Transport for Greater Manchester are leading
on the procurement that needs to be undertaken to deliver the Local
Electric Vehicle Infrastructure Programme.
The purpose of this report is to summarise the procurement that is
to be undertaken to deliver the Local Electric Vehicle
Infrastructure programme and to seek approval for Transport for
Greater Manchester to undertake the preparatory procurement
arrangements on behalf of itself and the 10 Local Authorities in
accordance with the Greater Manchester Combined Authority and
Transport for Greater Manchester’s existing Constitutional
This report is not seeking approval for Transport for Greater
Manchester to enter into contracts on behalf of the Local Authority
(as that will be dealt with at a later stage) but to run the
procurement exercise working with the local authorities with
potential suppliers to final evaluation and to provide a report to
allow the Greater Manchester Local Authorities to make a decision
to award to the successful supplier.
Decision type: Key
Reason Key: Affects 2 or more wards;
Decision status: For Determination
Wards affected: (All Wards);
Notice of proposed decision first published: 06/01/2025
Anticipated restriction: Part exempt - View reasons
Explanation of anticipated restriction:
Tender information - contains commercial or industrial information in respect of which confidentiality is provided by law to protect a legitimate economic interest, and disclosure would adversely affect that confidentiality. As such, it is considered that these reports fall within the exception under Regulation 12(5)(e) EIR and that, in all the circumstances of the case, the public interest in maintaining the exception outweighs the public interest in disclosing the information.
Decision due: 4 Feb 2025 by Cabinet
Lead member: Cabinet Member for Parks, Highways & Transport Services
Lead director: Director of Place Management
Department: Place and Regeneration
Contact: Jamie Birtles, Services to Place Email: Tel: 07356 120 423.
Consultation process
Forward Plan Reference: PH&T12
Equality and/or Environmental Impact Assessment: Equality and Environmental considerations will be considered as part of project development
Relevant Scrutiny Committee for the purpose of call-in: Communities & Transport