Issue details

Investing in Stockport: Integrated Prevention and Safeguarding Children and Family Service - Children's Centres Consultation

At its meeting on 15 July 2014, the Executive received a Medium Term Financial Forecast that indicated a budget reduction requirement of £22.453m for 2015/16, and forecast a cumulative reduction requirement of £39.419m in 2016/17, rising to £64.5m by 2018/19. In response to those forecasts, and in line with its previous deliberations and statements of intent, the Executive agreed the strategic framework for Investing in Stockport (IIS), a single programme of sustainable growth and public service reform in the Borough over the medium term. This report presents information about the consultation regarding Children's Centre services.

Decision type: Non-key

Decision status: Recommendations Approved

Wards affected: (All Wards);

Department: People and Neighbourhoods

Contact: Viki Packman, Services to People Email: Tel: 0161-474-5753.

Agenda items


  • Investing in Stockport: Integrated Prevention and Safeguarding Children and Family Service - Children's Centres Consultation