ePetition details

Restore Peel Moat Open Space as a Community Green Space

We, the undersigned Request SMBC commence Phase 2 of the Council Plan to develop the Peel Moat Open Space derelict Astro Turf pitch as a Community Green Space incorporating an outdoor education area, rewilding and community orchard and informal recreation space. The current Sport England objection to this SMBC plan should be set aside.

The proposal is focused on planting and rewilding the site in line with the SMBC Plan 2023-2024 , One Stockport 2023 , Rewilding Stockport project , Stockport CAN , SE Sustainability Policy , and providing a broad based and inclusive outdoor exercise and recreation space available free to access to the community 24/7. It is proposed the existing tarmac path is retained and developed as a jogging/running track and outdoor exercise machines and basketball hoops are situated on the widest part of the track. In cooperation with St Thomas Primary the site would also include an outdoor education area, incorporating a community orchard, and be available to local schools. The site has been allowed to degenerate and is now a derelict eyesore and focus for anti-social behaviour. Of the £165,000 recently allocated to the site by SMBC £35,000 has been spent to remove the floodlighting fencing and cabling. The pitch is now likely beyond cost-effective repair as a playing surface . The site itself has been described by SMBC as 'lapsed' and 'landlocked’. The Sport England objection has resulted in further work to complete the project being halted. Whilst the objection remains in place, the community in Heaton Moor have only a disused eyesore, covered in rubbish and frequently hosting anti-social behaviour to contend with.

This ePetition ran from 14/07/2023 to 25/08/2023 and has now finished.

225 people signed this ePetition.