Issue - decisions

Cheadle Town Fund

08/10/2020 - Cheadle Town Fund (E&R48)

The Cabinet considered an update on the Cheadle Towns Fund, including the background, progress to date and the next steps and has given approval to the delegation of authority to the Deputy Chief Executive (Place) and the Deputy Chief Executive (Corporate & Support Services), in consultation with the Cabinet Members Economy and Regeneration and for Resources, Commissioning & Governance to:


·         take all necessary steps to support the Cheadle Town Board to develop and implement the Cheadle Town Investment Plan, the subsequent Town Deal, and the Accelerated Towns Fund projects, reporting back as necessary and appropriate to the Cabinet;

·         enter into contracts, procurement and funding agreements, as required, to develop and implement the Cheadle Town Investment Plan, and if successful, enter into a Town Deal with MHCLG, and deliver the Accelerated Towns Fund projects; and

·         subject to MHCLG approval, receive and administer Towns Fund monies, on behalf of the Cheadle Town Board, in respect of the Cheadle Town Investment Plan and Accelerated Towns Fund projects.