Issue - decisions

Planning Appeal Decision Costs Award - 175 Didsbury Road SK4 2AE

19/08/2020 - Planning Appeal Decision Costs Award - 175 Didsbury Road SK4 2AE

The Area Committee noted that the Council had received notification that an appeal against the refusal of planning permission by the Area Committee had been upheld with regard to a proposal for ‘building extension, partial conversion and change of use from Class C3 (Residential Dwelling) to Class D1 (Non –Residential Institution) pre-school and day nursery without complying with condition 17 attached to planning permission DC/062694’ at 175 Didsbury Road, Heaton Mersey; and further that a full award of costs in the appellant’s favour had been granted.


The Area Committee has therefore given approval to the allocation of £4,597.50 from the Area Committee’s Delegated Budget (£1,150.00 from Heatons South, £1,149.50 from Heatons North, £1,149.00 from Reddish South and £1,149.00 from Reddish North Ward allocations) to meet the costs associated with the appeal.