Venue: Committee Room 2, Town Hall, Stockport. View directions
Contact: Georgia Latham (0161 474 3229)
No. | Item | ||||||||
Election of Chair To elect a Chair of the Area Committee for a period until the next Annual Council Meeting. Additional documents: Minutes: RESOLVED – That Councillor Will Dawson be elected Chair of the Area Committee for the period until the next Annual Council Meeting.
Councillor Dawson in the chair Additional documents: |
Appointment of Vice Chair To appoint a Vice Chair for the period until the next Annual Council Meeting. Additional documents: Minutes: RESOLVED – That Councillor Pete West be appointed Vice-Chair of the Area Committee for the period until the next Annual Council Meeting.
To approve as a correct record and sign the Minutes of the meeting held on 18 April 2023. Additional documents: Minutes: The Minutes (copies of which had been circulated) of the meeting held on 18 April 2023 were approved as a correct record and signed by the Chair.
Declarations of Interest Councillors and officers to declare any interests which they have in any of the items on the agenda for the meeting. Additional documents: Minutes: Councillors and officers were invited to declare any interests which they had in any of the items on the agenda for the meeting.
The following interests were declared:-
Personal Interests
Urgent Decisions To report any urgent action taken under the Constitution since the last meeting of the Committee. Additional documents: Minutes: No urgent decisions were reported. |
Community Engagement Additional documents: |
Chair's Announcements To receive any announcements from the Chair about local community events or issues. Additional documents: Minutes: It was announced that, following the resolution of this Committee on 7 March 2023 that Mirrlees Fields should be added to the list of Assets of Community Value, the asset owners had notified the Council on 2 June 2023 that they intended to make a relevant disposal of the land in accordance with S95 (2) of the Localism Act 2011.
It was further announced that the interim moratorium period was in operation from 2 June until 14 July 2023. During this interim moratorium, eligible Community Interest Groups might notify the Council of their intention to bid and trigger the full moratorium period. As of 12 June 2023 no eligible groups had done so.
It was announced that Hazel Grove carnival was scheduled to take place on 15July 2023.
It was reported that a consultation was currently underway with regard to a proposal by the 2023-24 Greater Manchester Fire and Rescue Service (GMFRS) Review to the operation of Offerton Community Fire Station which, if implemented, would likely see an increase to response times. It was announced that this decision was not one for Stockport Council to take but that members of the public could add their views to the consultation or via their local Councillor who would in turn give their views to the GMFRS.
Chair's Announcements Councillors and members of the public are invited to raise ‘Neighbourhood Policing’ issues with the local Neighbourhood Policing Team. Additional documents: Minutes: Sergeant Jason Holmwood (Greater Manchester Police) attended the meeting to answer questions from councillors and members of the public in relation to Neighbourhood Policing issues within the area represented by the Stepping Hill Area Committee.
The following comments were made/ issues raised:-
· It was reported that there had been 195 reported crimes in the last month for the local area. The key priorities for the area were burglary, drug dealing and the associated anti-social behaviour, speeding and other vehicle related crime. Work had been ongoing with the Local Neighbourhood Crime Team to both prevent offences and bring offenders to justice. · Work with local communities had resulted in a reduction in antisocial behaviour in Torkington Park, with the local beat team providing a visible presence. · There had been issues relating to illegal vape sales to under-aged people at a shop in Hazel Grove. The police had worked with Trading Standards who had issued a warning to the shop and prosecutions were ongoing. This had led to a significant reduction in antisocial behaviour at the nearby MacDonalds. · It was reported that three offenders had recently been charged in connection with bike thefts in the area. It was hoped that this would lead to a reduction in future bike thefts. · It was reported that as part of an ongoing effort to tackle drug use in Offerton, a Cannabis farm had been located and plants had been seized, with an offender on remand in prison with a court hearing due. It was hoped that there would be more action in future with regard to intelligence that had been received. · It was reported that Operation Monsoon had been implemented in the past month in an effort to tackle the use of dangerous driving on off-road bikes. It was hoped that intelligence regarding riders and storage locations for the bikes would be forthcoming leading to a reduction in illegal bike use. · It was reported that a series of PACT (Partners and Communities Together) meetings had recently begun. These aimed to provide an opportunity for partner services to attend community forums in order to engage with the local police team and have their say, as well as to receive an update on policing services. · Members queried how residents might report sightings of off-road bikes. In response, it was stated that residents were advised to call 101, use the online portal or the local mailbox. In addition, plans were in place to match dash-cam and CCTV footage with reported sightings leading to more arrests. · Members queried what could be done to make the local community, in particular children, feel safer following incidents of antisocial behaviour and bike theft. It was stated that there was ongoing work with the Council and children were encouraged to speak to the police and local community team. Work with youth offending teams was ongoing in order to tackle antisocial behaviour. · In response to the action taken around drug use in Offerton, members highlighted the importance of residents voicing their concerns as these had previously helped to solve a crime. RESOLVED – That Sergeant Jason Holmwood be thanked for his attendance.
