Use the below search options at the bottom of the page to find information regarding recent executive decisions that have been taken by the council’s executive decision making bodies, such as the Cabinet Meeting, individual Cabinet Members, Area Committees or the Council Meeting itself.
Decision Maker: Deputy Chief Executive
Decision published: 04/03/2024
Effective from: 22/02/2024
Stockport Council was awarded Levelling Up Funding in April 2023 to
deliver a new community hub building within Marple.
The Cabinet, at its meeting on 27 June 2023, delegated authority to
the Director of Development and Regeneration, in consultation with
the relevant Cabinet Member to approve the most appropriate
procurement route. Under this delegation and following an options
appraisal by STaR Procurement and HIVE Project Management, Procure
North West Framework was selected as the most appropriate route to
market. This was confirmed in a decision on 26 July 2023.
A competitive tender process was followed, which involved the
assessment of cost, based on overheads, profit and preliminary
costs, quality and social value. At completion the process was
reviewed with Procure North West and STaR Procurement to ensure
compliance with the framework requirements and it has been
confirmed that the process is compliant.
Following the conclusion of this process, the Director of
Development and Regeneration and Deputy Chief Executive in
consultation with the Cabinet Member for Finance & Resources,
have given approval:-
(1) To award the contract to Willmott Dixon Construction
(2) To enter into the Pre-Construction Services Agreement with
Willmott Dixon Construction Limited.
(NOTE: The report contains information ‘not for publication’ that was circulated to the decision-makers only).
Lead officer: Luke Green
Decision Maker: Cabinet Member for Parks, Highways & Transport Services
Decision published: 26/02/2024
Effective from: 02/03/2024
The Cabinet Member for Parks, Highways and
Transport Services has given approval to the legal advertising of
the Traffic Regulation Orders and the non-regulatory measures as
detailed in Appendix A to the report and, subject to no objections
being received within 21 days from the advertisement date, the
subsequent making of the orders.
Lead officer: Max Townsend
Decision Maker: Cabinet Member for Finance & Resources
Decision published: 26/02/2024
Effective from: 02/03/2024
The Cabinet Member for Finance & Resources has given approval to the use of £932.89 from the Ward Discretionary Fund (Marple North ward) towards the replacement of a 7-metre length of boundary fencing that separates the Seven Stiles Allotments from the public footpath at Marple & District Allotment Association.
Wards affected: Marple North;
Lead officer: Jonathan Headlam
Decision Maker: Cabinet Member for Finance & Resources
Decision published: 22/02/2024
Effective from: 29/02/2024
Lead officer: Georgia Latham
Decision Maker: Cabinet Member for Parks, Highways & Transport Services
Decision published: 20/02/2024
Effective from: 27/02/2024
The Cabinet Member for Parks, Highways & Transport Services,
following consultation with the Highway Ward Spokesperson, has
given approval to the revocation of the original traffic regulation
orders, and to the advertisement of the following revised traffic
regulation orders and, subject to the receipt of no objections
within 21 days of the advertisement date, the subsequent making of
the orders:-
Revocation of existing TRO Schedule
‘No Waiting at Any Time’
Dennison Road, Cheadle Hulme (West Side)
From the intersection of the northern kerb line of Hulme Hall Road,
for a distance of 46 metres in a northerly direction.
Dennison Road, Cheadle Hulme (West Side)
From a point 7 metres south of the projected southern kerb line of
Brock Drive to point 10 metres north of the projected northern kerb
line of Brock Drive.
Brock Drive, Cheadle Hulme (Both Sides)
From the intersection of the western kerb line of Dennison Road for
a distance of 10 metres in a westerly direction.
Proposed TRO Schedule
‘No Waiting at Any Time’
Dennison Road, Cheadle Hulme (West Side)
From the intersection of the northern kerb line of Hulme Hall
Avenue, for a distance of 46 metres in a northerly direction.
Dennison Road, Cheadle Hulme (West Side)
From a point 7 metres south of the projected southern kerb line of
Brock Drive to point 10 metres north of the projected northern kerb
line of Brock Drive.
Brock Drive, Cheadle Hulme (Both Sides)
From the intersection of the western kerb line of Dennison Road for
a distance of 10 metres in a westerly direction.
