March 2022 Scrutiny Co-ordination – 7 February and 21 March 2022 Additional documents:
Minutes: The Mayor declared the Minutes of the following Scrutiny Committees (copies of which had been circulated with the Summons) to be duly received:-
Adult Social Care & Health – 20 January and 3 March 2022 Children & Families – 19 January and 1 March 2022 Communities & Housing – 17 January and 28 February 2022 Corporate, Resource Management & Governance – 4 January, 18 January and 1 March 2022 Economy & Regeneration – 20 January and 3 March 2022 Scrutiny Co-ordination – 7 February and 21 March 2022 |
Ordinary and Area Committees Additional documents: |
Regulatory Business To receive a report from the Chairs of the Planning & Highways Regulation; Licensing, Environment & Safety; and Audit Committees on the conduct of their business since the last Council Meeting. Additional documents: Minutes: There were no reports from the Chairs of the Planning and Highways Regulation, Licensing, Environment and Safety or Audit Committees on the conduct of their business since the last Council Meeting. |
Questions To answer questions from Councillors addressed to the Chairs of Ordinary and Area Committees, in accordance with Council Meeting Procedure Rule 11. Additional documents: Minutes: There were no questions relating to the business of the Ordinary, Area and Ward Committees in accordance with Council Meeting Procedure Rule 11. |
To receive the minutes of the following Ordinary and Area Committees:-
Ordinary Committees
Appointments – 7 February 2022 Audit – 16 March 2022 Contributors – 27 January 2021 Health & Wellbeing Board – 19 January and 2 March 2022 Licensing, Environment & Safety Sub – 2 February, 8 February and 9 March 2022 Member – 14 February 2022 Planning & Highways Regulation – 10 February 2022
Area Committees
Bramhall & Cheadle Hulme South – 27 January and 10 March 2022 Central Stockport – 27 January and 10 March 2022 Cheadle – 25 January and 8 March 2022 Heatons & Reddish – 24 January and 7 March 2022 Marple – 26 January and 9 March 2022 Stepping Hill – 25 January and 8 March 2022 Werneth – 24 January and 7 March 2022 Additional documents:
Minutes: The Mayor declared the Minutes of the following Ordinary and Area Committees (copies of which had been circulated with the Summons) to be duly received:-
Ordinary Committees
Appointments – 7 February 2022 Audit – 16 March 2022 Contributors – 27 January 2021 Health & Wellbeing Board – 19 January and 2 March 2022 Licensing, Environment & Safety Sub – 2 February, 8 February and 9 March 2022 Member – 14 February 2022 Planning & Highways Regulation – 10 February 2022
Area Committees
Bramhall & Cheadle Hulme South – 27 January and 10 March 2022 Central Stockport – 27 January and 10 March 2022 Cheadle – 25 January and 8 March 2022 Heatons & Reddish – 24 January and 7 March 2022 Marple – 26 January and 9 March 2022 Stepping Hill – 25 January and 8 March 2022 Werneth – 24 January and 7 March 2022 |
Motions - Notice of which have been given under Council Meeting Procedure Rule 12 Additional documents: |
Taking action to make our roads safer for everyone PDF 119 KB This council meeting notes that:
· responsibility for installing and managing speed cameras in our area lies with the Greater Manchester Safer Roads Partnership, a joint body of Transport for Greater Manchester as our local traffic authority and Greater Manchester Police; · the current guidelines for speed cameras to improve road safety for our residents are over 15 years old; and · they require that there must be at least three deaths or serious injuries to occur within a three year period before the installation of speed cameras can be considered.
This council meeting further notes that correspondence with ministers at the Department for Transport has revealed that:
· the guidance relating to speed cameras is currently under review; · it is advisory only; and · local areas are free to set their own deployment criteria.
This council meeting believes that:
· the criteria contained in the current guidelines and adopted by the GM Safer Roads Partnership are unacceptable and require far too high a price to be paid in terms of harm before speed cameras are considered and installed; · the current “Community Concern location” mechanism offered by the GM Safer Roads Partnership for handling sites which do not meet the current criteria is not adequate in many cases; and · the overview and scrutiny of the GM Safer Roads Partnership is currently unclear.