Public Question Time Members of the public are invited to put questions to the Chair of the Area Committee on any matters within the powers and duties of the Area Committee, subject to the exclusions set out in the Code of Practice (Questions must be submitted prior to the commencement of the meeting on the cards provided. These are available the meeting. You can also submit via the Council’s website at Additional documents: Minutes: Members of the public were invited to put questions to the Chair on any matters in the powers or duties of the Area Committee, subject to the exclusions set out within the Code of Practice.
Two public questions were submitted as follows:
· Relating to progress made in relation to the Travel Plan and whether an update had been provided by the NHS Foundation Trust.
In response, Members confirmed that the travel plan had been received by the Council and was currently under review. It was stated that residents would be provided with an update when progress had been made and the travel plan would be available to be viewed by the public once published.
· Relating to public consultations and student numbers regarding the proposed new build on Canada Street adjacent to Aquinas College.
As the questioner was not in attendance at the meeting and in accordance with the Code of Practice, the Chief Executive was requested to respond to the questioner in writing.
Petitions To receive petitions from members of the public and community groups. Additional documents: Minutes: No petitions were submitted.
Open Forum In accordance with the Code of Practice no organisation has indicated that they wished to address the Area Committee as part of the Open Forum arrangements. Additional documents: Minutes: A representative of the Assistant Director – Legal & Democratic Governance (Monitoring Officer) reported that no organisations had indicated that they wished to address the Area Committee as part of the Open Forum arrangements
Ward Flexibility Funding - Bosden Farm Community Group
To consider an application for Ward Flexibility Funding received from Bosden Farm Community Group for a grant of £490.00 (Offerton ward allocation only) towards the cost of setting up a youth group for children in year 9, to increase their life skills and confidence. Additional documents: Minutes: A representative of Bosden Farm Community Group attended the meeting and submitted an application for a grant of £490.00 (Offerton ward allocation only) towards the cost of setting up a youth group for children in year 9, to increase their life skills and confidence.
RESOLVED – That approval be given to an application from Bosden Farm Community Group for a grant of £490.00 from the Ward Flexibility Funding Budget (Offerton ward allocation only) towards the cost of setting up a youth group for children in year 9 to increase their life skills and confidence. |
Ward Flexibility Funding - Make Build Grow To consider an application for Ward Flexibility Funding received from Make Build Glow for a grant of £417.50 (£250.50 from Hazel Grove, £83.50 from Offerton and £83.50 from Stepping Hill wards allocation only) towards the cost of opening a new space, MakeGood, which will provide a warm space, drinks and snacks where residents can visit and connect with others. Additional documents: Minutes: A representative Make Build Grow attended the meeting and submitted an application for a grant of £417.50 (£250.50 from Hazel Grove, £83.50 from Offerton and £83.50 from Stepping Hill wards allocation only) towards the cost of opening a new space, MakeGood, which will provide a warm space, drinks and snacks where residents can visit and connect with others.
