Use the below search options at the bottom of the page to find information regarding recent executive decisions that have been taken by the council’s executive decision making bodies, such as the Cabinet Meeting, individual Cabinet Members, Area Committees or the Council Meeting itself.
Decision Maker: Cabinet Member for Parks, Highways & Transport Services
Decision published: 11/02/2025
Effective from: 18/02/2025
The Cabinet Members for Parks, Highways & Transport Service has given approval that the Traffic Regulation Order at Moss Lane (Residents Parking Permit Scheme) be made as originally advertised.
Wards affected: Bramhall South & Woodford;
Lead officer: Diane Knight
Decision Maker: Cabinet Member for Parks, Highways & Transport Services
Decision published: 11/02/2025
Effective from: 18/02/2025
The Cabinet Member for Parks, Highways & Transport Services has given approval to the implementation of the Vauxhall Industrial Estate scheme, South Reddish, and the legal advertising of the Traffic Regulation Orders at Appendix A and, subject to no objections being received within 21 days from the advertisement date, that the orders be made.
Wards affected: Reddish South;
Lead officer: Nick Whelan
Decision Maker: Cabinet Member for Parks, Highways & Transport Services
Decision published: 11/02/2025
Effective from: 18/02/2025
The Cabinet Member for Parks, Highways & Transport Services has given approval to the legal advertisement of the Static and Moving Traffic Regulation Orders at Stockport Interchange as set out in Appendix A and attached drawings and, subject to no objections being received within 21 days from the advertisement date, that the orders be made.
Wards affected: Brinnington & Stockport Central;
Lead officer: Steven Ashton
Decision Maker: Deputy Chief Executive
Decision published: 06/02/2025
Effective from: 29/01/2025
The Deputy Chief Executive, the Director of Place Management and the Director of Finance, in consultation with the Leader of the Council, has given approval to enter into the two agreements listed as follows:
(1) A revised Basic Asset Protection Agreement with Network Rail for the development stages of the Stockport Rail Station project; and
(2) A proposed development cost letter between TfGM and SMBC for the development phase of the schemes Outline Business Case stage.
(NOTE: The report and its appendices are ‘not for publication’ and have been circulated to the decision-makers only).
Lead officer: Sue Stevenson
Decision Maker: Cabinet
Made at meeting: 04/02/2025 - Cabinet
Decision published: 05/02/2025
Effective from: 12/02/2025
The Cabinet has given approval to its response to the recommendations contained in the ‘Impact of Bus Franchising’ Scrutiny Review carried out by the Corporate, Resource Management & Governance Scrutiny Committee.
Lead officer: Jonathan Davies
Decision Maker: Cabinet
Made at meeting: 04/02/2025 - Cabinet
Decision published: 05/02/2025
Effective from: 12/02/2025
The Cabinet has given approval to its response to the recommendations contained in the ‘Services for Young People’ Scrutiny Review carried out by the Children & Families Scrutiny Committee.
Lead officer: Heidi Shaw
Decision Maker: Cabinet
Made at meeting: 04/02/2025 - Cabinet
Decision published: 05/02/2025
Effective from: 12/02/2025
The Cabinet has given approval to its response to the recommendations contained in the ‘Adult Social Care IT Systems & Data’ Scrutiny Review carried out by the Adult Social Care & Health Scrutiny Committee.
Lead officer: Sam Powell
Decision Maker: Cabinet
Made at meeting: 04/02/2025 - Cabinet
Decision published: 05/02/2025
Effective from: 12/02/2025
The Cabinet received the final report of the Scrutiny Review into the Accountability of Social Housing Providers to the Council and Residents of Stockport and agreed that:-
(1) The Director of Place Management be requested to prepare a response to the Accountability of Social Housing Providers to the Council and Residents of Stockport scrutiny review and the recommendations contained therein for consideration by the Cabinet at a future meeting.
(2) The gratitude of the Cabinet be recorded for the excellent work undertaken by the Scrutiny Review Panel ‘Accountability of Social Housing Providers to the Council and Residents of Stockport’ and others involved in the Review.’
Lead officer: Charlotte Douglass
Decision Maker: Cabinet Member for Parks, Highways & Transport Services
Decision published: 05/02/2025
Effective from: 12/02/2025
The Cabinet Member for Parks, Highways & Transport Services has given approval to:
1) the delegation of authority to make minor changes to the policy to the Director of Place Management in consultation with the Cabinet Member for Parks, Highways & Transport Services;
the proposed changes as per the officer report, namely, the update
of the existing Policy Statement and associated Inspection and
Repair Plans for Highways and Public Rights of Way; and
noted that the policy and plans will be reviewed in 2029, unless
major changes require a review to take place sooner.
Lead officer: Jamie Birtles, Sue Stevenson
The school investment plan aims to set out its strategy and capital investment pipeline for the next 5 years; securing an education estate that provides a safe, accessible, secure and stimulating learning environment, which is sustainable and provides value for money, is fit for current and future needs and reduces environmental impact.
Decision Maker: Cabinet
Made at meeting: 04/02/2025 - Cabinet
Decision published: 05/02/2025
Effective from: 12/02/2025
The Cabinet has considered a proposed school investment plan that sets out a proposed strategy and capital investment pipeline for the next 5 years; securing an education estate that provided a safe, accessible, secure and stimulating learning environment, which was sustainable and provided value for money, was fit for current and future needs and reduced environmental impact, and has:-
(1) Agreed the terms outlined in the strategy and the associated investment detailed in the Education Asset Management Plan (Appendix 2).
(2) Delegated authority to the Assistant Director of Estates and Asset Management, in consultation with members of the LA’s Capital Board and the Cabinet Member for Children, Families & Education to procure the works and services, and subsequently determine the outcome of any contract award process for any project specified in the asset management plan.
(3) Delegated authority to the Director of Education, Work, and Skills, in consultation with the Cabinet Member for Children, Families & Education, to determine, allocate, and deploy capital funding to projects, schools, or trusts to create additional mainstream, resource base, special school places.
(4) Delegated authority to the Director for Education, Work, and Skills, in consultation with the Cabinet Member for Children, Families & Education, to instruct the Assistant Director of Governance to negotiate terms and enter into funding agreements as necessary with schools and trusts that are linked to the investment and creation of new school places.
