Issue - decisions

The sale of the Bredbury Civic Hall Agecroft Road Bredbury Stockport

10/02/2021 - The sale of the Bredbury Green Civic Hall, Agecroft Road, Bredbury (RCG29)

The Cabinet considered a report detailing a proposal for the disposal of Bredbury Green Civic Hall to Mosscare St. Vincent’s (member of Stockport Housing Partnership) for the development of a residential facility for people with a learning disability, and has:-


(1) Approved the conveyance of the site of the Bredbury Green Civic Hall to Mosscare St Vincent’s for the development of a residential facility approved by the Councils Adult Social Care and Strategic Housing Departments. Such disposal to be at nominal consideration having had regard to the provisions as set out in paragraph 5 of this report 


(2) Agreed that any conveyance to be subject to the grant of planning consent and any other terms which the Councils Legal Officer considers appropriate.   Such terms to include a restriction on the alternative use of the scheme.