Lead officer: Nicola Ryan
Decision Maker: Cabinet Member for Parks, Highways & Transport Services
Decision published: 20/02/2024
Effective from: 27/02/2024
The Cabinet Member for Parks, Highways & Transport Services has given approval to the legal advertising of the following Traffic Regulation Orders and, subject to the receipt of no objections within 21 days of the advertisement date, the subsequent making of the orders to be funded by the developer.
Revocation of existing TRO Schedule
‘No Waiting at Any Time’
Outwood Road, Heald Green (Northern Side)
From a point, 11 metres east of the intersection of the eastern kerb line of Viscount Drive to a point, 11 metres west of the western kerb line of Viscount Drive.
Outwood Road, Heald Green (Northern Side)
From a point, 16 metres east of the intersection of the eastern kerb line of Viscount Drive to the intersection of the western kerb line of Wilmslow Road.
Viscount Drive, Heald Green (Both Sides)
From the intersection of the northern kerb line of Outwood Road for a distance of 10 metres in a northerly direction.
Outwood Road, Heald Green (South Side)
From its intersection with the north western kerb line of Wilmslow Road for a distance of 22 metres in a westerly direction.
‘No Loading Monday-Friday 08:15-09:15am & 14:45-15:45’
Outwood Road, Heald Green (Northern Side)
From the intersection of the western kerb line of Viscount Drive for a distance of 11 metres in a westerly direction.
Viscount Road, Heald Green (Western Side)
From the intersection of the northern kerb line of Outwood Road for a distance of 10 metres.
Proposed TRO Schedule
‘No Waiting at Any Time’
Outwood Road, Heald Green (North Side)
From a point, 11 metres west of the intersection of the western kerb line of Viscount Drive to the intersection of the north west kerb line of Wilmslow Road.
Viscount Drive, Heald Green (Both Sides)
From the intersection of the northern kerb line of Outwood Road for a distance of 10 metres in a northerly direction.
Outwood Road, Heald Green (South Side)
From a point 3 metres east of its intersection with the projected eastern kerb line of Viscount Drive to the intersection of the north western kerb line of Wilmslow Road.
‘No Loading Monday-Friday 08:15-09:15am & 14:45-15:45’
Outwood Road, Heald Green (North Side)
From the intersection of the western kerb line of Viscount Drive for a distance of 11 metres in a westerly direction.
Viscount Drive, Heald Green (West Side)
From the intersection of the northern kerb line of Outwood Road for a distance of 10 metres in a northerly direction.
For notification
Removal of Existing Speed Hump
Outwood Road, Heald Green
At a point, approximately 13 metres east of the eastern kerb line of Viscount Drive.
Installation of Raised Platform (20 Metres long, 7.3 metres wide & 75 millimetres high)
Outwood Road, Heald Green
Centrally at a point, approximately 11 metres east of the eastern kerb line of Viscount Drive.
Wards affected: Heald Green;
Lead officer: Nicola Ryan
Decision Maker: Cabinet Member for Parks, Highways & Transport Services
Decision published: 20/02/2024
Effective from: 27/02/2024
The Cabinet Member for Parks, Highways & Transport Services has given approval to the legal advertising of the following Traffic Regulation Orders and, subject to the receipt of no objections within 21 days of the advertisement date, the subsequent making of the orders at a cost of £750 to be funded by the Delegated Ward Budget (Heald Green ward allocation) (elements related to the Bloor Homes development will be funded from the S278).
Revocation of existing TRO Schedule
No Waiting at Any Time
Wilmslow Road, Heald Green (North West Side)
From a point 25 metres south west of its intersection with the south western kerb line of Greenway Road to a point 8.5 metres north east of the intersection with the north eastern kerbline of Greenway Road.
Greenway Road, Heald Green(Both Sides)
From its intersection with the north western kerb line of Wilmslow Road for a distance of 20 metres in a north westerly direction.
Proposed TRO Schedule
No Waiting at Any Time
Wilmslow Road, Heald Green (South East Side)
From a point 6 metres north east of the projected north easterly kerb line of Greenway Road for a distance of 83 metres in a south westerly direction.