(5) Delegated authority to the Director for Education, Work, and Skills and Assistant Director of Estates and Asset Management, in consultation with the Cabinet Member for Children, Families & Education, to instruct the Assistant Director of Governance to negotiate terms and enter into necessary legal agreements required to successfully convert a school into a multi-academy trust.
Lead officer: Christopher Harland
To Provide detail on construction of the
schools and early years local funding formula model
Decision Maker: Cabinet
Made at meeting: 04/02/2025 - Cabinet
Decision published: 05/02/2025
Effective from: 12/02/2025
The Cabinet has considered an update on the key announcements made by the Department for Education (DfE) on the education funding settlement for 2025/26, and has:-
(1) Noted the details of the Education Funding Settlement for 2025/26.
(2) Approved the construction of the early year’s budget as per section 3.1 to 3.2 and the updated 2025/26 local funding formula for schools as outlined in sections 3.3. to 3.5 and detailed in the table(s) in section 6.2 which will form the basis of the calculation of school budgets and be notified to the DfE in accordance with statutory requirements.
Wards affected: (All Wards);
Lead officer: Peter Hughes
The Cabinet will be asked to consider the
proposed 2025/26 Capital Strategy and 2025/26 three year Capital
Programme, including prudential indicators and will be recommended
to ask the Council Meeting to approve 2025/26 Capital Strategy and
2025/26 three year Capital Programme, including prudential
Decision Maker: Cabinet
Made at meeting: 04/02/2025 - Cabinet
Decision published: 05/02/2025
Effective from: 04/02/2025
The Cabinet considered the draft 2025/26 to 2027/28 Capital Strategy and Capital Programme, developed in accordance with the CIPFA Prudential Code, which provided a framework for the Council’s capital investment plans and recommended to the Council Meeting that it approve:-
(1) The Capital Strategy at appendix one.
(2) The prudential indicators supporting the 2025/26 Capital Programme set out in appendix one (under appendix a).
(3) The 2025/26 to 2027/28 Capital Programme and the funding arrangements as described in the report and set out at appendix two.
Lead officer: Jonathan Davies
Decision Maker: Cabinet
Made at meeting: 04/02/2025 - Cabinet
Decision published: 05/02/2025
Effective from: 12/02/2025
The Cabinet has given approval to the appointment/ nomination of Councillor Helen Foster-Grime to replace Councillor Frankie Singleton on the following outside bodies:-
GMCA Statutory Functions Committee
GM Culture & Social Impact Fund Committee
GM Homelessness Programme Board (substitute)
Stockport Family Partnership Board
Lead officer: Damian Eaton
To seek Cabinet’s authority to write off
arrears of rent, insurance and service charges that are now deemed
irrecoverable associated to the subject property (“the
Decision Maker: Cabinet
Made at meeting: 04/02/2025 - Cabinet
Decision published: 05/02/2025
Effective from: 12/02/2025
The Cabinet has considered a proposal to write off arrears of rent, insurance and service charges in the sum of £175,753.19 that are now deemed irrecoverable associated to the subject property and has:-
(1) Given approval to write off the arrears of rent, insurance and service charges totalling £175,753.19 that are now deemed irrecoverable as detailed within this report.
(2) Note that the Deputy Chief Executive has the existing delegated authority to proceed to terminate or receive the surrender of the lease in relation to the Property following the approval of the write off of the arrears associated with the tenancy.
(NOTE: The report contained a ‘not for publication’ appendix that had been circulated to members of the Cabinet only).
Wards affected: Brinnington & Stockport Central;
Lead officer: Sam Holdcroft
The purpose of the report is to provide an
update on the revenue budget forecast outturn for the period to the
end of November 2024 (Quarter 2+). The report also provides an
update on the council’s Medium Term Financial Position,
Dedicated Schools Grant, Housing Revenue Account (HRA), Collection
Fund and Capital Programme.
The Quarter 2+ update also helps to inform the 2025/26 budget
setting process, as the Quarter 3 report will follow the Full
Council Budget meeting on 27 February 2025.
Decision Maker: Cabinet
Made at meeting: 04/02/2025 - Cabinet
Decision published: 05/02/2025
Effective from: 12/02/2025
The Cabinet has considered the Quarter 2+ revenue forecast outturn including an update on the Dedicated Schools Grant, Housing Revenue Account, Collection Fund, Reserves updates to the Capital Programme, and has agreed to:-
(1) Approve the virements to the Revenue Budget;
(2) Note the Cash Limit and Non-Cash Limit forecast outturn positions for 2024/25 as at Quarter 2+;
(3) Note the DSG, HRA and Collection Fund forecast outturn positions for 2024/25 as at Quarter 2+;
(4) Note the update on Reserves;
(5) Note the forecast position for the 2024/25 Capital Programme;
(6) Note the changes to the Capital Programme and re-phasing of schemes during Quarter 2+; and
(7) Note the 2024/25 Capital Programme Prudential Indicators.
Wards affected: (All Wards);
Lead officer: Jonathan Davies
To set the HRA budget for 2025/26
Decision Maker: Cabinet
Made at meeting: 04/02/2025 - Cabinet
Decision published: 05/02/2025
Effective from: 04/02/2025
The Cabinet considered the rent levels and service charges for the Housing Revenue Account (HRA) and a recommended budget for 2025/26 and then recommended that the Council Meeting give approval to:-
(1) An increase of 2.7% for social and affordable rent;
(2) An increase of 3.2% for rent of shared ownership properties;
(3) Service charge increases as outlined in section 5, with authority delegated to the Director of Finance, in consultation with the Cabinet Member for Economy, Regeneration & Housing, to agree a lower increase should this be necessary;
(4) The Housing Revenue Account Budget for 2025/25 as set out in Appendix 1.
Lead officer: Andy Kippax
This report builds on previous updates to
scrutiny and cabinet and presents the cabinet’s change
proposals for final consideration ahead of Budget Council in
February 2025. The report sits alongside a suite of budget papers
presented elsewhere on this agenda.