This council meeting therefore resolves:
· to call upon the Greater Manchester Safer Roads Partnership urgently to review their current approach to the deployment of speed cameras and to adopt new criteria which do not require deaths or significant harm to occur first; · to offer Stockport Borough as a trial location for such new criteria, if trials are deemed necessary; and · to engage with local members to gain a better understanding of speeding hot-spots which cause concern to residents but which, through good fortune, have not reached a level that would enable speed cameras to be installed under the current criteria but for which a Community Concern location listing would be inadequate; and · to ask GMCA to review the overview and scrutiny of the GM Safer Roads Partnership to ensure democratic accountability.
Moved by: Councillor Lisa Smart
Seconded by: Councillor Amanda Peers Additional documents: Minutes: MOVED AND SECONDED - This council meeting notes that:
· responsibility for installing and managing speed cameras in our area lies with the Greater Manchester Safer Roads Partnership, a joint body of Transport for Greater Manchester as our local traffic authority and Greater Manchester Police; · the current guidelines for speed cameras to improve road safety for our residents are over 15 years old; and · they require that there must be at least three deaths or serious injuries to occur within a three year period before the installation of speed cameras can be considered.
This council meeting further notes that correspondence with ministers at the Department for Transport has revealed that:
· the guidance relating to speed cameras is currently under review; · it is advisory only; and · local areas are free to set their own deployment criteria.
This council meeting believes that:
· the criteria contained in the current guidelines and adopted by the GM Safer Roads Partnership are unacceptable and require far too high a price to be paid in terms of harm before speed cameras are considered and installed; · the current “Community Concern location” mechanism offered by the GM Safer Roads Partnership for handling sites which do not meet the current criteria is not adequate in many cases; and · the overview and scrutiny of the GM Safer Roads Partnership is currently unclear.
This council meeting therefore resolves:
· to call upon the Greater Manchester Safer Roads Partnership urgently to review their current approach to the deployment of speed cameras and to adopt new criteria which do not require deaths or significant harm to occur first; · to offer Stockport Borough as a trial location for such new criteria, if trials are deemed necessary; and · to engage with local members to gain a better understanding of speeding hot-spots which cause concern to residents but which, through good fortune, have not reached a level that would enable speed cameras to be installed under the current criteria but for which a Community Concern location listing would be inadequate; and · to ask GMCA to review the overview and scrutiny of the GM Safer Roads Partnership to ensure democratic accountability.
AMENDMENT MOVED AND SECONDED - This council meeting notes that:
· responsibility for installing and managing speed cameras in our area lies with the Greater Manchester Safer Roads Partnership, a joint body of Transport for Greater Manchester as our local traffic authority and Greater Manchester Police; · the current guidelines for speed cameras to improve road safety for our residents are over 15 years old; and · they require that there must be at least three deaths or serious injuries to occur within a three year period before the installation of speed cameras can be considered.
This Council Meeting also notes:
· Speed indicator devices (SIDs) can play a useful role as part of an effective speed management strategy, alongside other deterrents and penalties like speed cameras;
This council meeting further notes that correspondence with ministers at the Department for Transport has revealed that:
· the guidance relating to speed cameras is currently under review; · it is advisory only; and · local areas are free to set their own deployment criteria.
This council meeting believes that:
· the criteria contained in the current guidelines and adopted by the GM Safer Roads Partnership are unacceptable and require far too high a price to be paid in terms of harm before speed cameras are considered and installed; · the current “Community Concern location” mechanism offered by the GM Safer Roads Partnership for handling sites which do not meet the current criteria is not adequate in many cases; and · the overview and scrutiny of the GM Safer Roads Partnership is currently unclear.
