Issue - decisions

Road Safety around Schools - The Fairway

06/11/2019 - Road Safety around Schools - The Fairway

The Area Committee considered the outcome of a further public consultation on proposals for additional road calming measures on The Fairway, Offerton and agreed that:-


(1)          the outcome of the consultation exercise be noted;


(2)          the scheme measures as shown on drawing no. D/0305/2400/001-02 and the additional proposals as shown in Drawing No. D/0305-32/2400/001-01 be approved forimplementation as funding allows;


(3)          approval be given to the legal advertising of the following Traffic Regulation Order and subject to no objections being received within 21 days from the advertisement date the Orders being made:


Revocation Of ‘No Waiting, Monday – Friday, 8.15 – 9am, 3.00 – 3.45pm School Term Time Only’


The Fairway, Offerton – North west side


From a point 14.5 metres north-east of the projected north-easterly kerbline of Dovedale Road at its northern junction for a distance of 42.5 metres in a north-easterly direction.


The Fairway, Offerton – South east side


From a point 13 metres north-east of the projected north-easterly kerbline of Radford Close for a distance of 134 metres in a north-easterly direction.


Proposed ‘No Waiting, Monday – Friday, 8.15 – 9am, 3.00 – 3.45pm’


The Fairway, Offerton – North west side


From a point 14.5 metres north-east of the projected north-easterly kerbline of Dovedale Road at its northern junction for a distance of 59.5 metres in a north-easterly direction.


The Fairway, Offerton – South east side


From a point 13 metres north-east of the projected north-easterly kerbline of Radford Close for a distance of 143.5 metres in a north-easterly direction.