Decision Maker: Cabinet
Made at meeting: 04/02/2025 - Cabinet
Decision published: 05/02/2025
Effective from: 12/02/2025
The Cabinet has considered an update on its strategic approach in responding to the review of the Medium Term Financial Plan and included the change proposals being considered by the cabinet to address our financial challenges and balance the rising cost of delivering services to the people in our communities who need it most, and has:-
(1) Noted the further development of proposals and the feedback received from the engagement and consultation carried out.
(2) Approved the proposals for inclusion within the Cabinet’s proposed 2025/26 Revenue Budget.
Wards affected: (All Wards);
Lead officer: Jonathan Davies, Lisa Joy, Gill Lawton
The Council's Medium Term Financial Plan
(MTFP) forecasts and assumptions for 2025/26 to 2028/29 as part of
setting a robust and resilient budget and financial plan to meet
the uncertainty, volatility and risk within the financial
landscape. This report builds on those updates considering any
further national and local changes impacting on the 2025/26 Budget
and MTFP.
Decision Maker: Cabinet
Made at meeting: 04/02/2025 - Cabinet
Decision published: 05/02/2025
Effective from: 12/02/2025
The Cabinet has considered an update on the Council’s 2025/26 to 2028/29 Medium Term Financial Plan (MTFP) forecasts and assumptions as part of setting a robust and resilient budget and financial plan to meet the unprecedented uncertainty, volatility, and risk within the financial landscape.
The Cabinet was provided with an update to the report at the meeting such that the overall adverse impact to the Council that was referenced in the report had increased by a further £165k. The Cabinet then agreed to:-
(1) Note the details of the 2025/26 Provisional Local Government Finance Settlement;
(2) Note the financial forecasts and assumptions for 2025/26 to 2028/29.
(3) Note and approve the indicative budget adjustments since the MTFP Update presented to the cabinet meeting on 18 September resulting in savings requirement of £10.048m in 2025/26;
(4) Approve the allocation of £7.779m of the corporate contingency budgets to service budgets as part of the budget setting process;
(5) Note the Director of Finance – Section 151 Officer’s recommendation to hold the council’s General Fund Balance at its current level £15.183m in 2025/26 aligned to his risk assessment of the budget and the adequacy of reserves and balances to support the council’s 2025/26 Budget; and
(6) Take the necessary steps to propose a final balanced 2025/26 Budget including any proposed Council Tax increase to be recommended for approval at the Council meeting on 27 February 2025.
Wards affected: (All Wards);
Lead officer: Jonathan Davies, Lisa Joy
Stockport Five Year Strategy for our learning
disability offer.
This document represents a five year strategy to promote the
health, wellbeing and independence of people with learning
disabilities within the borough and give people choice and control
over their own lives.
Decision Maker: Cabinet
Made at meeting: 04/02/2025 - Cabinet
Decision published: 05/02/2025
Effective from: 12/02/2025
The Cabinet has considered a report providing details of a draft Learning Disability strategy 2025 to 2030 for approval which aimed to promote the health, wellbeing and independence of people with learning disabilities. It also set out the Council’s strategic priorities to help people with learning disabilities to have happier, healthier and more independent lives.
The Cabinet has then approved and adopted the Strategy.
Wards affected: (All Wards);
Lead officer: David Eckersley
The purpose of the report is to present the
proposed 2025/26 Cabinet Revenue Budget for approval. The report
outlines the Council’s financial outlook and significant
challenges across the medium term period 2025/26 to 2026/27. The
report highlights the overarching priorities and desired outcomes
upon which the Cabinet has based its budget proposals, and which
form the basis of our Borough Plan and updated Council Plan
included elsewhere on this agenda. We continue to shape our budget
within an incredibly uncertain, volatile and complex environment
which includes pressures across public services as well as the
increasing need within our communities.
Decision Maker: Cabinet
Made at meeting: 04/02/2025 - Cabinet
Decision published: 05/02/2025
Effective from: 04/02/2025
The Cabinet considered its proposed 2025/26 Revenue Budget outlining the Council’s strategic approach to responding to the significant medium-term financial pressures whilst ensuring a sustainable and stable financial position to deliver our overarching priorities and desired outcomes, and recommended to the Council Meeting that it:-
(1) Approve the Budget for 2025/26 described in the report and set out in Appendix 2 and 3.
(2) Note the risk assessment of the 2025/26 Budget at Appendix 5 and the report of the Director of Finance - Section 151 Officer on the adequacy of proposed financial reserves and robustness of the estimates also included at Appendix 5.
(3) Approve the required Council General Fund Balance to reflect the Director of Finance - Section 151 Officer’s assessment of risks.
(4) Note, comment upon, and approve the financial forecasts and assumptions for 2025/26 to 2028/29 at Appendix 6, and the key issues to be addressed in formulating a response to the future financial challenges facing the council.
(5) Pass the appropriate Council Tax resolutions which produce a Council Tax increase of 4.99% in 2025/26 (2.99% General increase, 2% Adult Social Care Precept increase) as illustrated in Appendix 7.
Wards affected: (All Wards);
Lead officer: Jonathan Davies
To approve and adopt the 2025/26 Annual Pay Policy Statement and agree to publish the Council’s Gender Pay Gap information.
Decision Maker: Cabinet
Made at meeting: 04/02/2025 - Cabinet
Decision published: 05/02/2025
Effective from: 04/02/2025
The Cabinet considered the Council’s Annual Pay Policy Statement for 2025/26 and the Gender Pay Gap figures and recommended that the Council Meeting adopt the Statement and agree to publish the Council’s Gender Pay Gap information.
Lead officer: Andrea Steward
This report outlines the recent consultation on and makes recommendations for amendments to the admission arrangements and published admission numbers for community and voluntary controlled infant, primary, junior and secondary schools in Stockport for which Stockport Council is the admission authority.
The report also outlines the consultation that has taken place on the proposal to amalgamate Lark Hill Nursery School and Lark Hill Primary School and change the age range at Lark Hill Primary School.
Decision Maker: Cabinet
Made at meeting: 04/02/2025 - Cabinet
Decision published: 05/02/2025
Effective from: 12/02/2025
The Cabinet has considered a report outlining a recent consultation on and making recommendations for amendments to the admission arrangements and published admission numbers for community and voluntary controlled infant, primary, junior and secondary schools in Stockport for which Stockport Council is the admission authority. The report also outlined the consultation that had taken place on the proposal to amalgamate Lark Hill Nursery School and Lark Hill Primary School and change the age range at Lark Hill Primary School following the announcement of the retirement of the Headteacher at Lark Hill Nursery School.
