Issue - decisions

Brownfield Land Fund

05/05/2021 - Brownfield Land Fund

The Cabinet considered an update on the Greater Manchester Brownfield Housing Fund (BHF) and those projects that had been successfully allocated funding so far, and has:-


(1) Given approval to enter into the BHF funding agreements with GMCA relating to both St Thomas and the Interchange with authority delegated to the Deputy Chief Executive, Place and the Deputy Chief Executive, Corporate & Support Services to agree the final terms of those agreements with GMCA;


(2) Given approval to enter into any necessary agreements required to receive and administer the BHF, where required, with authority delegated to the Deputy Chief Executive, Place and the Deputy Chief Executive, Corporate & Support Services to agree the final terms of those agreements;


(3) Delegated authority to the Deputy Chief Executive, Place and the Deputy Chief Executive, Corporate & Support Services take all necessary steps to bring forward the Brownfield Housing Fund supported projects;


(4) Delegated authority to the Strategic Head of Service (Legal & Democratic Governance) to do all things necessary or incidental to the implementation of the above-mentioned resolutions.