Issue - decisions

Stockport Interchange

13/06/2018 - Stockport Interchange (E&R26)

The Cabinet considered revised proposals for a mixed-use Transport Interchange scheme in Stockport Town Centre that would also aim to deliver a new green park and high quality residential development and agreed that:-


·         approval be given to proceed with the mixed-use development scheme outlined above to the point of submission of a planning application;

·         in-principle approval be given to the ‘patient equity’ investment of up to £5.0m in the residential element of the overall mixed-use Interchange scheme (to be matched by an equal contribution from the GMCA) subject to further work on the detail of the structure of proposed funding and delivery model;

·         a contribution to the transport Interchange element of the scheme being made from contingencies in the Local Growth Deal programme be noted; and

·         the Corporate Director for Place Management & Regeneration and the Borough Treasurer, in consultation with the Leader of the Council and the Cabinet Members for Economy & Regeneration and Communities & Housing, be authorised to progress the development of the scheme, and any delivery model, subject to further approvals being sought for any expenditure not authorised in this report.