The Cabinet has then given approval to:-
(1) The admission arrangements for Stockport community and voluntary controlled schools are determined for September 2026 as set out in Appendix 1.
(2) The published admission number at Abingdon Primary School is reduced to 30 from September 2026
(3) The published admission number at Arden Primary School is reduced to 60 from September 2026
(4) The published admission number at Lum Head Primary School is reduced to 30 from September 2026.
(6) The published admission number at St Paul’s C of E Primary School is reduced to 45 from September 2026
(7) The published admission number at Westmorland Primary School is reduced to 60 from September 2026
(8) The age range of Lum Head Primary School is expanded to 3 - 11
(9) The age range of Highfields College Pupil Referral Service is expanded to 11 – 19
(10) Lark Hill Nursery School is discontinued with effect from 25 July 2025 and the age range of Lark Hill Primary School is changed from 4 -11 to 2 -11 to create a primary school with nursery provision with effect from 1 September 2025.
Lead officer: Christopher Harland
The Council’s Regulation of
Investigatory Powers Act (RIPA) Policy must be considered by
elected members annually to set the Policy and to ensure that if
the Council is using its RIPA powers, it is doing so appropriately
and complying with its own Code of Practice when carrying out
covert surveillance.
The Council has not exercised these powers for a number of years
but must ensure that it has the appropriate policy and training in
place should the need to arise to use them. The Policy was approved
by members in January 2024. There have been no amendments since
Decision Maker: Cabinet
Made at meeting: 04/02/2025 - Cabinet
Decision published: 05/02/2025
Effective from: 12/02/2025
The Cabinet has considered a report setting out the Council’s Regulation of Investigatory Powers Act (RIPA) Policy which must be considered by elected members annually to set the Policy and to ensure that if the Council is using its RIPA powers, it is doing so appropriately and complying with its own Code of Practice when carrying out covert surveillance, and has:-
(1) Noted that the Council has not exercised its RIPA powers since the last report.
(2) Approve the RIPA Policy/ Code of Practice for the forthcoming year.
Lead officer: Michelle Dodds
This report seeks authority to amend existing
management agreements with Stockport Active CIC (Life Leisure) in
the light of changes to the operating environment.
Decision Maker: Cabinet
Made at meeting: 04/02/2025 - Cabinet
Decision published: 05/02/2025
Effective from: 12/02/2025
The Cabinet has considered proposal to change to the current management arrangements between Stockport Council and Stockport Active CIC (trading as Life Leisure) and has agreed to delegate authority to the Director of Finance and the Assistant Director of Governance, in consultation with the Cabinet Members for Finance & Resources and Communities, Culture and Sport, to take all action necessary to progress to the new arrangements and negotiate and enter into the new contractual documents that will be required to give effect to these proposals from 1st April 2025.
Wards affected: (All Wards);
Lead officer: Peter Ashworth
The Cabinet is requested to consider the
report, to note the progress of the 2024/25 Asset Management Plan
(AMP) capital programme, approve the programme of work for
inclusion in the 2025/26 financial year and note the indicative
programme up to 2028/29.
Decision Maker: Cabinet
Made at meeting: 04/02/2025 - Cabinet
Decision published: 05/02/2025
Effective from: 12/02/2025
The Cabinet considered a proposed Asset Management Plan (AMP) for 2024/25 setting out details of the capital programme for 2025/26 financial year and the indicative programme up to 2028/29, and has:-
(1) Approved the programme for 2025/26 and the financing thereof, and the Indicative AMP programme for up to 2028/29, as set out in the report;
(2) Approved the application of corporate resources to fund the AMP programme 2024/25 to 2028/29; with the application of funding types (capital receipts and borrowing) being delegated to the Director of Finance (S151 Officer) in conjunction with the Capital Board;
(3) Delegated authority to the Deputy Chief Executive to procure the works and services, and subsequently determine the outcome of any contract award process for any project specified in the asset management plan.
(4) Delegated authority the Director of Development & Deputy Chief Executive Regeneration to award professional services and construction contracts, as required, to deliver the works programme.
(5) Delegated authority to the Capital Board to reprofile the proposed spending to address urgent priorities that emerge during the years covered by this report.
Wards affected: (All Wards);
Lead officer: Hagan Wood
Transport for Greater Manchester are leading
on the procurement that needs to be undertaken to deliver the Local
Electric Vehicle Infrastructure Programme.
The purpose of this report is to summarise the procurement that is
to be undertaken to deliver the Local Electric Vehicle
Infrastructure programme and to seek approval for Transport for
Greater Manchester to undertake the preparatory procurement
arrangements on behalf of itself and the 10 Local Authorities in
accordance with the Greater Manchester Combined Authority and
Transport for Greater Manchester’s existing Constitutional
This report is not seeking approval for Transport for Greater
Manchester to enter into contracts on behalf of the Local Authority
(as that will be dealt with at a later stage) but to run the
procurement exercise working with the local authorities with
potential suppliers to final evaluation and to provide a report to
allow the Greater Manchester Local Authorities to make a decision
to award to the successful supplier.
Decision Maker: Cabinet
Made at meeting: 04/02/2025 - Cabinet
Decision published: 05/02/2025
Effective from: 12/02/2025
The Cabinet has considered a report providing an update on progress with the Local Electric Vehicle Infrastructure Fund (LEVI) and requesting permission to authorise Transport for Greater Manchester (TfGM) to undertake the preparatory procurement arrangements that need to be undertaken to deliver the LEVI Programme on behalf of Stockport Council in accordance with Transport for Greater Manchester’s existing Constitutional arrangements, and has given approval to:-
(1) Pursuant to Article 13 of the council's constitution on Joint Arrangements, the council's procurement functions be delegated to Transport for Greater Manchester to exercise on the council's behalf in respect of the delivery of the Local Electric Vehicle Infrastructure Programme
(2) Delegate authority to the Director of Place Management in consultation with the Cabinet Member for Parks, Highways and Transportation Services, to act on the council’s behalf as required to give effect to the authority agreement for the Local Electric Vehicle Infrastructure programme.