RESOLVED – That approval be given to an application from Make Build Grow for a grant of £417.50 from the Ward Flexibility Funding Budget (£250.50 from Hazel Grove, £83.50 from Offerton and £83.50 from Norbury and Woodsmoor wards allocations) towards the cost of opening a new space, MakeGood, which will provide a warm space, drinks and snacks where residents can visit and connect with others. |
Ward Flexibility Funding - Drawing Board Productions CIC – Hazel Grove Post To consider an application for Ward Flexibility Funding received from Drawing Board Productions CIC – Hazel Grove Post for a grant of £840 (£320 from Hazel Grove, £200 from Offerton and £320 from Stepping Hill wards allocation only) towards the cost of launching Hazel Grove Post, a free community newspaper designed to inform and connect local communities. Additional documents: Minutes: A representative of Drawing Board Productions CIC – Hazel Grove Post attended the meeting and submitted an application for a grant of £840 (£320 from Hazel Grove, £200 from Offerton and £320 from Stepping Hill wards allocations) towards the cost of launching Hazel Grove Post, a free community newspaper designed to inform and connect local communities.
RESOLVED – (8 for, 1 against) That approval be given to an application from Drawing Board Productions CIC – Hazel Grove Post for a grant of £840 from the Ward Flexibility Funding Budget (£320 from Hazel Grove, £200 from Offerton and £320 from Norbury and Woodsmoor ward allocations) towards the cost of launching Hazel Grove Post, a free community newspaper designed to inform and connect local communities. |
Development Applications There are currently no development applications to consider. Additional documents: Minutes: There were no development applications to consider.
Planning Appeal, Enforcement Appeals and Enforcement Notices To consider a report of the Assistant Director – Legal and Democratic Governance.
The report summarises recent appeal decisions; lists current planning appeals and dates for local enquiries; informal hearings for planning appeals, and enforcement action within the Stepping Hill Area Committee area.
The Area Committee is recommended to note the report.
Officer Contact: Vicki Bates on 0161 474 3219 or email: Additional documents: Minutes: A representative of the Assistant Director – Legal & Democratic Governance submitted a report (copies of which had been circulated) summarising recent appeal decisions; listing current planning appeals and dates for local enquiries; informal hearings for planning appeals, and enforcement action within the Stepping Hill Area Committee.
It was commented that the appeal against the refusal of prior approval of permitted development rights for a proposed 5G 17m telecoms installation H3G street pole and additional cabinets had been dismissed, as this had been a particular area of concern amongst some residents.
RESOLVED – That the report be noted.
Tree Preservation Order 23 Offerton Road To consider a report of the Director of Place Management.
The report details the objections to a Tree Preservation Order at 23 Offerton Road, Hazel Grove.
The Area Committee is recommended to confirm the Tree Preservation Order as made.
Officer Contact: Peter Pollard on 0161 474 5637 or email:
Additional documents:
Minutes: A representative of the Assistant Director – Legal & Democratic Governance submitted a report on behalf of the Director of Place Management (copies of which had been circulated) detailing the objections to a Tree Preservation Order at 23 Offerton Road, Hazel Grove.
The following comments were made/ issues raised:
· It was noted that the damage that the trees in question had caused to driveways and drains. It was stated that United Utilities had attended the site and had used root cutters to solve drains blockages. · It was commented that due to the density and variety of the trees at this property, the removal of the trees in question would unlikely to be noticed. · It was requested that the damage caused by the trees be investigated. RESOLVED – That consideration of the Tree Preservation Order be deferred until further Investigations had been carried out in relation to any damage being caused by the trees.
Hazel Grove District Centre Action Plan To consider a report of the Director of Development and Regeneration.
The report provides an update on delivering the Hazel Grove District Centre Action Plan.
The Area Committee is recommended to note the partnership approach to developing the Hazel Grove District Centre Action Plan.
Officer Contact: Helen Walters on 0161 474 3734 or email: Additional documents: Minutes: A representative of the Director of Development and Regeneration submitted a report (copies of which had been circulated) providing an update on delivering the Hazel Grove District Centre Action Plan.
