
Use the below search options at the bottom of the page to find information regarding recent executive decisions that have been taken by the council’s executive decision making bodies, such as the Cabinet Meeting, individual Cabinet Members, Area Committees or the Council Meeting itself.

Decisions published

24/06/2022 - A6MARR Highway Scheme 1,687 sq m parts of building and car park and 2,831 sq m part of car park and scrub land south west of and adjoining A6 Buxton Road, Hazel Grove and part of half width of A6 Buxton Road, Hazel Grove ref: 5977    Recommendations Approved

Decision Maker: Corporate Director (Place) and Deputy Chief Executive

Decision published: 30/03/2023

Effective from: 24/06/2022


The Deputy Chief Executive has given approval for the payment of compensation to a property owner for the acquisition of their interest in property, which was acquired to implement the A6 MARR highway scheme.


(Note: The report contained information ‘not for publication’ that was circulated to the decision maker only)

Lead officer: Ian Keyte, James Kington

22/06/2022 - Licence to assign a single care home held under a lease of ten care homes Marbury House Heaton Chapel ref: 5754    Recommendations Approved

Decision Maker: Deputy Chief Executive

Decision published: 29/03/2023

Effective from: 22/06/2022


The Deputy Chief Executive has given authority to issue consent to the part assignment of a single care home property at Marbury House, Heaton Chapel.


(Note: The report contained information ‘not for publication’ that was circulated to the decision maker only)

Lead officer: James Kington

13/06/2022 - Civic Complex Rationalisation - Main Contract Award ref: 5760    Recommendations Approved

Decision Maker: Corporate Director (Corporate and Support Services) and Deputy Chief Executive

Decision published: 09/08/2022

Effective from: 13/06/2022


A previous decision covered the appointment of Overbury Plc, under a Pre-Construction Services Agreement. In coming to the decision, the Council engaged with STaR Procurement to establish the most effective way to appoint a contractor via a detailed Options Appraisal. The options appraisal considered a variety of differing procurement routes and frameworks and provided options including full competition, mini competition, and direct award. STaR Procurement ensured that all frameworks and procurement routes were fully compliant with Stockport Council Contract Procurement Rules. The direct award route from the Pagabo Framework was selected. The preferred contractor from the Pagabo Framework was Overbury Plc.


The Corporate Director (Corporate & Support Services) & Deputy Chief Executive has therefore given approval to award the construction contract for the refurbishment of Stopford House to Overbury Plc on the terms identified in the report.


(NOTE: The report contained information that was ‘not for publication’ and was circulated to the decision-maker only).

Lead officer: James Kington

22/06/2022 - Warren Street Bus Gate TRO Amendment ref: 5734    For Determination

Decision Maker: Cabinet Member for Highways, Parks and Leisure Services

Decision published: 30/06/2022

Effective from: 07/07/2022


The Cabinet Member for Highways, Parks and Leisure Services has approved the legal advertising of the following Traffic Regulation Order (TRO) and subject to no objections received within 21 days from the advertising date, the order can be made.

Lead officer: Gavin Lightbown

24/06/2022 - Transport Capital Programme Update Report ref: 5716    For Determination

Decision Maker: Cabinet Member for Economy & Regeneration

Decision published: 29/06/2022

Effective from: 06/07/2022


The Cabinet Member for Economy & Regeneration has approved the proposed schemes for the Capital Programme listed in the report.

Lead officer: Sue Stevenson

20/06/2022 - Residents Parking Scheme Petition - David Street, Reddish ref: 5693    For Determination

Decision Maker: Heatons & Reddish Area Committee

Made at meeting: 20/06/2022 - Heatons & Reddish Area Committee

Decision published: 24/06/2022

Effective from: 01/07/2022


The Area Committee has given approval to the release of funds to the amount of £4,000 from the Reddish North Ward Delegated Budget to enable a residents’ consultation, investigation and parking survey to be undertaken on David Street, as per Stockport’s Residential Parking Scheme Policy.

Wards affected: Reddish North;

Lead officer: Noel Nhengu

20/06/2022 - Ward Flexibility Funding - Heatons Runners ref: 5691    For Determination

Decision Maker: Heatons & Reddish Area Committee

Made at meeting: 20/06/2022 - Heatons & Reddish Area Committee

Decision published: 24/06/2022

Effective from: 01/07/2022


The Area Committee has given approval to an application from Heaton Runners for a grant of £400 from the Ward Flexibility Funding Budget (£100 from each ward allocation) towards the cost of having gait tests done and purchasing running trainers for members of the club.

