Issue details

Biodiversity Net Gain - Habitat Banking Vehicle

Details about the implementation of Biodiversity Net Gain legislation at the council, including the creation of a habitat banking vehicle for the provision of biodiversity units on council-owned land to fulfil demand for developments that require offsite biodiversity enhancement.

Decision type: Key

Reason Key: Affects 2 or more wards;

Decision status: For Determination

Wards affected: (All Wards);

Notice of proposed decision first published: 24/05/2024

Anticipated restriction: Part exempt  - View reasons

Explanation of anticipated restriction:
The report will contain information about terms proposed or to be proposed by or to the Council in the course of negotiations for a contract for the procurement of services and disclosure to the public of those terms would be likely to prejudice the Council in those or any other negotiations concerning the services. The setting of pricing for biodiversity units created on council land for sale to developers is commercially sensitive given the open market for sale of units. Revealing the price of these units prior to registration could impede the maximisation of sale price and therefore reduce income for delivery of biodiversity enhancements in the borough.

Decision due: 5 Nov 2024 by Cabinet

Lead member: Cabinet Member for Climate Change & Environment

Lead director: Director of Place Management

Department: Place and Regeneration

Contact: Nick Leslie, Services to Place Email: Tel: 07775804984.

Consultation process

Consultation will be undertaken with key stakeholders, such as the CAN and Local Nature Recovery Members' Groups, relevant Area Committees, and local community groups such as Friends Of Parks groups.

Forward Plan Reference: CC&E2

Equality and/or Environmental Impact Assessment: All equalities and environmental impacts will be detailed in the report.

Relevant Scrutiny Committee for the purpose of call-in: Corporate, Resource Management & Governance Scrutiny Committee


  • Biodiversity Net Gain - Habitat Banking Vehicle