Issue details

Stockport Pharmaceutical Needs Assessment 2015 - Draft for consultation

Stockport Health and Wellbeing Board has a duty to prepare and publish a regular Pharmaceutical Needs Assessment (PNA). The next Stockport PNA is due for publication in March 2015.

The PNA requires a statutory 60 day consultation with a limited range of stakeholders who must be served with a draft PNA for comment.

Health and Wellbeing Scrutiny Committee are requested to consider both the consultaion plans and the draft Stockport PNA 2015.

Decision type: Non-key

Decision status: Recommendations Approved

Wards affected: (All Wards);

Department: People and Neighbourhoods

Contact: Eleanor Banister, Services to People Email: Tel: 0161 474 2447.

Consultation process

The PNA requires a statutory 60 day consultation with a limited range of stakeholders. The consultation launched on 12th September and is running until 17th November, all statutory consultees have been notified and public comment has been invited by the Council's consulation register.

Agenda items


  • tockport Pharmaceutical Needs Assessment 2015 - Draft for consultation