(3) Delegate authority to the Director of Place Management in consultation with the Cabinet Member for Parks, Highways and Transportation Services to agree final approval for locations of Electric Charging Infrastructure on the Highway Network subject to consultation with the relevant Area Committees where the infrastructure is located.
(4) A further report will be brought to Scrutiny Committee and Cabinet regarding the decision to award to the contract to the successful supplier.
(NOTE: The report contained a ‘not for publication’ appendix that had been circulated to members of the Cabinet only).
Wards affected: (All Wards);
Lead officer: Jamie Birtles
This report provides a summary of the findings
and recommendations of the independent review of Stockport's
housing management arrangements and outlines a plan of actions to
be undertaken to address the priority recommendations from the
Decision Maker: Cabinet
Made at meeting: 04/02/2025 - Cabinet
Decision published: 05/02/2025
Effective from: 12/02/2025
The Cabinet has considered a summary of the findings and recommendations of the independent review of Stockport’s housing management arrangements which was commissioned following a Council Meeting resolution in February 2024 which included a plan of actions which the Council intended to carry out to address the priority recommendations of the review.
A further update was provided at the meeting in response to the consideration of the report by an extraordinary meeting of the Economy, Regeneration & Climate Change Scrutiny Committee the preceding evening such that it was no longer proposed to disestablish the Member Committee, and that element of the recommendations would not be carried forward.
It was then agreed to-
(1) Accept the findings of the independent review.
(2) Delegate authority to the Director of Place Management in consultation with the Cabinet Members for Finance and Resources and for Economy, Regeneration and Housing to develop a joint action plan to address the recommendations of the report including dialogue and discussions with the Board and Chief Executive of Stockport Homes Group.
(3) Delegate authority to the Director of Place Management in consultation with Cabinet Members for Finance and for Economy, Regeneration and Housing to progress the draft priority actions to include dialogue and discussions with the Board and Chief Executive of Stockport Homes Group.
(4) Delegate authority to the Director of Place Management and Assistant Director for Governance in consultation with Cabinet Members for Finance and for Economy, Regeneration and Housing to undertake all actions necessary to establish the Cabinet Sub-Committee for Housing.
Wards affected: (All Wards);
Lead officer: Peter Ashworth
The Council’s 3-year council plan was agreed in March 2024. The plan has been refreshed for 2025/6 with progress from last year and updated priorities for the three years.
Decision Maker: Cabinet
Made at meeting: 04/02/2025 - Cabinet
Decision published: 05/02/2025
Effective from: 04/02/2025
The Cabinet has recommended that the Council Meeting give approval to the refresh of the 2024-2027 Council Plan.
Lead officer: Holly Rae
This comprehensive report sets out the
council’s Treasury Management Strategies for 2025/26 which
are constructed in full compliance with the CIPFA Treasury
Management Code and the Council's Treasury Management Policy
Statement and Practices.
Decision Maker: Cabinet
Made at meeting: 04/02/2025 - Cabinet
Decision published: 05/02/2025
Effective from: 04/02/2025
The Cabinet has considered the Treasury Management Strategy and Annual Investment Strategy Mid-Year Review Report 2025/26 and has agreed to recommended that the Council Meeting approves:-
(1) The Minimum Revenue Provision Policy for 2025/26.
(2) The Capital Expenditure Forecasts and Capital Financing Requirement projections.
(3) The Treasury Management Strategy 2025/26.
(4) The Treasury and Prudential Indicators and Limits 2025/26-2027/28.
(5) The Annual Investment Strategy (AIS) 2025/26.
Wards affected: (All Wards);
Lead officer: Lorna Soufian
Decision Maker: Stepping Hill Area Committee
Made at meeting: 28/01/2025 - Stepping Hill Area Committee
Decision published: 04/02/2025
Effective from: 30/01/2025
The Area Committee has given approval to an application received from Morleys Funfairs to hold a May Day Fun Weekend at Torkington Park on 3 to 5 May 2025, subject to all appropriate paperwork and licences being obtained and submitted to the Council at least one week prior to the event taking place.
Wards affected: Hazel Grove;
Lead officer: Jacky Budd
Decision Maker: Marple Area Committee
Made at meeting: 29/01/2025 - Marple Area Committee
Decision published: 31/01/2025
Effective from: 07/02/2025
The Area Committee has given approval to an application received from Stockport LGBT+ Centre CIC for a grant of £94 from the Ward Flexibility Funding Budget (£47 from Marple North and £47 from Marple South & High Lane ward allocations) towards the cost of hosting the ‘Fabulously Me’ event at a central, accessible Stockport location.
Lead officer: Charles Yankiah
Decision Maker: Marple Area Committee
Made at meeting: 29/01/2025 - Marple Area Committee
Decision published: 31/01/2025
Effective from: 07/02/2025
The Area Committee agreed to list Hawk Green Recreation Ground, Hawk Green Road, Marple, Stockport, SK6 7HU as an Asset of Community Value in accordance with the Localism Act 2011.
Lead officer: Alima Ahmed-Zaman
Decision Maker: Bramhall & Cheadle Hulme South Area Committee
Made at meeting: 30/01/2025 - Bramhall & Cheadle Hulme South Area Committee
Decision published: 31/01/2025
Effective from: 07/02/2025
The Area Committee has given approval to an application received from Stockport LGBT+ Centre CIC for Ward Flexibility Funding for a grant of £141 (£47 from Bramhall North, £47 from Bramhall South, and £47 from Cheadle Hulme South ward allocations) towards the cost of hosting the ‘Fabulously Me’ event at a central, accessible Stockport location.
Wards affected: Bramhall North; Bramhall South & Woodford; Cheadle Hulme South;
Decision Maker: Central Stockport Area Committee
Made at meeting: 30/01/2025 - Central Stockport Area Committee
Decision published: 31/01/2025
Effective from: 07/02/2025
The Area Committee has given approval to the revocation of a Traffic Regulation Order – Residents Permit Holders Only Mon – Sat 8am – 10pm on Shaw Road South, Cale Green:
Revocation of existing Traffic Regulation Order Residents Permit Holders Only Mon – Sat 8am – 10pm on Shaw Road South, Cale Green.
North West Side
From a point 15m north east of the intersection of the north eastern kerbline of Adswood Road for a distance of 177 metres in a north easterly direction.
