Election results for Stockport

General Election 2015 - Thursday, 7th May, 2015

Stockport - results
Election Candidate Party Votes % Outcome
Ann Coffey Labour 19771 49.9% Elected
Daniel Robert Hamilton Conservative 9710 24.5% Not elected
Steven Marcus Woolfe UK Independence Party (UKIP) 5206 13.1% Not elected
Daniel Hawthorne Liberal Democrats 3034 7.7% Not elected
Gary Austin Lawson Green Party 1753 4.4% Not elected
John Chapman Pearson Left Unity 175 0.4% Not elected
Voting Summary
Details Number
Seats 1
Total votes 39649
Electorate 63931
Number of ballot papers issued 39784
Number of ballot papers rejected 135
Turnout 62.2%
Share of the votes (%)
Ann Coffey 49.9% Elected
Daniel Robert Hamilton 24.5% Not elected
Steven Marcus Woolfe 13.1% Not elected
Daniel Hawthorne 7.7% Not elected
Gary Austin Lawson 4.4% Not elected
John Chapman Pearson 0.4% Not elected
Rejected ballot papers
No selection135
Total rejected135