Issue - decisions

A34 Major Road Network Corridor Improvement Plan

10/02/2021 - A34 Major Road Network Corridor Improvement Plan (E&R64)

The Cabinet considered a detailed update on the progress with developing the Stockport A34 Major Road Network Corridor Improvement Scheme and has:-


(1) Noted the findings of the consultation and agree to the further  development of the schemes as recommended in the report.


(2) Approved the approach to the development and submission of the outline business case and subsequent full business case.


(3) Delegated to the Section 151 Officer, the Corporate Director Place in consultation with Cabinet Member (Economy & Regeneration), the authority to approve the Outline Business Case and the full business  case


(4) Agreed that if funding is secured from the DfT to progress to the next stage of development that:-


(i)            Agreement be given to authorise officers to enter into negotiations with affected landowners to secure the necessary land by agreement.

(ii)          Authority be delegated to the Corporate Director Place in consultation with the Cabinet Member for Economy & Regeneration to enter into agreement with the landowners for temporary access rights and purchase the land necessary to construct the scheme.

(iii)         Agreement in principle be given to the use of CPO powers, if necessary, to acquire land and property and existing rights and interests in the proposed order land, where acquisition by agreement is not possible;

(iv)         Agreement be given to authorise officers to take all necessary steps to commence the process for the making, confirmation and implementation of a CPO, including securing the appointment of suitable external  advisors and preparing all necessary CPO documentation;

(v)          It be noted that a further report will be presented to the Cabinet to approve the making of any CPO and to confirm the extent of the order land to  be acquired following the finalisation of the necessary preparatory work.

(vi)         Approval be given for officers to develop and consult on the Traffic Regulation  Orders to support the schemes and their construction.

(vii)        Approval be given for officers develop and submit the necessary planning applications.

(viii)      Approval be given to the delegation of all matters relating to the DfT grant offer and its terms, and any implications for the Scheme and the agreement with DfT to the Corporate Director Place in consultation with the Cabinet Member Economy and Regeneration 

(ix)         Authority be delegated to the Corporate Director Place in consultation with the Cabinet Member (Economy & Regeneration) to approve the final schemes and their construction programme following  approval of the final business cases.

(x)               Approval be given for the Council underwriting the local contribution and if required, makes up the shortfall in funding.