Wards affected: Davenport & Cale Green;
Lead officer: Graham O'Connor
Decision Maker: Marple Area Committee
Made at meeting: 29/01/2025 - Marple Area Committee
Decision published: 31/01/2025
Effective from: 07/02/2025
The Area Committee agreed to list the Etherow Country Park Sailing Club, Etherow Country Park, George Street, Compstall, Stockport, SK6 5JD as an Asset of Community Value in accordance with the Localism Act 2011.
Lead officer: Alima Ahmed-Zaman
Decision Maker: Cabinet Member for Parks, Highways & Transport Services
Decision published: 31/01/2025
Effective from: 07/02/2025
The Cabinet Member for
Parks, Highways & Transport Services has given approval for the
making of a new Parking Places Order to manage the future needs of
placing EV charging points in the borough’s car parks.
At present, some council car parks do not have any parking controls
in place, the council therefore sought to implement (at those
sites, and through this order) to introduce basic management powers
to enable enforcement of disabled bays, limited stay bays, loading
bays, electric vehicle bays and other restricted use bays along
with requiring all vehicles to park wholly within a marked bay only
(where applicable). A Parking Places Order would be required to
enforce limitations on EV bays, which would ensure:
· Only all-electric, plug in hybrids and extended range EVs may park in electric vehicle charging bays.
· If a bay is marked for Taxi and Private Hire Vehicles charging then only all – electric, plug in hybrids and extended range Taxis or PHV may park in those bays.
· Only legitimate actively charging vehicles may park in electric charging bays.
· Bay usage must be paid for in line with the charges that are in place at the time for both parking and charging.
To further future
proof this order, the council would also include the following
basic enforcement powers over: Disabled Bays, Limited stay bays,
Loading bays, Permit holder only bays
and Parking beyond bay markings.
The Cabinet Member has given approval for this Order to be created
and introduced at the car park sites listed in Appendix 1.
Lead officer: Jamie Birtles
Decision Maker: Marple Area Committee
Made at meeting: 29/01/2025 - Marple Area Committee
Decision published: 31/01/2025
Effective from: 07/02/2025
The Area Committee agreed to list the Jubilee Methodist Church, Cotes Green Lane, Marple Bridge, Stockport, SK6 5EB as an Asset of Community Value in accordance with the Localism Act 2011.
Lead officer: Alima Ahmed-Zaman
Decision Maker: Central Stockport Area Committee
Made at meeting: 30/01/2025 - Central Stockport Area Committee
Decision published: 31/01/2025
Effective from: 07/02/2025
The Area Committee has given approval to an application received by Fairway Primary PTA to utilise Woodbank Memorial Park for the Fairway 5 Trail Race on 2 November 2025, subject to the organiser obtaining appropriate papers, event plans, health & safety documentation, licenses, insurances and any fees and charges that apply and being presented to the ward councillors at least two weeks prior to the event taking place.
Wards affected: Manor;
Lead officer: Kath Hughes
Decision Maker: Bramhall & Cheadle Hulme South Area Committee
Made at meeting: 30/01/2025 - Bramhall & Cheadle Hulme South Area Committee
Decision published: 31/01/2025
Effective from: 07/02/2025
The Area Committee has given approval an application from St James' Catholic High School for a grant of £1,000 from the Stockport CAN Seed Fund (Cheadle Hulme South ward allocation) for the renovation of their prayer garden for pupils.
Wards affected: Cheadle Hulme South;
Lead officer: Nick Leslie
Decision Maker: Central Stockport Area Committee
Made at meeting: 30/01/2025 - Central Stockport Area Committee
Decision published: 31/01/2025
Effective from: 07/02/2025
The Area Committee has given approval to an application received by Cale Green Park Residents Association to utilise Cale Green Park for their summer event on 29 June 2025, subject to the organiser obtaining appropriate papers, event plans, health & safety documentation, licenses, insurances and any fees and charges that apply and being presented to the ward councillors at least two weeks prior to the event taking place.
Wards affected: Davenport & Cale Green;
Lead officer: Josephine Holmes
Decision Maker: Central Stockport Area Committee
Made at meeting: 30/01/2025 - Central Stockport Area Committee
Decision published: 31/01/2025
Effective from: 07/02/2025
The Area Committee has given approval to the proposals for the provision of a cycle cut through, bollards, ‘H-bar’ markings and planters on Charles Street:
· the development of a 1.5-meter-wide cycle cut through in the existing closure on Charles Street;
· evenly space bollards across the width of the carriageway and either side of the cycle cut through;
· implementation of “H-bar” markings on either side of the closure on Charles Street across the road; and
· the provision of community-maintained planters either side of the proposed cycle cut through.
Lead officer: Nick Whelan
Decision Maker: Central Stockport Area Committee
Made at meeting: 30/01/2025 - Central Stockport Area Committee
Decision published: 31/01/2025
Effective from: 07/02/2025
The Area Committee has given approval to the allocation of funding in the amount of £5,000 from the Delegated Budget (Edgeley ward allocation) for a feasibility study along St Matthews Road and Old Chapel Street between the junctions of Grenville Street and York Street, Edgeley.
Wards affected: Edgeley;
Lead officer: Graham O'Connor
Decision Maker: Central Stockport Area Committee
Made at meeting: 30/01/2025 - Central Stockport Area Committee
Decision published: 31/01/2025
Effective from: 07/02/2025
The Area Committee has given approval that the Traffic Regulation Order on Neston Grove, Adswood, be made as originally advertised:
Proposed Traffic Regulation Order Schedule
School Keep Clears – No Stopping Monday-Friday 8am-5pm
Neston Grove (South Side)
From a point, 13 metres south west from the intersection of the south western kerb line of Rostherne Road for a distance of 63.12 metres in a south westerly direction.
Wards affected: Davenport & Cale Green;
Lead officer: Graham O'Connor
Decision Maker: Werneth Area Committee
Made at meeting: 27/01/2025 - Werneth Area Committee
Decision published: 29/01/2025
Effective from: 05/02/2025
The Area Committee has given approval to an application received from Stockport Canal Boat Trust for Ward Flexibility Funding for a grant of £180 towards the cost of the purchase of new stern and bow fenders for New Horizons and the purchase of eight side fenders to protect the new hull paintwork when moored and when mooring.
