
Use the below search options at the bottom of the page to find information regarding recent executive decisions that have been taken by the council’s executive decision making bodies, such as the Cabinet Meeting, individual Cabinet Members, Area Committees or the Council Meeting itself.

Decisions published
Title Date Effective from Call-ins
A1E, 93 Merseyway, Stockport (Pandora) ref: 681908/02/202408/02/2024Not for call-in
6 Deanery Way, Merseyway, Stockport ref: 681808/02/202408/02/2024Not for call-in
71 Merseyway, Office Lease Renewal ref: 681508/02/202408/02/2024Not for call-in
91 Merseyway, Stockport ref: 681708/02/202408/02/2024Not for call-in
16-22 Deanery Way, Merseyway ref: 681608/02/202408/02/2024Not for call-in
GM Standing Together VCFSE Grant Fund Investment ref: 666731/01/202406/03/2024Call-in expired
Dennison Road, Cheadle Hulme ref: 667914/02/202427/02/2024Call-in expired
Proposed Traffic Regulation Order(s) on Outwood Road, Heald Green ref: 667814/02/202427/02/2024Call-in expired
Wilmslow Road/Greenway Road & Greenhythe Road, Heald Green - Proposed Traffic Regulation Order 'No Waiting at Any Time' ref: 668014/02/202427/02/2024Call-in expired
Allocation of Formal Commuted Sums - Bramhall Hockey Club ref: 667514/02/202424/02/2024Call-in expired
Ludworth Primary School ref: 667714/02/202424/02/2024Call-in expired
Allocation of Formal Commuted Sums - Meadow Mill ref: 667614/02/202424/02/2024Call-in expired
COVID Commemoration Schemes ref: 667312/02/202417/02/2024Call-in expired
UKSPF Bid Pipeline - Allocation to Support Works at Romiley Forum ref: 667205/02/202405/02/2024Not for call-in
Road Safety around Schools - St Paul's C of E Primary School ref: 667107/02/202415/02/2024Call-in expired
Road Safety around Schools - Lum Head Primary School ref: 666922/11/202310/02/2024Call-in expired
Road Safety around Schools - Didsbury Road Primary School ref: 666822/11/202310/02/2024Call-in expired
Grafton Street Play Area Discretionary Ward Budget ref: 666429/01/202409/02/2024Call-in expired
Houldsworth Park Discretionary Ward Budget ref: 666629/01/202409/02/2024Call-in expired
Reddish Vale Country Park Delegated Budget Request ref: 666529/01/202409/02/2024Call-in expired
Final Scrutiny Review Report - Financial Impact of Bus Franchising (Non-Key) ref: 665030/01/202407/02/2024Call-in expired
Draft Council Plan 2024-2027 (General Exception) ref: 665430/01/202407/02/2024Call-in expired
Stockport County Football Club – Memorandum of Understanding (Non-Key) ref: 666030/01/202407/02/2024Call-in expired
2023/24 Quarter 2+ Budget Monitoring Update (Non-Key) ref: 665330/01/202407/02/2024Call-in expired
Use of Surveillance Powers - Regulation of Investigatory Powers Act 2000 and The Investigatory Powers Act 2016 (Non-Key) ref: 666230/01/202407/02/2024Call-in expired
One Stockport Safety Partnership Serious Violence Strategic Needs Assessment and Plan 2024 (Non-Key) ref: 666130/01/202407/02/2024Call-in expired
Schools Funding Settlement and Local Funding Formula 2024/25 (CF&E5) ref: 665130/01/202407/02/2024Call-in expired
Part C: 2024/25 Cabinet Revenue Budget (F&R27) ref: 665730/01/202430/01/2024Not for call-in
2024/25 Capital Strategy and Capital Programme (F&R29) ref: 665830/01/202430/01/2024Not for call-in
Housing Revenue Account (HRA) Budget and Rent Levels for 2024/25 (ER&H6) ref: 665230/01/202430/01/2024Not for call-in
2024/25 Treasury Management Strategy, Annual Investment Strategy and Minimum Revenue Provision Policy (F&R28) ref: 665930/01/202430/01/2024Not for call-in
Part B: Medium Term Financial Plan – Financial Landscape and Forecasts 2024/25 to 2026/27 (F&R22) ref: 665630/01/202407/02/2024Call-in expired
Part A: Cabinet Response: Responding to Medium Term Financial Plan (F&R21) ref: 665530/01/202407/02/2024Call-in expired
Revenues and Benefits Write Offs over £10,000 ref: 666331/01/202407/02/2024Call-in expired
Local Development Scheme ref: 664929/01/202407/02/2024Call-in expired