General exception notice

General Exception Notices - 30 September 2014 Executive Meeting  (18 Sep 2014, Executive)

Plan description

General Exception Notices for


·         Exemptions to parking charges resulting from abolition of the paper tax disc


·         Bridgefield Redevelopment Scheme - Princes Street Compulsory Purchase Order



Plan items
No. Item


Exemptions to parking charges resulting from abolition of the paper tax disc New!

Decision maker:  Executive

Decision:   30 Sep 2014

Lead officer:  Megan Black

Decision status:  Recommendations Approved

Notice of proposed decision first published: 18/09/2014

Reason for urgency:
Consideration of this item cannot reasonably be delayed as confirmation of the changes to the Vehicle Exercise Duty on 1 October 2014 will impact on the Council's ability to implement the agreed parking charges policy. A decision is required to ensure that the Council can respond to the changes in a timely manner.

Anticipated restriction: Open  -


Bridgefield Redevelopment Scheme - Princes Street Compulsory Purchase Order New!

Decision maker:  Executive

Decision:   30 Sep 2014

Lead officer:  Michael Bownes

Decision status:  Recommendations Approved

Notice of proposed decision first published: 18/09/2014

Reason for urgency:
Consideration of this item cannot reasonably be delayed as it has become necessary for the Council to seek the Compulsory Purchase of properties required to deliver the Bridgefield redeveopment scheme and delay in beginning the process may jepardise the delivery of the project to the agreed timescale.