Life Leisure Application for Additional Funding to Enable Reopening of Leisure Centre New!
Decision maker:
28 Jul 2020
Lead officer:
Peter Ashworth
Decision status:
Recommendations Approved
Notice of proposed decision first published: 20/07/2020
This decision will be taken under urgency procedures.
Reason for urgency: The Coronavirus pandemic has caused severe financial pressure to Life Leisure through the closure of leisure centres and suspension of memberships. Government instruction to reopen leisure centres was given on the 9th July and it has required significant planning and financial analysis to work out how to reopen centres safely in line with Government guidance and how the reopening process might be phased. Life Leisure were unable to provide an accurate forecast of the likely scale of additional funding required until this work had been carried out. Both the Council and Life Leisure are keen to see leisure centres reopen as quickly as possible and so it was important that the additional funding request could be considered by Cabinet in July.
Anticipated restriction: Fully exempt - view reasons
Explanation of anticipated restriction: The report contains information ‘not for publication’ in the main report. The information relates to a commercial relationship with our leisure provider and would involve disclosure of their financial position and is commercially sensitive.