Issue details

Stockport Pharmacuteical Needs Assessment 2022 - Consultation Draft

Stockport Health and Wellbeing Board has a statutory duty to prepare and publish a regular Pharmaceutical Needs Assessment (PNA). The next Stockport PNA is due for publication in November 2022.

The PNA requires a statutory 60 day consultation with a limited range of stakeholders who must be served with a draft PNA for comment. This consultation is being undertaken through August and September 2022.

As part of this consultation the draft PNA is being presented at the Adult Social Care & Health Scrutiny Committee for their consideration and comment.

Decision type: Non-key

Decision status: Recommendations Approved

Wards affected: (All Wards);

Department: Place and Regeneration

Contact: Eleanor Banister, Services to People Email: Tel: 0161 474 2447.

Consultation process

The draft PNA has been reviewed by Cllr Holloway and is currently on the Have Your Say portal.

Agenda items


  • Stockport Pharmacuteical Needs Assessment 2022 - Consultation Draft