
Use the below search options at the bottom of the page to find information regarding recent executive decisions that have been taken by the council’s executive decision making bodies, such as the Cabinet Meeting, individual Cabinet Members, Area Committees or the Council Meeting itself.

Decisions recommendations approved (subject to call-in)
Title Date Effective from Call-ins
Cabinet Response to the Impact of Bus Franchising Scrutiny Review (Non-Key) ref: 725004/02/202512/02/20250
Cabinet Response to the Services for Young People Scrutiny Review (Non-Key) ref: 724904/02/202512/02/20250
Cabinet Response to the Adult Social Care IT Systems & Data Scrutiny Review (Non-Key) ref: 724804/02/202512/02/20250
Final Scrutiny Review Report - The Accountability of Social Housing Providers to the Council and Residents of Stockport ref: 723104/02/202512/02/20250
Appointments to Outside Bodies (Non-Key) ref: 725204/02/202512/02/20250
Write Off of Rent Arrears Debt (Non-Key) ref: 725404/02/202512/02/20250
Independent Review of Stockport's Housing Management Arrangements (F&R48) ref: 724304/02/202512/02/20250
Local Electric Vehicle Infrastructure (LEVI) Fund Procurement Report (PH&T12) ref: 725304/02/202512/02/20250
Asset Management Plan Capital Programme 2025/26 - 2028/29 (F&R49) ref: 724404/02/202512/02/20250
Stockport Active CIC (Life Leisure) - New Management Arrangements (F&R47) ref: 724104/02/202512/02/20250
Use of Surveillance Powers - Regulation of Investigatory Powers Act 2000 and The Investigatory Powers Act 2016 (Non-Key) ref: 725104/02/202512/02/20250
School Admission Arrangements September 2026 and School Organisation Proposals (CF&E15) ref: 724604/02/202512/02/20250
Learning Disability Strategy (H&ASC7) ref: 724704/02/202512/02/20250
Part B: Medium Term Financial Plan – Financial Landscape and Forecasts 2025/26 to 2028/29 (F&R45) ref: 723704/02/202512/02/20250
Part A: Cabinet Response: Responding to Medium Term Financial Plan (F&R44) ref: 723604/02/202512/02/20250
2024/25 Quarter 2+ Budget Monitoring Update (Non-Key) ref: 723404/02/202512/02/20250
Schools Finance Settlement 2025/26 (CF&E11) ref: 723204/02/202512/02/20250
Schools Investment Plan (CF&E14) ref: 724504/02/202512/02/20250
Inspection Policy and Plans for Highways and Public Rights of Way 2024 ref: 725522/01/202512/02/20250