Lead officer: Jacqueline Kramer
Decision Maker: Heatons & Reddish Area Committee
Made at meeting: 27/01/2025 - Heatons & Reddish Area Committee
Decision published: 29/01/2025
Effective from: 05/02/2025
The Area Committee has given approval to an application received from Autisk for a grant of £1,000 the Ward Flexibility Funding Budget for (£250 from each ward allocation) towards the cost of inclusive SEND sessions and activities in the area to help give the children a place to go that is safe, non-judgemental and inclusive.
Lead officer: Charles Yankiah
Decision Maker: Cheadle Area Committee
Made at meeting: 28/01/2025 - Cheadle Area Committee
Decision published: 29/01/2025
Effective from: 05/02/2025
The Area Committee has given approval to an application received from Gatley Festival for a total grant of £900 from the Ward Flexibility Fund (£50 from the Cheadle East & Cheadle Hulme North, £650 from the Cheadle West & Gatley and £200 from the Heald Green ward allocations) towards the cost of insurance required to deliver the Gatley Festival.
Lead officer: Charlotte Douglass
Decision Maker: Heatons & Reddish Area Committee
Made at meeting: 27/01/2025 - Heatons & Reddish Area Committee
Decision published: 29/01/2025
Effective from: 05/02/2025
The Area Committee has given approval for the legal advertising of the proposed introduction of ‘No Waiting at Any Time’ restrictions (double yellow lines) in parts of Heaton Moor near St Thomas CE Primary School with the objectors to be informed of the decision.
Wards affected: Heatons North;
Lead officer: Max Townsend
Decision Maker: Stepping Hill Area Committee
Made at meeting: 28/01/2025 - Stepping Hill Area Committee
Decision published: 29/01/2025
Effective from: 05/02/2025
The Area Committee has given approval to the following TRO:
Introduce No Waiting at Any Time:
College Close
North West side from the North Eastern kerb line of Canada Street for a distance of 6 metres in a North Easterly direction.
South East side from the North Eastern kerb line of Canada Street for a distance of 5 metres in a North Easterly direction.
Canada Street
North East side from a point 5 metres North West of the North Western kerb line of College Close in a South Easterly direction to a point 5 metres South East of the South Eastern kerb line of College Close (to tie in with the aforementioned on College Close).
Wards affected: Offerton;
Lead officer: Max Townsend
Decision Maker: Stepping Hill Area Committee
Made at meeting: 28/01/2025 - Stepping Hill Area Committee
Decision published: 29/01/2025
Effective from: 05/02/2025
The Area Committee has given approval to an application received from Morleys Funfair to hold a Family Funfair at Torkington Park on 3 to 6 July 2025, subject to all appropriate paperwork and licences being obtained and submitted to the Council at least one week prior to the event taking place.
Wards affected: Hazel Grove;
Lead officer: Jacky Budd
Decision Maker: Stepping Hill Area Committee
Made at meeting: 28/01/2025 - Stepping Hill Area Committee
Decision published: 29/01/2025
Effective from: 05/02/2025
The Area Committee has given approval to an application received from the Hazel Grove Carnival Association to hold a Carnival Fun Day at Torkington Park on 19 July 2025 from 9 am until 5 pm, subject to all appropriate paperwork and licences being obtained and submitted to the Council at least one week prior to the event taking place.
Wards affected: Hazel Grove;
Lead officer: Jacky Budd
Decision Maker: Heatons & Reddish Area Committee
Made at meeting: 27/01/2025 - Heatons & Reddish Area Committee
Decision published: 29/01/2025
Effective from: 05/02/2025
The Area Committee has given approval to an application received from Centre Stage Drama Group for a grant of £500 from the Ward Flexibility Funding Budget (£250 from Reddish North and £250 from Reddish South ward allocations) towards the cost of portable lighting, costumes and head mics for use in productions.
Lead officer: Charles Yankiah
Decision Maker: Werneth Area Committee
Made at meeting: 27/01/2025 - Werneth Area Committee
Decision published: 29/01/2025
Effective from: 05/02/2025
The Area Committee has given approval to the maintenance scheme outlined in the report and authorised the Director of Place Management to order the work.
Wards affected: Bredbury & Woodley;
Lead officer: Carl Taylor
Decision Maker: Heatons & Reddish Area Committee
Made at meeting: 27/01/2025 - Heatons & Reddish Area Committee
Decision published: 29/01/2025
Effective from: 05/02/2025
The Area Committee has given approval for the legal advertising of the following Traffic Regulation Orders at a cost of £1,000 to be funded from the delegated South Reddish Ward Budget and subject to no objections being received within 21 days from the advertisement date the following orders can be made:
No Waiting at Any Time:
Haigh Avenue
West side from a point 10 metres North of the Northern Kerb line of Haigh Park in a Southerly direction to a point 10 metres South of the Southern kerb line of Haigh Park.
Haigh Park
North side from the Western kerb line of Haigh Avenue for a distance of 10 metres in a Westerly direction (to tie-in with the aforementioned on Haigh Avenue).
South side from the Western kerb line of Haigh Avenue in a Westerly direction to the start of the Turning Head (a distance of 138 metres and to tie-in with the aforementioned on Haigh Avenue).