Lead officer: Charles Yankiah

20/06/2022 - Ward Flexibility Funding - The Friends of Darley Street ref: 5692    For Determination

Decision Maker: Heatons & Reddish Area Committee

Made at meeting: 20/06/2022 - Heatons & Reddish Area Committee

Decision published: 24/06/2022

Effective from: 01/07/2022


The Area Committee has given approval to an application from The Friends of Darley Street for a grant of £450 from the Ward Flexibility Funding Budget (Heatons South ward allocation) towards the cost of purchasing top soil, a water butt and a public noticeboard to be used in the Darley Street Community Garden.

Lead officer: Charles Yankiah

20/06/2022 - Ward Flexibility Funding - Greater Manchester ACF ref: 5690    For Determination

Decision Maker: Heatons & Reddish Area Committee

Made at meeting: 20/06/2022 - Heatons & Reddish Area Committee

Decision published: 24/06/2022

Effective from: 01/07/2022


The Area Committee has given approval to an application from Greater Manchester A.C.F for a grant of £1,000 from the Ward Flexibility Funding Budget (£250 from each ward allocation) towards the cost of purchasing better equipment (e.g. protective boots, gloves, high-visibility vests, litter pickers, goggles and a selection of gardening hand tools) to use when helping out in the community.

Lead officer: Charles Yankiah

20/06/2022 - Ruskin Road & Browning Road, Reddish ref: 5694    For Determination

Decision Maker: Heatons & Reddish Area Committee

Made at meeting: 20/06/2022 - Heatons & Reddish Area Committee

Decision published: 24/06/2022

Effective from: 01/07/2022


The Area Committee has given approval to the legal advertising of the following Traffic Regulation Orders and subject to the receipt of no objections within 21 days of the advertisement date, the subsequent making of the orders at a cost of £760 to be funded from the Area Committee’s Delegated Budget:-


No Waiting and No Loading at Any Time (Experimental):


Browning Road


South side from a point 10 metres West of the Western kerb-line of Ruskin Road to a point 10 metres East of the Eastern kerb-line of Ruskin Road.


Ruskin Road


West side from the Southern kerb-line of Browning Road in a Southerly direction for a distance of 10 metres.


East side from the Southern kerb-line of Ruskin Road in a Southerly direction for a distance of 15 metres.

Wards affected: Reddish North;

Lead officer: Max Townsend

22/06/2022 - Windlehurst Road Traffic Calming ref: 5703    For Determination

Decision Maker: Marple Area Committee

Made at meeting: 22/06/2022 - Marple Area Committee

Decision published: 24/06/2022

Effective from: 01/07/2022


The Area committee has given approval to:-


(1) the removal of speed cushions 4 to 9 (as shown on Drawing No

F/1016/WR/002 Rev A) between Andrew Lane and Torkington Lane and subject to advance notice being provided to local residents; and


(2) the undertaking of a feasibility investigation of the footway widths on Windlehurst Road from Andrew Lane to Broadhurst’s Bridge at a cost of £1,000 to be funded from the Area Committee's Delegated Budget (Marple South & High Lane ward allocation).



Lead officer: Eraina Smith

22/06/2022 - Ward Flexibility Funding - Marple Youth Project ref: 5697    For Determination

Decision Maker: Marple Area Committee

Made at meeting: 22/06/2022 - Marple Area Committee

Decision published: 24/06/2022

Effective from: 01/07/2022


The Area Committee has given approval to an application from Marple Youth Project CIC for a grant of £1,000 from the Ward Flexibility Funding Budget (£500 from each ward) towards the cost of increasing sessions at the youth club to two times per week.


Lead officer: Charles Yankiah

21/06/2022 - Ward Flexibility Funding - Friends of Shahnameh ref: 5651    For Determination

Decision Maker: Stepping Hill Area Committee

Made at meeting: 21/06/2022 - Stepping Hill Area Committee

Decision published: 22/06/2022

Effective from: 29/06/2022


The Area Committee has given approval to an application received from Friends of Shahnameh for a grant of £90 from the Ward Flexibility Budget (Hazel Grove ward allocation) towards the cost of a half a day festival on 15 May 2022 ‘Celebrating Diversity’ to help people integrate in the society and come out of isolation, connecting with each other. The festival would be a half a day festival / celebration for over 200 people with talks, music and Q&A sessions, reading poetry in English and Persian, so language barrier in Persian speaking communities will be addressed.

