Issue - decisions

Treasury Management Annual Report 2017/18

17/09/2018 - Treasury Management Annual Report 2017/18

The Council Meeting has:-


(1) Approve the actual 2017/18 prudential and treasury indicators detailed in the report.


(2) Noted the annual treasury management report for 2017/18.


(3) Noted that no fundamental changes had been made during 2017/18 to the Treasury Management Policy Statement and Practices approved at the Council Meeting on 14 September 2017.

18/07/2018 - Treasury Management Annual Report 2017/18 (LDR67)

The Cabinet considered the Annual Report of the Council’s Treasury Management function in 2017/18 and recommended to the Council Meeting that it


·         approve the actual 2017/18 prudential and treasury indicators in the report;

·         note the annual treasury management report for 2017/18;

·         note that no fundamental changes had been made during 2017/18 to the Treasury Management Policy Statement and Practices approved at the Council meeting on 14 September 2017, but that these would be fully reviewed in light of the requirements of the revised CIPFA Codes published in December 2017 and reported to councillors later in 2018/19.