Wards affected: Reddish South;
Lead officer: Max Townsend
Decision Maker: Heatons & Reddish Area Committee
Made at meeting: 27/01/2025 - Heatons & Reddish Area Committee
Decision published: 29/01/2025
Effective from: 05/02/2025
The Area Committee has given approval for the following funding application for the Stockport Climate Action Now (CAN) Seed Funds: -
Ward |
Applications received |
Amount requested |
Heatons South |
Mersey Vale Primary School |
£1,000 |
Total from Heatons South |
£1,000 |
Lead officer: Nick Leslie
Decision Maker: Werneth Area Committee
Made at meeting: 27/01/2025 - Werneth Area Committee
Decision published: 29/01/2025
Effective from: 05/02/2025
The Area Committee has given approval to the legal advertising of the following traffic regulation order and, subject to no objections being received within 21 days from the advertisement date, the subsequent making of the orders at a cost of £900 to be funded from the Area Committee’s Delegated Budget (Bredbury Green and Romiley Ward allocation):-
Proposed Traffic Regulation Order Schedule
No Waiting At Any Time
Beech Lane, Romiley (East Side) - From a point 15 metres north east of the intersection of the northern kerb line of St Chad’s Avenue, for a distance of 6 metres in a north easterly direction
St Chads Avenue, Romiley (South Side) - From a point 10 metres east of the intersection of the eastern kerb line of Crossmoor Crescent, for a distance of 33 metres in an easterly direction
Wards affected: Bredbury Green & Romiley;
Lead officer: Gemma Brady
Decision Maker: Werneth Area Committee
Made at meeting: 27/01/2025 - Werneth Area Committee
Decision published: 29/01/2025
Effective from: 05/02/2025
The Area Committee has given approval to an application received from Sustainable Living Romiley for a grant of £305 from the Stockport CAN Seed Fund (Bredbury Green and Romiley ward allocation) towards the cost of running a Green Week during February half term 2025 aiming to promote sustainable activities within the community and an appreciation of the local environment.
Lead officer: Nick Leslie
Decision Maker: Werneth Area Committee
Made at meeting: 27/01/2025 - Werneth Area Committee
Decision published: 29/01/2025
Effective from: 05/02/2025
The Area Committee has given approval to the addition of Woodley Cricket Club as an Asset of Community Value.
Lead officer: James Kington
Decision Maker: Werneth Area Committee
Made at meeting: 27/01/2025 - Werneth Area Committee
Decision published: 29/01/2025
Effective from: 05/02/2025
The Area Committee has given approval to an application received from Stockport LGBT+ Centre CIC for Ward Flexibility Funding for a grant of £94 towards the cost of hosting the ‘Fabulously Me’ event at a central, accessible Stockport location.
Lead officer: Jacqueline Kramer
Decision Maker: Stepping Hill Area Committee
Made at meeting: 28/01/2025 - Stepping Hill Area Committee
Decision published: 29/01/2025
Effective from: 05/02/2025
The Area Committee has given approval to an application received from 4 Seasons Events Group to hold an Easter themed Kids Adventure Kingdom Inflatable World & Childrens Funfair Event at Torkington Park on 18 to 21 April 2025, subject to all appropriate paperwork and licences being obtained and submitted to the Council at least one week prior to the event taking place.
Wards affected: Hazel Grove;
Lead officer: Jacky Budd
Decision Maker: Stepping Hill Area Committee
Made at meeting: 28/01/2025 - Stepping Hill Area Committee
Decision published: 29/01/2025
Effective from: 05/02/2025
The Area Committee has given approval to an application received from Stockport LGBT+ Centre CIC for Ward Flexibility Funding for a grant of £141 towards the cost of hosting the ‘Fabulously Me’ event at a central, accessible Stockport location.
Lead officer: Jacqueline Kramer
Decision Maker: Cheadle Area Committee
Made at meeting: 28/01/2025 - Cheadle Area Committee
Decision published: 29/01/2025
Effective from: 05/02/2025
The Area Committee has given approval to an application received from Stockport LGBT+ Centre CIC for a grant of £141 from the Ward Flexibility Fund (£47 from each ward allocation) towards the cost of hosting the ‘Fabulously Me’ event at a central, accessible Stockport location.
Lead officer: Charlotte Douglass
Decision Maker: Werneth Area Committee
Made at meeting: 27/01/2025 - Werneth Area Committee
Decision published: 29/01/2025
Effective from: 05/02/2025
The Area Committee has given approval to an application received from Fairway Primary School PTA who wish to utilise Woodbank Memorial Park, and other sites, as part of The Fairway 5 Trail Race on 2 November 2025 between 10 am and 12 pm, subject to all appropriate paperwork and licences being obtained and submitted to the Council at least one week prior to the event taking place.
Wards affected: Bredbury & Woodley;
Lead officer: Jacky Budd
Decision Maker: Stepping Hill Area Committee
Made at meeting: 28/01/2025 - Stepping Hill Area Committee
Decision published: 29/01/2025
Effective from: 05/02/2025
The Area Committee has given approval to an application received from Fairway Primary School PTA who wish to utilise Woodbank Memorial Park and other sites, as part of The Fairway 5 Trail Race on 2 November 2025 between 10 am and 12 pm, subject to all appropriate paperwork and licences being obtained and submitted to the Council at least one week prior to the event taking place.
Wards affected: Offerton;
Lead officer: Jacky Budd
Decision Maker: Heatons & Reddish Area Committee
Made at meeting: 27/01/2025 - Heatons & Reddish Area Committee
Decision published: 29/01/2025
Effective from: 05/02/2025
The Area Committee agreed to list Peel Moat Open Space, Eastings 38774, Northings 392559, Stockport, SK4 4PW as an Asset of Community Value in accordance with the Localism Act 2011.
Lead officer: James Kington
Decision Maker: Heatons & Reddish Area Committee
Made at meeting: 27/01/2025 - Heatons & Reddish Area Committee
Decision published: 29/01/2025
Effective from: 05/02/2025
The Area Committee agreed to list Florence Street Open Space, Florence Street, Heaton Norris, Stockport, SK4 1SR as an Asset of Community Value in accordance with the Localism Act 2011.
Lead officer: James Kington
Decision Maker: Cheadle Area Committee
Made at meeting: 28/01/2025 - Cheadle Area Committee
Decision published: 29/01/2025
Effective from: 05/02/2025
The Area Committee has given approval to an application received by 2nd Heald Green Guiding for a grant of £500 from the Stockport CAN Seed Fund (Heald Green ward allocation) towards their craftivism and upcycling project as part of the guiding programme.
Lead officer: Nick Leslie
Decision Maker: Cheadle Area Committee
Made at meeting: 28/01/2025 - Cheadle Area Committee
Decision published: 29/01/2025
Effective from: 05/02/2025
The Area Committee has given approval to an application received from 2nd Heald Green Girlguiding for a grant of £500 from the Ward Flexibility Fund (£250 from the Cheadle West & Gatley and £250 from the Heald Green ward allocations) towards the cost of hosting the ‘Christmas at Brown Lane’ event including a winter wonderland, Santa's grotto, Elfridges shopping, ElfBucks café and other fun and games.
Lead officer: Charlotte Douglass