Issue - decisions

Estate & Asset Management- Future Arrangements post Carillion liquidation

19/12/2018 - Estate & Asset Management- Future Arrangements post Carillion liquidation (R&G20)

The Cabinet considered proposals for a new service delivery model for Estate and Asset Management functions following the liquidation of Carillion PLC, who had previously been part of the Council’s Strategic Property Partnership, and agreed that:


·         the proposed approach for Estate and Asset Management be approved, to be supported by niche supplier commissioning as required on a project by project basis, to include additional temporary support for remediation works to deal with back log;


·         the new service to include:

-    an in-house estates team

-    a dedicated schools estates team

-    a small Design and Technical team

-    a Facilities Management and Asset Management client team


·         in line with the existing scheme of delegation the procurement of a Facilities and Asset Management supplier be undertaken, with a contract to commence with effect from 1 July 2019 and authority be delegated to the Deputy Chief Executive and Cabinet member with portfolio responsibility for the contract area to procure, finalise and agree the terms of the contract and any subsequent call-off contracts.


(Note: the report contained information ‘not for publication’ in its appendices that have been circulated to cabinet members only)