Ward Flexibility Funding

Applying for Ward Flexibility Funding

Each of the 21 wards currently receive £3,000 per year to support activities of local community or voluntary groups, small projects or individuals that contribute positively to the environmental, economic or social wellbeing of people within the particular ward.

What applications will you consider?

Applications for annual running costs for an organisation or service will not normally be supported.

How much can I apply for?

The minimum size of grant that will be considered is £50 and grants above £1,000 will not normally be made. The decision of the Area Committee will be final.

How often can I apply for funding?

The Ward Flexibility Grant Fund is not designed to fund the same activity year on year. No more than one application will be considered in any twelve month period and applications will not normally be supported from the same organisation in consecutive years. The granting of an application will not imply future support for funding of recurring expenditure.

What can be funded?

Our key priority is given to projects or activities that:

Who and what cannot be funded:

Downloading a form and help with my application

You can download a copy of the form from this website

Ward Flexibility Funding form in a Microsoft Word format (557kb)

Ward Flexibility Funding form in a PDF format (500kb)

The Grant Fund is administered by Democratic Services in consultation with the appropriate Ward Councillors/ Area Committee. If you need advice or support to complete your application form, please contact Democratic Services on telephone number 0161 474 3216 or email democratic.services@stockport.gov.uk

Completed application forms should be returned to:

Democratic Services
Stockport Council
Town Hall