Decision Maker: Bramhall & Cheadle Hulme South Area Committee

Made at meeting: 23/06/2022 - Bramhall & Cheadle Hulme South Area Committee

Decision published: 24/06/2022

Effective from: 29/06/2022


The Area Committee has given approval to an application from Friends of Shahnameh for a grant of £270 from the Ward Flexibility Budget (£100 each from Bramhall North and Bramhall South & Woodford ward allocations and £70 from Cheadle Hulme South ward allocation) towards the cost of a half a day festival on 15 May 2022 ‘Celebrating Diversity’ to help people integrate in the society and come out of isolation, connecting with each other.

Lead officer: Georgia Latham

23/06/2022 - Ward Flexibility Funding - Friends of Bramall Hall and Park ref: 5681    For Determination

Decision Maker: Bramhall & Cheadle Hulme South Area Committee

Made at meeting: 23/06/2022 - Bramhall & Cheadle Hulme South Area Committee

Decision published: 24/06/2022

Effective from: 01/07/2022


The Area Committee has given approval to an application from Friends of Bramall Hall and Park for a grant of £1,200 from the Ward Flexibility Budget (£400 each from Bramhall North, Bramhall South & Woodford and Cheadle Hulme South ward allocations) towards the cost of purchasing distinguishable uniforms for the volunteers in the following colours:-


·         bottle green for the gardening volunteers, and

·         wine red for the hall volunteers.

Lead officer: Georgia Latham

20/06/2022 - Ward Flexibility Funding - Walk Ride Heatons ref: 5689    For Determination

Decision Maker: Heatons & Reddish Area Committee

Made at meeting: 20/06/2022 - Heatons & Reddish Area Committee

Decision published: 24/06/2022

Effective from: 01/07/2022


The Area Committee has given approval to an application from Walk Ride Heatons for a grant of £250 from the Ward Flexibility Funding Budget (£125 each from the Heatons North and Heatons South ward allocations) towards the cost of printing some A5 flyers, a large banner and a couple of reusable laminated maps of the Heatons. Summerfest is a popular, free, family-friendly, community-focused event, which will provide an excellent opportunity for us to engage with the community about how they can make short local journeys more sustainably in Heaton Moor Park on Sunday 10th July 2022.

Lead officer: Charles Yankiah

20/06/2022 - Ward Flexibility Funding - Friends of Reddish Vale Country Park ref: 5688    Recommendations Approved

Decision Maker: Heatons & Reddish Area Committee

Made at meeting: 20/06/2022 - Heatons & Reddish Area Committee

Decision published: 24/06/2022

Effective from: 01/07/2022


The Area Committee has given approval to an application from Friends of Reddish Vale Country Park for an increased grant of £2,333.32 from the Ward Flexibility Funding Budget (£500 each from Heatons North & Heatons South ward allocations, and £666.66 each from Reddish North & Reddish South ward allocations) towards the cost of routine upkeep, maintenance and fuelling of the Reddish Vale Van.

Lead officer: Charles Yankiah

23/06/2022 - Mayfield Road, Bramhall - Proposed Traffic Regulation Order 'No Waiting At Any Time' ref: 5686    For Determination

Decision Maker: Bramhall & Cheadle Hulme South Area Committee

Made at meeting: 23/06/2022 - Bramhall & Cheadle Hulme South Area Committee

Decision published: 24/06/2022

Effective from: 01/07/2022


The Area Committee has given approval to the legal advertising of the following Traffic Regulations Orders at the Mayfield Road/Queensgate junction and, subject to no objections being received within 21 days of the advertisement date, the subsequent making of the orders at a cost of £760 to be funded from the Area Committee’s Delegated Budget (Bramhall South & Woodford ward allocation):-


Proposed Traffic Regulation Order (TRO) Schedule

‘No Waiting At Any Time’


Mayfield Road – Both Sides:

From the intersection of the southern kerb line of Queensgate, for a distance of 10 meters in a southerly direction.


Queensgate – South Side:

From a point, 10 meters west of the intersection of the western kerb line of Mayfield Road, to a point 10 meters east of the intersection of the of the eastern kerb line of Mayfield Road.

