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Abell, Councillor Geoff Abell
Alexander, Councillor Shan Al
Austin, Councillor Jake Austi
Barratt, Councillor Joe Barra
Barratt, Councillor Rosemary
Baynham, Councillor Grace Bay
Byrne, Councillor Jon Byrne
Carrigan, Councillor Christin
Caton, Councillor Asa Caton
Charles-Jones, Councillor Ann
Clark, Councillor Angie Clark
Clingan, Councillor Laura Cli
Crix, Councillor Liz Crix
Davies, Councillor Dickie Dav
Dawson, Councillor Will Dawso
Fitzpatrick, Councillor Dean
Foster, Councillor Colin Fost
Foster-Grime, Councillor Hele
Frizzell, Councillor James Fr
Gatley, Vacancy (Cheadle West
Glithero, Councillor Sue Glit
Greenhalgh, Councillor Graham
Gribbon, Councillor Steve Gri
Guariento, Councillor Yvonne
Hardwick, Councillor Dominic
Hibbert, Councillor Helen Hib
Holloway, Councillor Keith Ho
Hunter, Councillor Ian Hunter
Hunter, Councillor Mark Hunte
Jones, Councillor Dallas Jone
Jones, Councillor Mark Jones
Julian, Councillor Jilly Juli
Lawson, Councillor Gary Lawso
MacAlister, Councillor Colin
McCann, Councillor Carole McC
McCormack, Councillor Holly M
Meal, Councillor Jeremy Meal
Meikle, Councillor Micheala M
Meikle, Councillor Wendy Meik
Meller, Councillor David Mell
Mobbs, Councillor Janet Mobbs
Morrison, Councillor Tom Morr
Newman, Councillor Mike Newma
Oliver, Councillor Dan Oliver
Powney, Councillor Ian Powney
Roberts, Councillor Mark Robe
Romiley, Vacancy (Bredbury Gr
Ryness, Councillor Dena Rynes
Sedgwick, Councillor David Se
Senior, Councillor Becky Seni
Sharp, Councillor Will Sharp
Singleton, Councillor Frankie
Smart, Councillor Lisa Smart
Stewart, Councillor Charlie S
Stuart, Councillor Catherine
Taylor, Councillor John Taylo
Taylor, Councillor Leah Taylo
Thornley, Councillor Aron Tho
Thorpe, Councillor Sue Thorpe
Vibert, Councillor Claire Vib
Wardlaw, Councillor Karl Ward
Waters, Councillor Kerry Wate
West, Councillor Pete West
Wild, Councillor Wendy Wild
Wilson, Councillor David Wils
Wise, Councillor Rachel Wise
Wright, Councillor Paul Wrigh
Wyatt, Councillor Suzanne Wya
Wynne, Councillor Alex Wynne
Wynne, Councillor Matt Wynne
Registered gifts and hospitalities
There are no gifts or hospitalities for this period