The Clean Air Scrutiny Committee (“the Scrutiny Committee”) is a joint committee created by the ten Greater Manchester local authorities (“the Constituent Authorities”) under section 101(5) of the Local Government Act 1972.
The Scrutiny Committee’s role and function is as follows:-
1. To review or scrutinise decisions made, or other actions taken by the Clean Air Charging Authorities Committee, including decisions delegated by it to officers and sub-committees;
2. To review or scrutinise decisions made, or other actions taken, in relation to the Constituent Authorities’ functions, exercised by the Air Quality Administration Committee, including decisions delegated by it to officers and sub-committees;
3. To make reports or recommendations to the Clean Air Charging Authorities Committee or the Air Quality Administration Committee concerning the discharge of their functions;
4. To Call-In decisions made by the Clean Air Charging Authorities Committee, including decisions delegated by it to officers and sub-committees;
5. To Call-In decisions made, in relation to the Constituent Authorities’ functions, exercised by the Air Quality Administration Committee, including decisions delegated by it to officers and sub-committees.