Wilmslow Road, Heald Green (North West Side)
From a point 25 metres south west of its intersection with the south western kerb line to a point 6 metres north east of the intersection with the north eastern kerbline of Greenway Road.
Greenway Road, Heald Green (North East Side)
From a point 10 metres north west of the north western kerb line of Greenhythe Road to its intersection with the north western kerb line of Wilmslow Road.
Greenway Road, Heald Green (South West Side)
From its intersection with the north western kerb line of Wilmslow Road for a distance of 20 metres in a north westerly direction.
Greenhythe Road, Heald Green (Both Sides)
From its intersection with the north eastern kerb line of Greenway Road for a distance of 10 metres in a north easterly direction.
For Notification
Installation of Raised Platform (20 metres long, 6 metres wide & 75 millimetres high)
Greenway Road, Heald Green
Centrally at a point, approximately 18 metres west of the projected north western kerb line of Wilmslow Road.
Wards affected: Heald Green;
Lead officer: Nicola Ryan
Decision Maker: Cabinet Member for Parks, Highways & Transport Services
Decision published: 19/02/2024
Effective from: 24/02/2024
The Cabinet Member for Parks, Highways & Transport Services has given approval to the allocation of £129,503.68 of open space commuted sum, associated with the development of Meadow Mill (DC063280 / DC075521), for play provision to be split between Woodbank Park and Heaton Norris Park, as follows:-
· £91,518.57 allocated to Woodbank Park
· £37,985.11 allocated to Heaton Norris Park
Lead officer: Richard Booker
Decision Maker: Cabinet Member for Parks, Highways & Transport Services
Decision published: 19/02/2024
Effective from: 24/02/2024
The Cabinet Member for Parks, Highways & Transport Services has given approval to the allocation of £0.007m of formal sport commuted sum to Bramhall Hockey Club for improved path access to Bramhall Artificial Turf Pitch.
Lead officer: Richard Booker
Decision Maker: Cabinet Member for Parks, Highways & Transport Services
Decision published: 19/02/2024
Effective from: 24/02/2024
The Cabinet Member for Parks, Highways & Transport Services has:-
(1) Given approval to the legal advertising of the Traffic Regulation Orders as set out in Appendix A to the report and, subject to the receipt of no objections within 21 days of the advertisement date, the subsequent making of the orders to be funded from the Section 278 funds associated with the planning application for the Ludworth Primary School extension.
(2) Noted the responses provided by traffic services in relation to the issues raised at the meeting of Marple Area Committee, as outlined in the report.
Wards affected: Marple North;
Lead officer: Gillian Kidd
Decision Maker: Cabinet Member for Communities, Culture & Sport
Decision published: 12/02/2024
Effective from: 17/02/2024
The Cabinet Member for Communities, Culture and Sport has given approval to the virement of the projected underspend of £29,135 from the COVID Commemoration Fund to the Ward Flexibility Budget from 1 April 2024. Allocations will be made to Wards where projects cost less than £7,000 and be equal to the underspend against this amount. The detail is included at Appendix 1 to the report.
Lead officer: Kathryn Rees
To allocate UKSPF funding to provide a remedial solution to the main auditorium roof at Romiley Forum.
Decision Maker: Director of Development & Regeneration
Decision published: 09/02/2024
Effective from: 05/02/2024
Romiley Forum was constructed in the early 1970s, opening in 1972. The freehold of the site is owned by SMBC and there is a long leasehold granted to private owners who, in turn, have granted leases back to SMBC for the Theatre and the Flats.
The Theatre is operated by NK Theatre Arts (NKTA) who were granted a lease from SMBC in 2003 for 30 years.
RAAC has been identified in both the main auditorium roof and the lower section that sits above the community centre and foyer of the theatre. The theatre has been closed to prevent any risk to safety and to enable inspections and assessment of the repairs needed to allow NKTA to resume its arts and creative activities there
The Director of Development & Regeneration, in consultation with the Cabinet Member for Economy, Regeneration & Housing, has given approval to the allocation of £300,000 from the UKSPF Communities and Place 2023/24 monies, and any supplemental money required following more detailed work, to provide a remedial solution to the main auditorium roof at Romiley Forum.
Lead officer: Paul Richards