Browse forward plans or other Cabinet notices

Cabinet, 2025

The forward plan is a list of the council’s key decisions that will be made over the coming months.For a defintion of a Key Decision follow this link

These decisions will be made by either the Cabinet by chief officers or by the Council Meeting.

The Forward Plan is usually published a month before the start of the month to which it refers.

The Plan includes a short description of the decision to be made; who will make it; when the decision will be taken; details of the planned consultation with local people and other stakeholders; whether any part of the report to be considered by the decision-maker will be confidential; and contact details for further information (including reports and background papers).

Where a key decision will need be taken more urgently than it would be possible to give 28 days' notice for, a General Exception Notice or Special Urgency Notice will be published setting out the reasons for the decision being taken urgently, and these can be found here.

For those key decisions being taken by the Cabinet details of the members of the Cabinet can be found here.