Wards affected: Bramhall South & Woodford;

Lead officer: Nicola Ryan

20/06/2022 - Appointment to Outside Bodies ref: 5696    For Determination

Decision Maker: Heatons & Reddish Area Committee

Made at meeting: 20/06/2022 - Heatons & Reddish Area Committee

Decision published: 24/06/2022

Effective from: 01/07/2022


The Area Committee has appointed the following representatives of the Council on outside bodies for 2022/23:-


Prescotts Charity


Councillor Janet Mobbs


Councillor Gary Lawson

Lead officer: Charles Yankiah

20/06/2022 - Area Committee Ward Highway Spokespersons ref: 5695    For Determination

Decision Maker: Heatons & Reddish Area Committee

Made at meeting: 20/06/2022 - Heatons & Reddish Area Committee

Decision published: 24/06/2022

Effective from: 01/07/2022


The Area Committee has appointed the following councillors as Ward Spokespersons with whom the Director of Place Management can consult on highway maintenance and traffic management matters:-


Heatons North – Councillor John Taylor


Heatons South – Councillor Dean Fitzpatrick


Reddish North – Councillor Kate Butler


Reddish South – Councillor Janet Mobbs 

Decision Maker: Werneth Area Committee

Made at meeting: 20/06/2022 - Werneth Area Committee

Decision published: 22/06/2022

Effective from: 01/07/2022


The Area Committee has appointed the following councillors as Ward Spokespersons for highway and traffic management issues:-


Bredbury and Woodley                   - Councillor Sue Thorpe

Bredbury Green & Romiley             - Councillor Angie Clark

Decision Maker: Cheadle Area Committee

Made at meeting: 21/06/2022 - Cheadle Area Committee

Decision published: 22/06/2022

Effective from: 01/07/2022


The Area Committee has nominated the following Ward Spokespersons with whom the Director of Place Management can consult on highway maintenance and traffic management matters during 2022/23:-


Cheadle & Gatley                - Councillor Keith Holloway

Cheadle Hulme North         - Councillors Jilly Julian and David Meller

Heald Green                       - Councillor Carole McCann

Decision Maker: Stepping Hill Area Committee

Made at meeting: 21/06/2022 - Stepping Hill Area Committee

Decision published: 22/06/2022

Effective from: 01/07/2022


The Area Committee has nominated the following Ward Spokespersons with whom the Director of Place Management can consult on highway maintenance and traffic management matters during 2022/23:-


Hazel Grove Ward

- Councillors Paul Ankers and Oliver Johnstone

Offerton Ward

- Councillor Wendy Meikle

Stepping Hill Ward

- Councillors Grace Baynham and Christine Carrigan


Decision Maker: Marple Area Committee

Made at meeting: 22/06/2022 - Marple Area Committee

Decision published: 24/06/2022

Effective from: 01/07/2022


The Area Committee has appointed the following councillors as Ward Spokespersons with whom the Director of Place Management can consult on highway maintenance and traffic management matters:-


Marple North – Councillor Steve Gribbon


Marple South & High Lane – Councillor Aron Thornley

Decision Maker: Bramhall & Cheadle Hulme South Area Committee

Made at meeting: 23/06/2022 - Bramhall & Cheadle Hulme South Area Committee

Decision published: 24/06/2022

Effective from: 01/07/2022


The Area Committee has nominated the following Ward Spokespersons with whom the Director of Place Management can consult on highway maintenance and traffic management matters during 2022/23:-


Bramhall North Ward

Councillors Alanna Vine and Frankie Singleton


Bramhall South & Woodford Ward

Councillors Brian Bagnall and Ian Powney


Cheadle Hulme South Ward

Councillor Suzanne Wyatt

Lead officer: Damian Eaton

22/06/2022 - The Metropolitan Borough Council of Stockport (High Lane Primary School) (Prohibition and Restriction Of Waiting) (School Clearway) and (Revocation) Order 2022 - Objection Report ref: 5699    For Determination

Decision Maker: Marple Area Committee

Made at meeting: 22/06/2022 - Marple Area Committee

Decision published: 24/06/2022

Effective from: 01/07/2022


The Area Committee has considered a number of objections to the proposed Traffic Regulation Orders, and has agreed that notwithstanding the objections, the amended Order as shown on Drawing No 0305/54/HL/002 Rev B be made as advertised.

Wards affected: Marple South & High Lane;

Lead officer: Caroline Aylmer-Shanks

22/06/2022 - Hartington Road, High Lane - Prohibition to Motor Vehicles - Trial ref: 5698    For Determination

Decision Maker: Marple Area Committee

Made at meeting: 22/06/2022 - Marple Area Committee

Decision published: 24/06/2022

Effective from: 01/07/2022


The Area Committee has given approval to the trial of a Prohibition to motor vehicles along Hartington Road, High Lane at a cost of £6,500 to be funded from the Area Committee’s Delegated Budget (Marple South & High Lane ward allocation).

