Issue - decisions

Local Restrictions Business Support Discretionary Grants Scheme

26/10/2020 - Local Restrictions Business Support Discretionary Grants

The Cabinet Members for Resources, Commissioning & Governance and Economy & Regeneration have considered a report that confirmed that from 9 September 2020 the Government had put in place a grant scheme to support businesses that are required to close due to the implementation of localised lockdown restrictions.


The Council is required to set up and operate a grant scheme for eligible businesses that have been directed to close. There will be a scheme for businesses in the business rates system and a discretionary scheme for businesses outside of the business rates system based on an allocation of 5% of the value of the support needed for the business rates scheme.


The approach designed for the discretionary scheme takes a prudent approach to the allocation of the grant to reach as many businesses as possible while avoiding over-subscription.


The Cabinet Members for Resources, Commissioning & Governance and Economy & Regeneration have then given approval to the approach outlined in the report for the operation of a Local Restrictions Business Support Discretionary Grant Scheme.