Issue - decisions

2022/23 Capital Strategy and Capital Programme

04/03/2022 - 2022/23 Capital Strategy and Capital Programme

The Council Meeting has given approval to:-


·         The Capital Strategy at Appendix One to the report;

·         The 2022/23 to 2024/25 Capital Programme and the funding arrangements as described in the report and set out at Appendix Two to the report; and,

·         The prudential indicators set out in Appendix Three to the report.

02/02/2022 - 2022/23 Capital Strategy and Capital Programme (LDR99/ RCG45)

The Cabinet considered the draft 2022/23 Capital Strategy and  Capital Programme, developed in accordance with the CIPFA Prudential Code, which provided a framework for the Council’s capital investment plans and recommended to the Council Meeting that it approve:-


·         The Capital Strategy at Appendix one;

·         The 2022/23 to 2024/25 Capital Programme and the funding arrangements as described in the report and set out at Appendix two; and,

·         The prudential indicators set out in Appendix three.