This council meeting therefore resolves:
· to call upon the Greater Manchester Safer Roads Partnership urgently to review their current approach to the deployment of speed cameras and to adopt new criteria which do not require deaths or significant harm to occur first; · to offer Stockport Borough as a ... view the full minutes text for item 11.(i) |
Her Majesty the Queen's Platinum Jubilee This Council Meeting proudly recognises that in 2022, Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth II will become the first British Monarch to celebrate a Platinum Jubilee.
This Council Meeting notes that the extended Bank Holiday, from Thursday 2nd June – Sunday 5th June will provide an opportunity for communities and people through the United Kingdom and Commonwealth to come together and celebrate this historic 70- year milestone.
This Council Meeting further recognises the high esteem in which Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth II is held by the British public and that Stockport residents will also wish to see the Platinum Jubilee marked in a significant and lasting way.
This Council Meeting therefore resolves to;
· Request the Cabinet Member (Sustainable Stockport) ensure guidance, advice and information on holding Jubilee Street Parties in the Borough is urgently published and promoted on the Council website and social media outlets; · Request the Cabinet Member (Sustainable Stockport) agree and make arrangement for all permit and licence fees for Jubilee Street Parties to be waived; · Request the Cabinet Member (Sustainable Stockport) agree and make arrangement to offer free parking in all Council car parks, including the Town Centre, and all Council on-street parking for the duration of the Jubilee Bank Holiday weekend 2nd June – 5 June inclusive, to support all those organising and attending community Jubilee events and to encourage footfall in the local, district and Town centres; and · Request the Chief Executive write to the Cabinet Office to seek appropriate permissions and Royal approval to replace the current working name of the new library and cultural centre on Merseyway (“StockRoom”) with the name “The Queen Elizabeth II Jubilee Library and Discovery Centre” as a lasting and fitting tribute.
Moved by: Councillor Mike Hurleston
Seconded by: Councillor Alanna Vine Additional documents: Minutes: RESOLVED – (1 against) This Council Meeting proudly recognises that in 2022, Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth II will become the first British Monarch to celebrate a Platinum Jubilee.
This Council Meeting notes that the extended Bank Holiday, from Thursday 2nd June – Sunday 5th June will provide an opportunity for communities and people through the United Kingdom and Commonwealth to come together and celebrate this historic 70- year milestone.
This Council Meeting further recognises the high esteem in which Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth II is held by the British public and that Stockport residents will also wish to see the Platinum Jubilee marked in a significant and lasting way.
This Council Meeting therefore resolves to;
· Request the Cabinet Member (Sustainable Stockport) ensure guidance, advice and information on holding Jubilee Street Parties in the Borough is urgently published and promoted on the Council website and social media outlets; · Request the Cabinet Member (Sustainable Stockport) agree and make arrangement for all permit and licence fees for Jubilee Street Parties to be waived; · Request the Cabinet Member (Sustainable Stockport) agree and make arrangement to offer free parking in all Council car parks, including the Town Centre, and all Council on-street parking for the duration of the Jubilee Bank Holiday weekend 2nd June – 5 June inclusive, to support all those organising and attending community Jubilee events and to encourage footfall in the local, district and Town centres; and · Request the Chief Executive write to the Cabinet Office to seek appropriate permissions and Royal approval to replace the current working name of the new library and cultural centre on Merseyway (“StockRoom”) with the name “The Queen Elizabeth II Jubilee Library and Discovery Centre” as a lasting and fitting tribute. |
Duration of the Meeting - Council Meeting Procedure Rule 9.1 Additional documents: Minutes: At this stage in the proceedings the Mayor informed the Council Meeting that the provisions of Council Meeting Procedure Rule 9.1 (Duration of Meeting) would be invoked unless the Council Meeting wished the meeting to continue.
RESOLVED – That the provisions of Council Meeting Procedure Rule 9.1 relating to the duration of (Council) meetings be duly invoked. |
Motions - Notice of which have been given under Council Meeting Procedure Rule 12 (continued) Additional documents: |
Safety and Value for Money Inquiry into Bramhall Park to A6 Cycle Route This Council Meeting notes the Government’s investment in public and sustainable transport to improve productivity and spread prosperity through the Transforming Cities Fund.
