Issue details

Greater Manchester Joint Waste Development Plan Document (GMJWDPD)

Adoption of the GMJWDPD (as part of the Stockport Local Development Framework (LDF)).

Decision type: Key

Decision status: Recommendations Approved

Decision due: January 2012 by Executive

Decision due: January 2012 by Council Meeting

Lead member: Executive Councillor (Environment)

Department: Place and Regeneration

Contact: Richard Wood, Services to Place Email: Tel: 0161 474 4386.

Consultation process

Statutory consultation has been undertaken at various stages throughout the preparation of the GMJWDPD, including through the statutory Examination in Public, in line with the Council’s adopted Scheme of Community Involvement (SCI).  The published GMJWDPD was formally approved by the Council in September 2010 prior to the Examination in Public.


Representations had to be made through the statutory plan making processes (including the Examination in Public).  The plan making regulations do not afford any scope for further representations to be taken into account outside of that process.

Forward Plan Reference: ENV 60

Equality and/or Environmental Impact Assessment: Yes. Both an Equality Impact Assessment and a Sustainability Appraisal have been undertaken so as to meet statutory requirements in the preparation of the GMJWDPD.

Relevant Scrutiny Committee for the purpose of call-in: Environment and Economy


Agenda items


  • GMJWDPD (as published in November 2010); Report of the Independent Inspector (Mr Andrew Mead) into the Examination in Public of the GMJWDPD (including schedules of recommended changes to the published document)