The following comments were made/ issues raised:
· Members welcomed the support for small local businesses in the area and a reduction in building vacancies. · It was queried whether the upkeep of the Civic Hall could be included in the District Centre Action Plan. · It was queried whether there were any locations for additional highways trees. RESOLVED – That the report be noted.
Residents Permit Parking Petition - Vernon Street, Hazel Grove To consider a report of the Director of Place Management.
This report contains a desktop study which details the existing parking conditions following the receipt of a petition requesting the introduction of a residents permit parking scheme on Vernon Street, Hazel Grove.
The Area Committee is recommended to:
1) Note the report; or
2) Approve funding in the amount of £6,000 from the Area Committee’s Delegated Budget (Hazel Grove ward allocation) to enable consultation and further investigations into the introduction of a residents permit parking scheme on Vernon Street, Hazel Grove.
Officer Contact: Noel Nhengu by email:
Additional documents: Minutes: A representative of the Assistant Director – Legal & Democratic Governance submitted a report on behalf of the Director of Place Management (copies of which had been circulated) containing a desktop study which detailed the existing parking conditions following the receipt of a petition requesting the introduction of a residents permit parking scheme on Vernon Street, Hazel Grove.
The following comments were made/ issues raised:-
· Members queried the value for money of the scheme and noted that it was unusual for a parking scheme to be introduced on a street with only four residential properties; · Members also queried the cost of the consultation, noting that it was more expensive compared to previous schemes; · Members noted details of future developments on Vernon Street and considered that there might be a need for a parking scheme in the future. In such circumstances, residents were encouraged to resubmit a further application for a parking permits scheme. RESOLVED – That the report be noted.
Area Committee Ward Highway Spokespersons The Area Committee is invited to nominate Ward Spokespersons with whom the Director of Place Management can consult on highway maintenance and traffic management matters.
The Area Committee is recommended to nominate Ward Spokespersons.
Officer Contact: Jacqueline Kramer 0161 474 2978 or email: Additional documents: Minutes: The Area Committee was invited to nominate Ward Spokespersons with whom the Director of Place Management could consult on highway maintenance and traffic management matters.
RESOLVED - That the following Councillors be appointed as Ward Spokespersons for highways and traffic issues:-
Hazel Grove Ward Councillor Wendy Meikle
Offerton Ward Councillor Will Dawson Councillor Will Sharp
Norbury & Woodsmoor Ward Councillor Grace Baynham |
Nominations to Outside Bodies To consider a report of the Assistant Director – Legal & Democratic Governance.
The report requests the Area Committee to consider appointments of representatives on Outside Bodies.
The Area Committee is requested to make nominations for appointments on Outside Bodies.
Officer contact: Jacqueline Kramer 0161 474 2978 or email:
Additional documents: Minutes: A representative of the Assistant Director – Legal & Democratic Governance submitted a report (copies of which had been circulated) requesting the Area Committee to appoint representatives of the Council to local Outside Bodies.
RESOLVED – That the following councillors be nominated to represent the Council on the Hazel Grove Community Association:-
Councillor Jake Austin Councillor Wendy Meikle Councillor Frankie Singleton
Progress on Area Committee Decisions To consider a report of the Assistant Director – Legal and Democratic Governance.
The report provides an update on progress since the last meeting on decisions taken by the Area Committee and details the current position on area flexibility funding. The report also includes the current position on the highway and traffic management delegated budget.
The Area Committee is recommended to note the report.
Officer contact: Jacqueline Kramer on 0161 474 2978 or email: Additional documents:
Minutes: A representative of the Assistant Director – Legal & Democratic Governance submitted a report (copies of which had been circulated) updating the Area Committee on progress since the last meeting on decisions taken by the Area Committee and the current position on Area Flexibility Funding.
Members questioned the progress on additional funding that was expected. It was stated that a report on this matter was expected at the next Area Committee.
RESOLVED – That the report be noted.