Issue - decisions

Ward Flexibility Funding - Chelwood Foodbankplus

17/12/2018 - Ward Flexibility Funding - Chelwood Foodbankplus

The Area Committee has given approval to the award of a grant of £500 from  the Ward Flexibility Budget (Cheadle Hulme South ward allocation) to Chelwood Foodbankplus towards the cost of items of stock in advance of the rollout of Universal Credit.

12/12/2018 - Ward Flexibility Funding - Chelwood Foodbankplus

The Area Committee has approved Ward Flexibility Funding of £1,000 to be funded as follows:-


Cheadle Hulme North Ward - £500

Heald Green Ward - £500


The Cheadle Hulme North Ward Councillors have agreed to an additional contribution of £250 should this be required.

12/12/2018 - Area Flexibility Funding - Chelwood Foodbankplus

The Area Committee made an award of £500 from the Area Flexibility Fund to Chelwood Foodbankplus as a contribution toward preparations for the roll-out of Universal Credit.