Wards affected: Marple South & High Lane;

Lead officer: Nicola Ryan

23/06/2022 - Bramhall Park Road - Additional Signage & Lining - 20mph Speed Limit ref: 5683    For Determination

Decision Maker: Bramhall & Cheadle Hulme South Area Committee

Made at meeting: 23/06/2022 - Bramhall & Cheadle Hulme South Area Committee

Decision published: 24/06/2022

Effective from: 01/07/2022


The Area Committee has given approval for the supply and installation of additional repeater signage and carriageway markings in relation to 20mh speed limit on Bramhall Park Road, between the junctions of Park Gates Drive and Carrwood Road, to be funded at a cost of £1256.20 from the Area Committee’s Delegated Budget (Bramhall North ward allocation).

Wards affected: Bramhall North;

Lead officer: Nicola Ryan

22/06/2022 - Park Use Application - Marple Memorial Park ref: 5702    For Determination

Decision Maker: Marple Area Committee

Made at meeting: 22/06/2022 - Marple Area Committee

Decision published: 22/06/2022

Effective from: 22/06/2022


The Area Committee has approved an application received from the Brass Bands of Marple to hold a Picnic in the Park Event at Marple Memorial Park. which will take place on Sunday 24th July 2022. The event will start from 12.30pm until 5.30pm to enable set up and close down of the event, subject to all appropriate paperwork, licences and fees being submitted to the Council at least one week prior to the event taking place.

Lead officer: Jonathan Headlam

20/06/2022 - Parks Event Application - Chadkirk Country Estate (Chadkirk Well Dressing) ref: 5672    Recommendations Approved

Decision Maker: Werneth Area Committee

Made at meeting: 20/06/2022 - Werneth Area Committee

Decision published: 22/06/2022

Effective from: 29/06/2022


The Area Committee has given approval to an application from the Friends of Chadkirk to hold the Chadkirk Well Dressing Event at Chadkirk Country Estate on Saturday 30th July 2022 from 12 noon until 5pm subject to the organiser providing: the event plan, health and safety documentation, licenses and insurances.

Wards affected: Bredbury Green & Romiley;

Lead officer: Jacky Budd

21/06/2022 - Ward Flexibility Funding - Lisburne School ref: 5652    For Determination

Decision Maker: Stepping Hill Area Committee

Made at meeting: 21/06/2022 - Stepping Hill Area Committee

Decision published: 22/06/2022

Effective from: 29/06/2022


The Area Committee has given approval to an application received from Lisburne School for a grant of £1,000 from the Ward Flexibility Budget (Offerton ward allocation) towards the cost of purchasing two defibrillators for the Lisburne school sites. All of the 170 children who attend Lisburne have Special Educational Needs and many have serious medical conditions.

Lead officer: Georgia Latham

21/06/2022 - Ward Flexibility Funding - Cheadle Village Partnership ref: 5661    For Determination

Decision Maker: Cheadle Area Committee

Made at meeting: 21/06/2022 - Cheadle Area Committee

Decision published: 22/06/2022

Effective from: 29/06/2022


The Area Committee has given approval to an application from Cheadle Village Partnership from the Ward Flexibility Fund budget for a grant of £1,000 (£500 each from the Cheadle & Gatley and Cheadle Hulme North ward allocations) towards the cost of the management and running of the new Digital Information Point to be situated on Cheadle High Street.

Lead officer: Charlotte Douglass

21/06/2022 - Ward Flexibility Funding - Heald Green Heritage ref: 5660    For Determination

Decision Maker: Cheadle Area Committee

Made at meeting: 21/06/2022 - Cheadle Area Committee

Decision published: 22/06/2022

Effective from: 29/06/2022


The Area Committee has given approval to an application from Heald Green Heritage for a grant of £900 from the Ward Flexibility Fund budget (Heald Green ward allocation) towards the cost of tree sculpting works as part of a war memorial.

Lead officer: Charlotte Douglass

21/06/2022 - Ward Flexibility Funding - Friends of East Avenue Park ref: 5659    Recommendations Approved

Decision Maker: Cheadle Area Committee

Made at meeting: 21/06/2022 - Cheadle Area Committee

Decision published: 22/06/2022

Effective from: 29/06/2022


The Area Committee has given approval to an application received from Friends of East Avenue Park for a grant of £1000 from the Ward Flexibility Fund Budget (Heald Green ward allocation) towards the cost of purchasing and installing a bucket swing in East Avenue Park.

