Issue - decisions

Appointment of Councillors to Lay Wreaths at Remembrance Day Services on 8 November 2020

20/10/2023 - Appointment of Councillors to Lay Wreaths at Remembrance Day Services on 12 November 2023

The Area Committee has appointed the following Councillors to lay wreaths on Sunday, 12 November 2023:-


High Lane War Memorial – Councillor Colin MacAlister

Mellor War Memorial – Councillor Geoff Abell

Memorial Park – Councillor Steve Gribbon

Compstall War Memorial – Councillor Becky Senior

21/10/2022 - Appointment of Councillors to Lay Wreaths at Remembrance Day Services on 13 November 2022

The Area Committee has appointed the following Councillors to lay wreaths on Sunday, 13 November 2022:-


High Lane War Memorial – Councillor Shan Alexander


Mellor War Memorial – Councillor Steve Gribbon


Memorial Park – Councillor Aron Thornley


Compstall War Memorial – Councillor Malcolm Allan

22/10/2021 - Appointment of Councillors to Lay Wreaths at Remembrance Day Services on 14 November 2021

The Area Committee has appointed the following Councillors to lay wreaths on Sunday, 14 November 2021:-


High Lane War Memorial – Councillor Colin McAlister


Mellor War Memorial – Councillor Becky Senior


Memorial Park – Councillor Steve Gribbons


Compstall War Memorial – Councillor Malcolm Allan

02/10/2020 - Appointment of Councillors to Lay Wreaths at Remembrance Day Services on 8 November 2020

The Area Committee has approved the appointment of Councillors to lay wreaths at Remembrance Day Services at  Compstall, High Lane, Marple and Mellor War Memorials on Sunday 8 November 2020.  as follows:-


Compstall – Councillor Malcolm Allan


High Lane – Councillor Colin MacAlister


Marple – Councillor Tom Dowse


Mellor – Councillor Becky Senior