Issue - decisions

Covent Garden Village

20/12/2013 - Covent Garden Village - Remediation of Council Land, Construction of New Access Road/Highway Improvements and Contribution to Land Costs

The Executive Councillor (Economic Development & Regeneration) has agreed that, in order to bring forward Plot 4 of the Covent Garden Village Master Plan for development


·         the Council will work with ID4 Living (Seddon) (in accordance with the 2006 Development Agreement) to undertaken remediation work on land and to construct a new road; and,

·         the funding previously agreed by the Executive on 2nd April 2013 for the new access road, the contribution to land remediation works and land purchases, as detailed in confidential appendix 3 be made directly available to ID4 Living (Seddon) in order that they can implement the new road in conjunction with the development of Plot 4.

03/04/2013 - Covent Garden Village (EDR8)

The Executive Meeting considered an update on the delivery of the Covent Garden regeneration objectives and agreed that:


·         progress with the delivery of the Covent Garden Master Plan be noted;

·         the use of Council resources as set out in the Financial Strategy be approved;

·         the implementation of a compulsory purchases process to secure the necessary land ownerships to implement the Master Plan be approved;

·         the Service Director (Place Development) be requested to commence work to identify a preferred developer for the scheme, utilising the DPP process to deliver phases 4 and 4 of the Master Plan.


(NOTE: the report included exempt information ‘Not for Publication’ contained within its appendices that were circulated to executive councillors only)

14/11/2012 - Covent Garden (GCS/ EDR 2)

The Executive Meeting has approved the following to further the redevelopment of the Covent Garden area:-


·         the purchase of 47 Covent Garden

·         the authorisation for the Service Director (Place Development) to seek to negotiate for the remaining units within the Covent Garden flats and 78 Lower Hillgate in accordance with the detailed outlined in Confidential Appendix 2.


(Note: the report included information ‘Not for Publication’ contained within its appendices that had been circulated to executive councillors only).


20/06/2012 - Covent Garden Village Acquisitions (FIN/RGN2)

The Executive Meeting considered a proposal to acquire properties within the ‘Covent Garden Village’ as part of a residential scheme to further the vision for area, to be funded through prudential borrowing and have approved:-


·         the purchases of the properties within Covent Garden as identified in the report and accompanying plans, on the terms set out in the Confidential Appendix, and

·         the submission of an application for Greater Manchester Growing Places Funding on the terms set out in the report.


(Note: the report included information ‘Not for Publication’ contained within its appendix that had been circulated to executive councillors only)