Lead officer: Charlotte Douglass

20/06/2022 - Appointments to Outside Bodies ref: 5673    For Determination

Decision Maker: Werneth Area Committee

Made at meeting: 20/06/2022 - Werneth Area Committee

Decision published: 22/06/2022

Effective from: 29/06/2022


The Area Committee has appointed the following representatives of the Council on outside bodies for 2022/2023:-


Barrack Hill Educational Trust


Councillor Stuart Corris

Councillor Lisa Smart


Civic Hall, Woodley User Group Management Committee


Councillor Stuart Corris

Councillor Vince Shaw

Councillor Sue Thorpe

Lead officer: Jacqueline Kramer

20/06/2022 - Highways Maintenance Local Initiative Report - Redecoration of benches and planters at Romiley Precinct ref: 5669    For Determination

Decision Maker: Werneth Area Committee

Made at meeting: 20/06/2022 - Werneth Area Committee

Decision published: 22/06/2022

Effective from: 29/06/2022


The Area Committee has given approval to the redecoration of 8 no. benches and 3 no. planters at Romiley Shopping Precinct including the preparation and varnishing of timber elements and also preparation and painting of metal elements at a cost of £3,345 to be funded from the Area Committee’s Delegated Budget (Bredbury Green & Romiley ward allocation).

Wards affected: Bredbury Green & Romiley;

Lead officer: Jacky Budd

21/06/2022 - Road Safety Around Schools - Gatley Primary School ref: 5665    For Determination

Decision Maker: Cheadle Area Committee

Made at meeting: 21/06/2022 - Cheadle Area Committee

Decision published: 22/06/2022

Effective from: 29/06/2022


The Area Committee has given approval to the legal advertising of the Traffic Regulation Orders set out in Appendix A to the report, and subject to no objections being received within 21 days from the advertisement date, the subsequent making of the orders and associated signage, implementation of kerb build-outs with dropped kerbs with tactile paving, new school warning signs, and give-way line markings; to be funded from the Section 106 Agreement associated with the planning permission for the Gatley Primary School extension (planning application ref DC/075720).


Wards affected: Cheadle & Gatley;

Lead officer: Caroline Aylmer-Shanks

20/06/2022 - Application for the use of Romiley Recreation Ground - 25 June 2022 ref: 5670    For Determination

Decision Maker: Werneth Area Committee

Made at meeting: 20/06/2022 - Werneth Area Committee

Decision published: 22/06/2022

Effective from: 20/06/2022


The Area Committee has given approval to an application received from the Friends of Romiley Park to hold their annual Fun Day event at Romiley Recreation Ground on Saturday 25th June 2022 subject to all appropriate paperwork, licences and fees being submitted to the Council at least one week prior to the event taking place.

Lead officer: Jonathan Headlam

21/06/2022 - Residents Parking Scheme - Bulkeley Road, Newboult Road, Frances Street and New Hey Road, Cheadle ref: 5664    Recommendations Approved

Decision Maker: Cheadle Area Committee

Made at meeting: 21/06/2022 - Cheadle Area Committee

Decision published: 22/06/2022

Effective from: 29/06/2022


The Area Committee has given approval to fund the initial residents’ consultation, investigations and parking surveys to monitor the impact of external car parking on Bulkeley Road, Newboult Road and New Hey Road, Cheadle, at a cost of £6,000 from the Delegated Ward Budget (Cheadle and Gatley ward allocation).




Lead officer: Noel Nhengu

21/06/2022 - Brookfield Park Shiers Family Trust Annual Report 2021/22 ref: 5663    For Determination

Decision Maker: Cheadle Area Committee

Made at meeting: 21/06/2022 - Cheadle Area Committee

Decision published: 22/06/2022

Effective from: 29/06/2022


The Area Committee has:-


(1) Noted the report.


(2) Adopted the Financial Accounts of the Brookfield Park Shiers Family Trust for year ending 31 March 2022.


(3) With regard to the policy and distribution of the Trust, adopted the following in addition to the existing guidelines:


·         That the usual grant award amount of £1,000/ £1,500 per organisation be removed and that no figure be set as a guideline, but applications and their grant award amounts submitted be considered on a case by case basis.

·         That the guidelines for the distribution of monies from the Trust be expanded to include, but not be limited to, the fact that the Area Committee expect innovation, imagination and good presentations in applications for proposed projects, and that proposed projects work for the good and betterment of the community.


