Issue - decisions

Debenhams Redevelopment

29/06/2022 - Debenhams Redevelopment

The Cabinet has considered a report setting out the Council’s strategy for the vacant, former Debenhams building located on the A6 in Stockport Town Centre and has:-


(1) Given approval to the funding for the preferred redevelopment option for the former Debenhams building as outlined in the above report and confidential appendices and


(2) Delegated authority to the Deputy Chief Executive and the Director of Development & Regeneration in consultation with the Cabinet Member for Economy and Regeneration to;


·         appoint a contractor and appropriate professional team as required to deliver the refurbishment works and execute any necessary letter of intent, pre-construction services agreement or other agreement, pending resolution of the final contract;

·         agree the detailed initial investment mix for the building;

·         agree the terms of occupational leases for the building;

·         take such other steps as are appropriate and necessary to implement the strategy set out in this report


(3) Delegated authority to the Strategic Head of Service (Legal and Democratic Governance) to do such things as are necessary or incidental to implementation of the above recommendations.