This Council Meeting further notes;
· the allocation by the Mayor of Greater Manchester of Transforming Cities funding to the Mayoral Cycling and Walking Challenge Fund. · a number of walking and cycling schemes have been developed in Stockport, one of which is a route between Bramhall Park and the A6.
This Council Meeting recognises that the Bramhall Park to A6 cycle route;
· has had an impact on the lives of residents in the wards of Hazel Grove, Bramhall North, and Stepping Hill; · has been a controversial scheme for residents, many of whom feel their consultation responses and feedback were ignored by the Council; · has raised real concerns among residents and Councillors about road safety, congestion and air quality, the removal of trees and hedges, and tarmacking over of green amenity space. In particular, there has been an unwelcome and disappointing loss of trees and green space on Bridge Lane, Jackson’s Lane and Dean Lane, cycle paths are running very close to residents’ driveways despite this being flagged as a potential hazard very early and the removal of filter lanes at the Fiveways Junction; and · does not appear, so far, to have encouraged any significant modal shift.
This Council Meeting therefore calls on the Director of Place Management to;
· ensure the scheme is regularly monitored for usage, resident feedback, accidents and any reported “near misses”; · conduct a full inquiry into the design, public consultation, construction, rollout and full costs of the scheme with a view to establishing the value for money and impact on congestion, air quality, congestion, road safety and usage of the cycle route. The review and inquiry to take place after 1 year post completion; and · ensure that the subsequent report and findings are present to Scrutiny and the relevant Area Committees.
Moved by: Councillor Oliver Johnstone
Seconded by: Councillor John Wright Additional documents: Minutes: RESOLVED - This Council Meeting notes the Government’s investment in public and sustainable transport to improve productivity and spread prosperity through the Transforming Cities Fund.
This Council Meeting further notes;
· the allocation by the Mayor of Greater Manchester of Transforming Cities funding to the Mayoral Cycling and Walking Challenge Fund. · a number of walking and cycling schemes have been developed in Stockport, one of which is a route between Bramhall Park and the A6.
This Council Meeting recognises that the Bramhall Park to A6 cycle route;
· has had an impact on the lives of residents in the wards of Hazel Grove, Bramhall North, and Stepping Hill; · has been a controversial scheme for residents, many of whom feel their consultation responses and feedback were ignored by the Council; · has raised real concerns among residents and Councillors about road safety, congestion and air quality, the removal of trees and hedges, and tarmacking over of green amenity space. In particular, there has been an unwelcome and disappointing loss of trees and green space on Bridge Lane, Jackson’s Lane and Dean Lane, cycle paths are running very close to residents’ driveways despite this being flagged as a potential hazard very early and the removal of filter lanes at the Fiveways Junction; and · does not appear, so far, to have encouraged any significant modal shift.
This Council Meeting therefore calls on the Director of Place Management to;
· ensure the scheme is regularly monitored for usage, resident feedback, accidents and any reported “near misses”; · conduct a full inquiry into the design, public consultation, construction, rollout and full costs of the scheme with a view to establishing the value for money and impact on congestion, air quality, congestion, road safety and usage of the cycle route. The review and inquiry to take place after 1 year post completion; and · ensure that the subsequent report and findings are present to Scrutiny and the relevant Area Committees. |
A6- M60 Relief Road This Council Meeting notes the previous commitment by Stockport Council to the A6 to M60 bypass.
This Council Meeting also notes it’s previous resolution and the Cabinet Decision to develop the Strategic Outline Business Case by taking the next steps in development work, including seeking funding for feasibility work, towards the Outline Business Case Stage.
This Council Meeting further notes the Council failed to secure funding for the next steps in putting together the feasibility studies and outline business case that could lead to construction funding and has not published or adopted a final version of the refreshed South East Manchester Multi-Modal Study (SEMMMS) since it was consulted on in 2018.