(4) Confirmed support for the existing aims that projects should seek to support, specifically:-


·         Address the effect of loneliness amongst elderly residents and the consequential effect on their health.

·         Support children and young people, young carers, address loneliness amongst children and young people, and support sports groups for people of all ages.


(5) Agreed to continue with the current investment policy.

Lead officer: Paula McDonald

20/06/2022 - Lansdowne Avenue, Romiley - Proposed Traffic Regulation Order 'No Waiting At Any Time' ref: 5668    For Determination

Decision Maker: Werneth Area Committee

Made at meeting: 20/06/2022 - Werneth Area Committee

Decision published: 22/06/2022

Effective from: 29/06/2022


The Area Committee has given approval to the legal advertising of the following traffic regulation orders, and subject to the receipt of no objections within 21 days of the advertisement date, the subsequent making of the orders at a cost of £760 to be funded from the Area Committee’s Delegated Budget (Bredbury Green & Romiley ward allocation):-


Proposed Traffic Regulation Order (TRO) – ‘No Waiting At Any Time’


Lansdowne Avenue, Romiley


Both Sides: From the intersection of the south eastern kerb line of Compstall Road for a distance of 10 meters in a south easterly direction.

Wards affected: Bredbury Green & Romiley;

Lead officer: Nicola Ryan

21/06/2022 - Appointment of councillors to the Brookfield Park Shiers Family Trust Sub Committee ref: 5662    For Determination

Decision Maker: Cheadle Area Committee

Made at meeting: 21/06/2022 - Cheadle Area Committee

Decision published: 22/06/2022

Effective from: 29/06/2022


The Area Committee, acting in its capacity of trustee of the Brookfield Park Shiers Family Trust, appointed Councillors Ian Hunter (Cheadle & Gatley), Anna Charles-Jones (Heald Green) and Tom Morrison (Cheadle Hulme North) to serve on the Brookfield Park Shiers Family Trust Sub Committee for the municipal year 2022 – 2023.

Lead officer: Charlotte Douglass

21/06/2022 - Arundel Avenue, Hazel Grove ref: 5653    For Determination

Decision Maker: Stepping Hill Area Committee

Made at meeting: 21/06/2022 - Stepping Hill Area Committee

Decision published: 22/06/2022

Effective from: 29/06/2022


The Area Committee has given approval for the construction of a dropped kerb facility to address an anomaly with an existing disabled bay on Arundel Avenue, Hazel Grove, at a cost of £2,000 to be funded by the Area Committee’s Delegated Budget (Stepping Hill ward allocation).

Wards affected: Stepping Hill;

Lead officer: Max Townsend

20/06/2022 - Annable Road, Bredbury - Proposed Traffic Regulation Order 'No Waiting At Any Time' ref: 5666    For Determination

Decision Maker: Werneth Area Committee

Made at meeting: 20/06/2022 - Werneth Area Committee

Decision published: 22/06/2022

Effective from: 29/06/2022


The Area Committee has given approval to the legal advertising of the following traffic regulation orders, and subject to the receipt of no objections within 21 days of the advertisement date, the subsequent making of the orders at a cost of £910 to be funded from the Area Committee’s Delegated Budget (Bredbury & Woodley ward allocation):-


Proposed (TRO) ‘No Waiting at Any Time’


Annable Road – North Side


From the projected building line of properties No. 10 & 12 for a distance of 16 metres in a north westerly direction.


Annable Road – South Side


From a point 15 metres north west of the projected building line of properties Nos. 2 & 4 for a distance of 11 metres first in a north westerly, then south westerly direction.

Wards affected: Bredbury & Woodley;

Lead officer: Nicola Ryan

21/06/2022 - Dropped Kerbs - Catherine Street, Hazel Grove ref: 5654    For Determination

Decision Maker: Stepping Hill Area Committee

Made at meeting: 21/06/2022 - Stepping Hill Area Committee

Decision published: 22/06/2022

Effective from: 29/06/2022


The Area Committee has given approval for the introduction of lowered kerbs at the entrance of Commercial Road apartments on the eastern side of Catherine Street to aid accessibility, at a cost of £1,103.15 to be funded from the Area Committee’s Delegated Budget (Hazel Grove ward allocation). 

