The Corporate Risk Register (CRR) was last
updated and distributed to Audit Committee on the 17th November
The CRR reflects the changes to the Council’s overall risk
profile as follows:
Two new corporate risks have been identified and included in the
Corporate Risk Register as follows:
Risk 14: Workforce recruitment, development and retention-
highlighting the challenge the Council faces around recruiting,
retaining and appropriately skilling the workforce and some of the
responses already in place and being developed.
Risk 15: Integrated Care System – Health and Care Bill (June
2022).- highlighting the current uncertainty around the funding
model and local priorities but also recognising the Council is
developing it’s response to the challenges.
Decision type: Non-key
Decision status: For Determination
Wards affected: (All Wards);
Department: Corporate and Support Services
Contact: John Pearsall Email: Tel: 0161 474 4033.