This Council Meeting recognises the continued detrimental impact of the A6 on the lives, prosperity and success of Hazel Grove and its residents. The A6 forms a major severance for Hazel Grove and the heavy traffic and frequency of heavy goods vehicles travelling at speed adjacent to pavements which are, in places, relatively narrow is a serious deterrent to use of the local centre. This Council Meeting also regrets the absence of any reference to the A6 to M60 link road in the recent Stockport Economic Plan, given its potential and strategic significance.
This Council Meeting therefore;
· Restates its commitment to seek funding and work towards the development of the Outline Business Case for the A6 to M60 relief road link; · Requests the Cabinet Member (Economy & Regeneration) and the Director for Place Management provide an update at the next round of scrutiny on progress with the relief road, funding options and opportunities and progress with the final updated SEMMMS strategy and adoption; and · Requests that the Cabinet Member (Economy & Regeneration) and the Director of Place Management ensure that given its strategic significance the continued commitment to the A6 to M60 link relief road is included in the Stockport Economic Strategy before the final version comes back to scrutiny in June.
Moved by: Councillor Oliver Johnstone
Seconded by: Councillor John McGahan Additional documents: Minutes: MOVED AND SECONDED - This Council Meeting notes the previous commitment by Stockport Council to the A6 to M60 bypass.
This Council Meeting also notes it’s previous resolution and the Cabinet Decision to develop the Strategic Outline Business Case by taking the next steps in development work, including seeking funding for feasibility work, towards the Outline Business Case Stage.
This Council Meeting further notes the Council failed to secure funding for the next steps in putting together the feasibility studies and outline business case that could lead to construction funding and has not published or adopted a final version of the refreshed South East Manchester Multi-Modal Study (SEMMMS) since it was consulted on in 2018.
This Council Meeting recognises the continued detrimental impact of the A6 on the lives, prosperity and success of Hazel Grove and its residents. The A6 forms a major severance for Hazel Grove and the heavy traffic and frequency of heavy goods vehicles travelling at speed adjacent to pavements which are, in places, relatively narrow is a serious deterrent to use of the local centre.
This Council Meeting also regrets the absence of any reference to the A6 to M60 link road in the recent Stockport Economic Plan, given its potential and strategic significance.
This Council Meeting therefore;
· Restates its commitment to seek funding and work towards the development of the Outline Business Case for the A6 to M60 relief road link; · Requests the Cabinet Member (Economy & Regeneration) and the Director for Place Management provide an update at the next round of scrutiny on progress with the relief road, funding options and opportunities and progress with the final updated SEMMMS strategy and adoption; and · Requests that the Cabinet Member (Economy & Regeneration) and the Director of Place Management ensure that given its strategic significance the continued commitment to the A6 to M60 link relief road is included in the Stockport Economic Strategy before the final version comes back to scrutiny in June.
Upon the motion being put to the vote:-
For the motion 21, against 26, abstentions 7.
A named vote was requested in relation to the voting on this motion, and the voting was recorded as follows:-
The councillors who voted for the motion were Councillors Shan Alexander, Paul Ankers, Brian Bagnall, Angie Clark, Stuart Corris, Graham Greenhalgh, Keith Holloway, Linda Holt, Mark Hunter, Mike Hurleston, Oliver Johnstone, Jilly Julian, Colin MacAlister, John McGahan, Wendy Meikle, Tom Morrison, Mark Roberts, Lisa Smart, Sue Thorpe, Lisa Walker and John Wright.
The councillors who voted against the motion were The Deputy Mayor; Councillors Malcolm Allan, Sheila Bailey, Kate Butler, Laura Clingan, Becky Crawford, Dickie Davies, Roy Driver, Dean Fitzpatrick, Colin Foster, Steve Gribbon, Philip Harding, Gary Lawson, Rory Leonard, Tom McGee, David Meller, Janet Mobbs, Amanda Peers, Andy Sorton, Charlie Stewart, John Taylor, Kerry Water, Jude Wells, Wendy Wild, Elise Wilson and Matt Wynne.
The councillors abstained on the motion were The Mayor; Councillors Lou Ankers, Grace Baynham, Chris Gordon, Oliver Harrison, Carole McCann and Iain Roberts. |