Lead officer: Gillian Kidd

22/06/2022 - Appointment to Outside Bodies ref: 5701    For Determination

Decision Maker: Marple Area Committee

Made at meeting: 22/06/2022 - Marple Area Committee

Decision published: 22/06/2022

Effective from: 22/06/2022


The Area Committee has appointed the following representatives of the Council on outside bodies for 2022/23:-


Bridge Alms House and Sick Nursing Home – Councillor Aron Thornley


Marple Senior Citizens' Hall Management Committee – Councillors Malcolm Allan and Becky Senior

Lead officer: Charles Yankiah

21/06/2022 - Nominations to Outside Bodies ref: 5656    For Determination

Decision Maker: Stepping Hill Area Committee

Made at meeting: 21/06/2022 - Stepping Hill Area Committee

Decision published: 22/06/2022

Effective from: 29/06/2022


The Area Committee nominated the following councillors to represent the Council on the Hazel Grove Community Association:-


Councillor Lou Ankers

Councillor Paul Ankers

Councillor Oliver Johnstone

Wards affected: Hazel Grove;

Lead officer: Jacqueline Kramer

21/06/2022 - Proposals for the use of 'commuted sums' to support the cost of acquiring and refurbishing 4 x 2 bed flats located within SMBC's blocks which will then be let out at social rent ref: 5674    For Determination

Decision Maker: Cabinet Member for Communities & Housing

Decision published: 22/06/2022

Effective from: 29/06/2022


The Cabinet Member for Communities & Housing has given approval to a request for financial assistance from Stockport Homes Group of £171,000 to support the purchase and necessary capital investment works to enable the properties identified in the report to be let as social rented council housing in accordance with the Council’s approved Housing Allocations Policy.

Lead officer: Andy Kippax

22/03/2022 - Cheadle Town Fund - Walking and Cycling Measures - Proposed Sparrow Crossing, Cheadle Road, Cheadle ref: 5628    For Determination

Decision Maker: Cabinet Member for Economy & Regeneration

Decision published: 22/06/2022

Effective from: 29/06/2022


The Cabinet Member for Economy & Regeneration has given approval to the legal advertising of the Traffic Regulation Orders contained in Appendix C to the report and subject to the receipt of no objections within 21 days from the advertisement date, the subsequent making of the orders.

Wards affected: Cheadle & Gatley;

Lead officer: Nick Whelan

07/12/2021 - Cheadle Towns Fund - Cheadle Railway Station and Cycling and Walking Consultation Results ref: 5675    Recommendations Approved

Decision Maker: Cabinet Member for Economy & Regeneration

Decision published: 22/06/2022

Effective from: 29/06/2022


The Cabinet Member for Economy & Regeneration has:-


(1) Given approval for a planning application to be submitted for the Cheadle Station Proposal and approval for the cycling and walking proposals for:


·         Newland Road to Oak Road (including Queens Gardens);

·         Oak Road to Brookfield Park;

·         Brookfield Park to Shiers Drive;

·         Shiers Drive to Bruntwood Lane;


(2) Given approval to the legal advertising of the Traffic Regulations in Appendix C to the report and subject to the receipt of no objections within 21 days of the advertisement date, the subsequent making of the orders.

15/06/2022 - Ward Flexibility Funding – Adswood Baby Club (ABC) ref: 5645    Recommendations Approved

Decision Maker: Strategic Head of Service & Monitoring Officer (Legal and Democratic Governance)

Decision published: 15/06/2022

Effective from: 15/06/2022


The Strategic Head of Service (Legal & Democratic Governance) has given approval to an application from Adswood Baby Club for a grant of £500 from the Ward Flexibility Fund budget (Davenport & Cale Green ward allocation) towards the cost of providing group activities for young people aged between 0 – 4 (sensory activities, play time with toys, socialising with other young children and learning different skills). It will also give parents chance to support each other, make new friends and build on their socialising skills.

The Davenport & Cale Green ward councillors have been consulted on these allocations and are in agreement that they be made.

Lead officer: Charlotte Douglass

15/06/2022 - Ward Flexibility Funding – Positive Arts Stockport ref: 5644    Recommendations Approved

Decision Maker: Strategic Head of Service & Monitoring Officer (Legal and Democratic Governance)

Decision published: 15/06/2022

Effective from: 15/06/2022


The Strategic Head of Service (Legal & Democratic Governance) has given approval to an application from Positive Arts Stockport for a grant of £250 from the Ward Flexibility Fund budget (Davenport & Cale Green ward allocation) towards the cost of group health and wellbeing sessions including arts and crafts, sewing, card making.

The Davenport & Cale Green ward councillors have been consulted on these allocations and are in agreement that they be made.

Lead officer: Charlotte Douglass